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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I think Obtuse might be heading that direction as well.
  2. Would've liked to see another wav come in today, but I guess I'll have to settle for getting in Dr. Manhattan's today.
  3. End of the month is the absolute final deadline.
  4. Also would like to add: DS Games: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks - $12 shipped Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals - $15 shipped
  5. Out of curiosity, what do the numbers by the name mean? Also offering more stuff: 2 Wii MotionPlus attachments - $5 each + shipping ($2 shipping each or if one person buys both, $2 for the whole thing) Wii Games: New Super Mario Bros. Wii - $22 shipped Okami - $12 shipped MadWorld (sealed) - $7 shipped Metroid Prime: Trilogy - $42 shipped Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - $17 shipped 360 Games: Mass Effect (non-collectors edition) - $12 shipped Eternal Sonata (opened but never played) - $17 shipped CD: Seiken Densetsu 3 OSV - $40 shipped
  6. Oh wow didn't see this coming! Congrats and I hope you have a nice longlasting & good marriage!
  7. Err correction, the 6th (it was my mistake) - just one more day for people to salivate until they get to hear the music
  8. There's a date...but when it'll be, that's not for me to spoil .
  9. Nice set of deals today - KotoR for $2.50 again, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition for $2.50, Beat Hazard for $2.50. I picked up the Peggle one for myself for $5.
  10. I have heard that guy's work, but I never tapped him for guitars though. Spark Mandrill was done by Ergosonic for the album, who is absolutely sick - here are a few other songs he has done: http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/10-10-Forest_Month/02tie-Ergosonic-CT-Continua-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/09-12M8-Free_Month/06-Zoola,%20Ergosonic-Kirby's%20Adventure-You%20Can%20Call%20Me%20Roy%20G.%20Biv-DoD.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/09-09-Rareware_Games/01-Ergosonic-Donkey%20Kong%20Country%202-Essence%20of%20the%20Woodlands-DoD.mp3 Earlier this year, he also did a song with Zylance (he did guitars) for a contest I ran for this album: http://bahamutwc.com/Files/Caution!%20Rouge%20Robots.mp3
  11. It's interesting listening to this mix again after hearing WillRock's more recently stuff. Will's production really stepped up since this song (it's night and day with the drums for example). The arrangement itself is pretty solid though, and makes this a good listen still.
  12. Patience guys! Having heard a lot of the tracks already, I gotta say that I can't wait for this to hit though, it's fantastic so far.
  13. bLiNd is. More news, Dominic Ninmark sent me a delicious wav for the X1 & X3 Cast Roll tracks. He is also tackling Blizzard Wolfgang with some female vocals to accompany it. Look sharp, as we have about a month to go! You'll probably see me posting roughly once or twice a day until the end of December due to the # of wavs left to come in - I'm assuming a relatively even spread of when wavs come in of course, although my gut tells me that I'm going to get a flood of wavs closer to the end of December. Some of you more astute project stalkers may have noticed that the tracklist has morphed in a stealth manner over time. Throughout the course of the project, various people have dropped & changed tracks, or in some cases did not respond to any communications. In any case, the current tracklisting is pretty close to what is likely to be the final list. It is possible that a few more people don't make the final deadline. It's also possible that we add a few more tracks so stay tuned!
  14. Hey, let's keep away from too much talk about Hedgehog Heaven here - this thread is for the Sound of Speed. That said, I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised by this album. It's quite a good listen.
  15. Send another email to submissions with the corrections.
  16. I think that bill is disgusting too, although this thread might not be the place to talk about it.
  17. As I mentioned in my comments in the mixpost, I was quite surprised with what Nutritious has been able to accomplish with this song. It builds up nicely and clearly uses the short source in an inventive fashion. I can imagine myself on a ship sailing with this song playing in a video.
  18. Not only that - it's just negative attention for just about no real monetary gain. There are a few instances of these companies out there going after people like Square and Chrono Resurrection, but Square has legitimate interests in porting older games to newer media as it makes a large part of their revenue I'd wager.
