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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I like Peter's works quite a lot, and this song is no exception - it is short and merry, with a bit of heavier emphasis on the beats, which is characteristic of his work in general. The beginning of the song throws you off for a bit with the spacey sound of the synths, but the piano dominates so quickly in a calm seductive fashion that you don't have much time to take in that shock. The ending is a bit jarring but similarly quick and somehow painless. I think for how the song is crafted, the quick changes sound minimal in comparison to other situations like loud rock & metal songs, where the listener generally becomes more dissatisfied with such techniques - I find that interesting personally. Nice job by melody and I hope he goes back to making more music sometime soon!
  2. I'm loving what I hear from Dj Mystix - this guy is gold, and the sound of the sweet lead synth guitar & lead synth only serves to bring that point home. I think the song could have been even more enhanced with the addition of a real guitar and some more organic instrumentation, but I do love what's there and appreciate it greatly. A lot of the sounds in the song seem to evoke pacific islands like Sumatra to mind for me, a nice islandic (is that even a word?) party. I want more!
  3. A nice mix of the iconic town theme - it turns a bit partyesque about midway through. I would have loved it to shift gears and go full out party mode as a song, but I can see why it doesn't do anything radical like that as part of the album. What's here is solid, fairly conservative, and a nice chiptune hybrid that's characteristic in a lot of ways of what to expect from Ben, although on the tamer side.
  4. Anti-Syne seems to be attracted to a more minimal style I'm seeing with each mix, and this mix is an amusing example of that, complete with voice clips that do sound almost Mortal Kombatesque as djp pointed out. Keep up the good work!
  5. Call me crazy, but I actually like this mix from the MM9 album more than Sixto's other one. This song really does remind me of the likes of Judas Priest and Gamma Ray (who may have been paying a homage to Priest) at the beginning of the song with how it kicks off. I absolutely love the execution here as a power metal nut, it really would fit nicely as an instrumental on a Gamma Ray or HammerFall album I think, Juan just knows how to rock hard at a high level.
  6. This has a nice calm feel to it, almost cathartic. Andrew's vocals have a weird quality to the recording to me here, could it be the mic setup? I love it in the beginning when they're used in the background - he has a surprisingly good voice and it's used to good effect in the song. Deia does a great job here too, which isn't so surprising considering the song was built for her it seems. The acoustic guitar and keys really help set the stage for the light relaxing slow summertime feel. I like it a lot, great job by the second judge couple!
  7. Talk about a dark rock/metal mix here - it doesn't go full on heavy mode, but it takes on a slower methodical yet constant pace. It's a bit on the simple side IMO, I would have liked to see a little more changing up from the pace and doing something more. The song sounds solid though, and I'd like to hear more from the duo in the future!
  8. Well, this is an interesting take. My thought is that this is a pretty nicely arranged song, but the lead lower end chip sound gives it a little more of a cheesier feel to the song - it works in a way, but it also is different from what you might expect from a porn groovish song since the lead chip stands out and is higher pitched than what you expect from a smooth groove. Ignoring the gripe, the song stands out as something fresh and different. The Ben & Drew duo have proven to be quite prolific and this chip hybrid is just one of many unique songs in their arsenal.
  9. Well, this is a bit of a changeup for Joshua here - the emphasis on the beat is stronger in this more electronic funkish take than a lot of his other tracks. It's still an enjoyable listen. In particular, I like the transitions between the beat-centric portions with the more smooth grooves you see with the keyboard led funk. The interplay there keeps me engaged and sets up the song for bigger things. Solid song by Morse as usual!
  10. Not sure how I feel about the style employed - it seems to evoke thoughts of old western movies, but not quite. The song feels underdeveloped to me, but that might have to do with many songs back then - not my cup on tea on that front and I wish more was done personally there. Otherwise, the song appears to be well crafted with the instrumentation and their usage. I love that guitar and the synthetic organ appearance in particular. Hope to hear more from Makke in the future!
  11. I think that's enough piling on here . Cody's response was all that was needed to be said.
  12. An ethereal track, Shaun does a nice job evoking a dark & sad atmosphere with the strings and the xylophone-like instrument (not sure what it actually is). The vocals, while sampled or synthesized, do a nice job in helping create that ethereal feel. Just a well put song altogether!
  13. So I won't be on until Tuesday at earliest - on via 4G tethered internet until then unfortunately.
  14. This has a nice trip hoppish feel, but on the lighter side with the beats. sci does a good job here creating a relaxing song.
  15. I got to see the GSO perform this at the Smithsonian American Art Museum about two months back - this is a nice medley, although the playing is not perfect in this recording. It's enjoyable to listen to for something different IMO.
  16. This is a nice light/quaint upbeat song that is nice to listen to in the background while doing other things. Andrew did a nice job here in keeping it focused throughout with the usage of a soft synths, acoustic guitar, softer drum kit, strings, Deia's vocals (?) , and piano.
  17. Good percussion going on here - that's the meat & potatoes of the song I feel and everything else accentuates that IMO. Overall, I think the song is an interesting ethnic hybrid that does a solid job.
  18. This song gets me pretty motivated, so much so that it's my cellphone alarm: Some songs can enhance my emotions, but that's getting rarer.
  19. This is some good stuff - a good mix of high energy orchestration, synths, and rocking guitars & drums. This definitely sounds like it could belong in a movie for a montage of high action stuff. Good job you two!
  20. Now here's a professionally produced piece of trance that would fit onto any trance album compilation/setlist without much of an issue commercially. Mike put together a formidable traditional trance song that works nicely with the source, well done!
  21. Dustin has a great punk style to his songwriting, and while this song eases up on the punk some, this still kicks ass. I think there is some room for clarity with the guitars that would help the song achieve more of an effect - they're not as crisp as they need to be for this style I think.
  22. Stellar stuff here from blackguitar - love what he has done with this song here, it really feels like a huge song. His Metroid Prime track here on OCR impressed the hell out of me, and this track is no exception, only upping the expectations. I only wish it was even longer to make it an even crazier prog metal effort!
  23. This has TheGuitahHeroe's trademark happy synths written all over it! It's a fun song, a bit on the thin side but having been made primarily for a competition with quick turnaround times, I can understand that. A nice part about this song is that it's built for looping quite nicely, so you can keep the happy bubbly feeling going indefinitely. Good work here!
  24. This is a pretty sweet take on the Aquatic Ambiance, even being conservative. Great job by Jesse here that remains sweet to listen to even 8 years later!
  25. Mattias laid out a fun track here. My only real gripe is that it seems a bit directionless/repetitive to me, but that's not a huge problem due to the fun nature. I think Mattias has improved greatly since this track to his credit though, so it's nice to see how he has progressed along the way.
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