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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I wouldn't take such a flawed article as consensus. I think this line gives a pretty good indication how stupid the article is, not to mention the flawed conclusion drawn from the argument, which can be paraphrased like this: "A 128 kbps mp3 of a live show sounds bad compared to the lossless version, so that makes mp3s of all compressions sound bad and that we shouldn't be listening to music in the mp3 format!" Sorry, but that's a bad article, especially in light of all of the studies out there that shows that most people cannot distinguish between a 192 kbps mp3 and lossless, and it's dubious whether any human is capable of making that distinction.
  2. I felt like that was a cop-out by Nintendo to decrease how massive the world could become.
  3. You should play some stuff off of BGC's Impostor Nostalgia - that album is great! I hopefully will tune in tomorrow
  4. Hey, I'd have preferred this question be asked of me by PM, but my answer still stands - it's just too late in the process with all the stuff we have to do in the background on the staff-side unfortunately.
  5. Some more unfortunate news - Dr. Manhattan lost all his project files, so he has to withdraw from the project . On a more positive note though, it is looking strongly like we're going to be able to have all or most of the tracks in by the end of August! I've been contacting people around, and the album has been developing quite nicely. I'm getting pretty excited over how some of the tracks are looking like Moseph's and Mozzaratti's. Darangen did a pretty solid job with The Prophet as well.
  6. Let's not veer too far offtopic here. We're going to get the music out to you, you all don't need to worry about it. It'll come, and you'll enjoy it immensely . This is my fault and a perfect storm of problems & oversight, so we're working hard to rectify the mistakes made.
  7. Sorry to disappoint . There's a lot of unique issues that have come up with this album that needed to be addressed, and we're working hard to get this done as soon as possible.
  8. Indeed, I did rip off the old title to your mix for the thread name, but there is a pattern to the bosses I've been listing the past few days - they are in the order you face them in Sigma's fortress.
  9. Well, it looks like there are a lot of last minute surprises due to some file mishandling - we will be pushing release back into early March unfortunately. I take responsibility for missing the date we were shooting for here . Hopefully this next time is a charm! (Releasing now in the year 21XX!)
  10. Double checked with the album on my computer - Premonition is a completely different song. It's a mix of Prophecy. Edit: Looks like Brycepops figured it out. That's a weird quirk.
  11. I can't believe I missed this considering I've listened to this doujin album before. It does make me question whether he did the other music though.
  12. There was a file on the site that was supposed to prevent the site from being indexed and Google decided not to play by the rules and index it anyway. A bit annoying, but it's all moot since the album is going to come out soon anyway. OCRE found it much earlier, and I wouldn't be surprised if a few other enterprising people did too. I've accepted it though.
  13. I think the Mega Man complaints are a bit ridiculous. And I'm someone who would absolutely love a new MMX game. Capcom will make a new game when it so pleases. Until then I'm not worrying about fantasies and trying to demand they be fulfilled.
  14. If we ever do a physical printing, then it will be given away for free, not ever for purchase - we don't do that here due to the legal liabilities and that we prefer to distribute most of the music for free.
  15. Funny something like this should pop up - I was thinking just yesterday about a remix album about a best of the Tales series, although that's for the distant future. Sakuraba certainly has produced some great music. As with everyone, I wish you luck and feel free to PM me with any questions!
  16. Why would I do that? Edit: Also a bit of surprise, what I posted wasn't the final version of the artwork. I'll just save the final version for when the album is out though . I know I'm a tease!
  17. I liked the slider too - I wonder why we went away from it. OCR V6 is in the works anyway, so the site will get an overhaul at some point (hopefully this year?). I'll just say that I love the new site design, it's shaping up really nicely. Now if only we could get our blogs...
  18. We're actually slowing down the release schedule for albums to put less pressure on staff - the past several albums have been stretching some of staff thin so we want to ease it up going forward so everything is still good for them and so we can fit in progress towards the site, their music, and just a general relaxing of the mind in between. For the most part, we want it to be an album a month, although I'm sure there's room for exceptions if needbe. It's also better for the albums since they have prolonged periods of exposure on the front page. In particular with MR, this is a huge album. Final prep has been going on for a while, partly because there was a file mixup while I was gone and some files got lost or some other random problem or task would come up. We are almost done this time though. I'm so glad that we're able to finally push this out, it has been too long.
  19. The Valentine's Day ring sounds hilarious
  20. We're getting so close to being release ready, I can almost taste it!
  21. Well, if we're gonna c/p Facebook posts on it, I might as well c/p mine: I refuse to think of today as Valentine's Day or Single Awareness Day - it is a day of love like any other day should be, so keep your heads up and remember the big picture in life.
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