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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Oh, guess its been a while since we've actually voted to go to pacman heh. Also more custom maps! I've requested cp_warpath, and I'm sure there are a bunch of others that'd be nice to add.
  2. Pacman is only set for 20 minutes or so, so it goes by quickly - one option could be to reduce the time even further to 15 minutes so it'd be effectively 10-15 minutes for the most part.
  3. Honestly, I'm hoping it's out before April - I ship out to boot camp April 4th, so I wouldn't be able to help with last minute details/promotion. There's no guarantee either way about dates though, as some albums have been waiting for months (Sonic and Pokemon come to mind). So it looks like a few people will be a little late in getting finished tracks into early January, which isn't ideal but it will have to do. On the plus side we will see them finished, some people who many haven't heard of so I definitely want to see them on board. It seems like there's going to be some wavs coming in the next day or two, which was unavoidable on retrospect. Lastly, Vurez sent me a wav for Sting Chameleon tonight! There's a lot of goodness, and you'll all get to enjoy it with the rest of the tracks in a few months! Just try not to spill any drool while listening to these tracks when it comes out .
  4. Two Aprils ago, we met the goal of over $5000 in donations for the Support OCR month drive, but those months aren't exactly typical months. Dave probably could say more on more typical donation patterns.
  5. Lots of free music dropping these days it seems - will listen throughout the week!
  6. I'm surprised it took so long for someone to do a song as a gift given the community! Here's some pictures from the glorious gift that NeoForte sent me! (FedEx no less - it wasn't necessary but it was a pleasant surprise!) I apologize in advance if the pictures stretch the horizontal scroll. A gift! What could be inside? A Stylophone? What manner of electronic instrument is this? This thing is pretty fun to play once you figure things out - the best $20 gift I've ever received! I'm definitely bringing it to MAGFest for people's amusement, and perhaps some others will think of novel uses for it in songs. Random cat basking on the floor. Thanks NeoForte! Edit: Holy crap they did stretch the forums. I'll put in resized versions. Edit #2: Done!
  7. Haha I was wondering what the heck was going on in that video until you unwrapped the gift wrap. Looking forward to seeing you tackle 6-2 & 6-3
  8. I was worried there, since I'm told that the overflow hotel is completely booked at this point as far as the MAGFest rates go. Good to hear!
  9. If you want more, Teh Donut is looking for a room that'll take 4 more people (him and his friends) & is willing to split costs.
  10. I'm going to start PMing people to check up on the status of some of the stuff tomorrow.
  11. I thought that was pretty obvious but I guess if nobody played the game they wouldn't know the music.
  12. I said to him this morning already, but happy birthday again! I hope your day is full of untz untz
  13. I was confused at first, since I remember Rozo saying he was doing a DKC 2 song, and yet the first song on the album was one on A Bell is Tolling/Still of the Night from Secret of Mana! It reminded me of this mix, and how the sources seem to result in some beautiful takes on them. I absolutely love Nutritious for covering Greensleeves - it is a personal favorite melody of mine due to it having a medieval flavor & dramatic aspect to it, and he did a unique take on it. Lastly, thank you everyone for your efforts on this on a short notice! I hope you all have a merry Christmas and enjoy your day for the time you've given to all of us with the music!
  14. What if we want all of those cupcakes?
  15. ...well, in a couple of hours anyhow. Many of us should be busy though, so in advance (hopefully) of the festivities, merry Christmas to all on OCR! May good shine upon the everyone's hearts!
  16. The gift got here yesterday - I will post pictures a little later, it's a pretty cool little thing.
  17. There's nothing set in stone last I heard - there's still 5 albums queued up currently, and that doesn't include others in the pipeline.
  18. The album has a minimalistic sound to it, which is nice. It also reminds me a lot of older music, like Fantastic Robotique has parts that would make me want to dance some swing. The remixes are nice takes on the tracks as well. Overall a nice album and quite curious considering some of the other music zircon has put out there.
  19. It's probably to punish EA/former Infinity Ward employees by making them spend money on the lawsuit. Since they joined EA, it wouldn't be surprising to see them make a competitor to the Call of Duty games, so there's a larger stake at play here being the market share of the military FPS market.
  20. He didn't forget - I asked him myself
  21. Man, everyone is hungry to know when each album will be released. You'll get to enjoy this soon enough, don't worry! In the interim just enjoy the music that comes out! (like the RAR album)
  22. I was dealing with something else at the time - done. Kotick is unscrupulous because he & the company he runs has financial incentive to. It's the product of business & the scale of business.
  23. I'm not sure when the release will be, but it will be before April I hope before I ship out to boot camp. It could be that the first preview track was clipped from an mp3. I don't remember when I did each one so it's hard to say. The guitar isn't a sample though, that's him playing
  24. They're the same one! It was done by ansgaros of DoD fame, who did a stellar job on it. Here's a few songs he did: http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/08-09-Superhero_Games/01-ansgaros-X-Men%20vs.%20Street%20Fighter,%20Marvel%20Super%20Heroes-Cyclops%20and%20Storm%20Lose,%20Juggernaut%20Wins-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/08-07-Free_Month/01-ansgaros-Kage-Fall%20of%20Garuda-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/08-05-Gradius/03-ansgaros-Lifeforce,%20Gradius%202-Dangerous%20Territory-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/08-12M7-Sidescroller_Month/09-ansgaros-Journey%20to%20Silius,%20Batman,%20Bionic%20Commando,%20Werewolf-To%20Reminisce%20is%20to%20Relive-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/09-03-Ys_Month/ZZ-ansgaros-Y's%203%20Wanderers%20from%20Y's-Five-Finger%20Discount-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/09-07-Password_Games/02-ansgaros-Castlevania%20Bloodlines-Prepare%20for%20Death-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/10-06-Free_Month/09-ansgaros-Lords%20of%20Thunder-Fire%20and%20Stuff-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/09-08-Free_Month/05-ansgaros-Dragon%20Saber-Ice%20Hole-DoD.mp3 Edit: I should also mention that Cyril gave me a wav for the Opening track from X3.
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