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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Man I can't wait until the end of October so I can hear the 100% final product (I'm stuck out by Camp Lejeune for infantry training - been sleeping out in the field for the past week while doing fun stuff like firing an M16A4 at night, throwing hand grenades, and firing a rocket & grenade launcher). I'm happy with the final priduct though - we got a kickass album on our hands that is sure to rock your world! There is a lot of great work done by everyone, so much thanks to all for bearing with me & Emunator, who also deserves much credit, as well as my greatest appreciation, for being able to pick up with what I have not been in the position to do. Like zyko, I'm going to make the bold claim that it is one of the strongest albums to come from the community yet, but I'll let you all be the judge of that when it hits .
  2. Did Rexy miss the p Regardless, happy birthday Stevo!
  3. Man, I've been out of the loop for so long - TF2 is now free to play? Any additions to TF2 I've missed out otherwise like maps? I probably won't be playing again until 2 months later or so after SOI in Camp Lejeune, NC.
  4. This is a pretty fun to listen to WIP - out of curiosity, what more are the Plaid Muffins planning on adding to it?
  5. So a source is open! is a pretty great source IMO and it is honestly the song that really has me enamored with the soundtrack, moreso than the awesome battle themes. Of course, this only means that anyone who chooses to take the source has to be able to produce something amazing out of it, I expect no less!And here's a random midirip + drums I found on YouTube of the source:
  6. Hey everyone, I didn't forget this album project! I'm still a little off from my warped sleep & eating habits after coming back from boot camp, but it looks like some progress is happening, albeit a little slowly. Several people are quite busy currently, but should free up in the upcoming months to complete their tracks & shift progress further in the right direction. I hope to see some more progress when I get back from School of Infantry 2 months later! Lufia 2's music seems to be bringing out a certain character from the rearrangements on the project that is distinct compared to a lot of music out on the site, so I'm looking quite forward to seeing more of the end product within the next half a year. It's promising yet another great album with a unique flair to it! Edit: And speak of the devil, I get another wav in today courtesy of redshojin!
  7. Indeed, it feels great to be back! Although using a computer again is still a bit of foreign territory to me... But man, the album is sounding even better with the mastered tracks! It's so tempting to let everyone hear it but then that'd be no fun without an official release . You all got a taste of Washudoll's Boomer Kuwanger track in that little preview DrewGourley posted, but little do you all know that the album as a whole is quite breathtaking and dare I say different from what might be expected.
  8. I got to hear everything today - it is sounding sexy! It's pretty much ready to go minus a few minor issues with the album version I listened to. Some tracks got some excellent updates & there's a few more tracks than originally planned before I left for boot camp. You'll all love the album once it makes it past eval for release!
  9. Hey everyone! I'm not able to spend much time to check everything out so far as my liberty is almost up and I'm still here at Parris Island, but I'm finally a Marine after almost 5 months! I've gotten a bunch of updates from Amy during my stay here and relished hearing about stuff, although I've probably missed a crapton of stuff everyone has been doing during that time. The journey to becoming a Marine was long and at some times arduous. Pain was a regular tool of discipline, and discipline is a big part of the Marine Corps, moreso than any other military branch. I didn't get a letter from Will (Dyne) for some strange reason, but I got Jade's letter - it's silly for me to respond to it in writing though seeing as I'm going to be back so soon and in my current platoon we never really got much free time to write letters anyway. I'll probably give some more thorough updates, including some tales of boot camp this weekend when I finally will get to use my own laptop on my own time again. For now, take this as a confirmation that all is well and I'll be back to tell more soon enough! (and check up on project statuses )
  10. Dyne will handle the endgame duties - I already briefed him on everything that needs to be done so we shouldn't be missing a beat here.
  11. Level 99 thinks it might be aossf.bin that's causing it (for Saturn music playback). Did you try djp's suggestion to try to get around the problem?
  12. Vurez's diversity of styles continues to surprise me. Hard not to like this ethnic & fun take on the famous source.
  13. I will not say anything more on the release date. That date is up to us when the material is completed & OCR, and the speculation/prodding for a date is quite distasteful. All I will say is that we are closing in on the finish line here with almost all the tracks done. I will not be around to see the release of the album as I lose contact with everyone in one week due to shipping out to boot camp.
  14. Happy birthday you three, hope it's a good Friday .
  15. I'd say it might be worth taking a loot into Beat Hazard and Audiosurf as well for how they integrate any piece of music into the gameplay.
  16. Hey just so you know, you can edit/delete any posts of yours you aren't happy about :)

  17. Keep this crap out of a damn review thread. If you want to go on a rant about the judging standards, feel free to make a thread in Community. It has no place in a thread on the song itself though and the artist has nothing to do with it. As for the song itself, it does sound dated a bit production-wise, but that's not too surprising considering it's 4-5 years old. I like it though, a mix of the much loved gym leader battle song from Red/Blue!
  18. I was told Sony rendered a fix for them, but haven't looked it up myself.
  19. I want to pick this up sometime, I know some people in the community have been oogling over it on Facebook.
  20. ...Requesting the IPs of everyone who watched a video? Just watching a video doesn't incriminate them nor justifies Google handing IPs over .
  21. Why not try it again? I know I personally had very little framerate problems, and that koth_lakeside had massive problems on maybe 1/4th - 1/3rd of a area of the map even with an upgraded computer.
  22. Other than the optimization problems, loved koth_lakeside. Didn't realize those maps were added to the official list now - is the maplist for voting adjusted to account for that? Nightfall and Frontier aren't bad too, but we've played them quite a bit before. Also can we get Cashworks added to the server again http://www.gamebanana.com/maps/69298 ? I'm not sure we played rc2, have we? I don't really remember having much framerate problems with the map, certainly nothing nearly as bad as that one side of lakeside.
  23. Oh hey a Trisection WIP! The first thing I notice is the production is in need of work. Aside from the massive clipping, the drums need a lot of work. There isn't enough low end there it seems, and the kit sounds weird due to it not having that oomph. There seems to be a lot going on at a few moments and it can be dizzying with the way they are mixed together. There are probably other things I'm missing here, but that's just on a superficial listen.
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