  19. I didn't expect this much outright hostility (you're not the only one Xenon), so I'm going to put out front a few of my thoughts out there. 1. I'm sick of seeing a lot of poorly directed projects - this goes for a large majority (but certainly not all). Some current directors have some outstanding issues from taking over some of the poorly handled projects & I have offered assistance in many ways whether it be recruiting in directly contacting people or connecting others who might have time or advice. I've found much of the advice ignored in many instances (generally speaking, not just older projects) until after a long time later (1+ year), if at all, in which people realize I was completely right, or in one case, one person co-directing a project agreeing with my advice (& came to the same conclusion independently but glad to have it verified by me) but was ignored by his co-directors. This observation isn't even from a short period of time - this trend has been here for quite a long time. If people don't want to see others accomplishing getting successful ones done, then perhaps they should vent their anger towards people who can't or have been unwilling to make the decisions they need to to get theirs complete since these album projects are as much a communal accomplishment as individual. I've waited long enough in seeing them try to accomplish & people complain about those who actually succeed and want to see that success diminished in favor of waiting...for what? For people keeping on starting new album projects with little idea what they're doing and continuing the cycle which has created the whole mess in the first place? I'm going to be honest here - I think it's out of line given the comparative pushback on the real problems, especially when I've offered my assistance for many of them in private. I certainly almost never see this type of pushback towards all the others when there are many cases where it's more deserved. 2. If people are so worried about breather or whatever they want to insert as a frankly arbitrary reason, they should keep in mind that the community is getting continually larger, and that will result in more people participating in all aspects of the site. Albums also come out all of the time period, and if one wants to take that line of argument, one might argue there's too much music out there period, which I think is hogwash. If one is willing to put an onus on me for the increased music creation rate from projects, I believe it should be placed equally strongly on others to move things along better, as part of the logjam is from older projects finally completing after taking their sweet time. I don't see others caring too much about that & just glad when they become released, so why single me out of all people? Because I am willing & do put a lot of time & effort in something I genuinely love that I honestly cannot say is matched by too many? 3. Is there also that much dislike for having new music available? Sure, the music doesn't have to be in the form of an album project, but there are obvious reasons for why they have become popular choices, and on more than one occasion it has brought new people into the community - Lufia 2 for example helped bring Dr. Manhattan around to subbing to OCR, and I can name others who have had confidence raised through my efforts. Some have improved markedly with help from others and me, which is another big reason I like running album projects - I like seeing people improve, and it helps almost all parties involved learn. They also help people network & become more comfortable as a part of the community. I could probably go on but I think some people already have their mind made up about things & haven't considered the circumstances of the broader situation. It seems with all of this somewhat irrational pushback, I will hold off, but I'm disappointed with the disproportionate attitude in general.
  20. I found it amusing when WillRock told me earlier that people jumped on him for a perceived wrong note that bothered some people, although it didn't bother either of us (and of course he liked it). But more relevantly, this is a well done song, albeit short. It has a snazzy feel to it which is something I'd consider almost trademark WillRock.
  21. From what I understand, the plan is for Link's Awakening next whenever the background stuff gets done, but after then things get a bit fuzzy as far as what albums come next. There is currently a backlog of albums to be released, which is a first on this scale. I'm not sure that will ever change considering how many album projects on OCR get started. But I digress - if I had to guess, it'd be January, but I wouldn't place a bet on release time.
  22. I don't think this is the first time a takedown of websites has happened, but this is something I'd keep a cautious eye on of course. OCR isn't a site considered in the same vein as those that gotten taken down. We don't host commercially sold content. We're a pretty open fansite with much positive media attention that has even been mentioned in industry events in such a light. I don't think comparing us with those sites is even close.
  23. I'm going to toss my vote in for Espernet - in two days of trying Freenode, I've come upon issues on both days whether it is connecting or timing out despite the connection being just fine. I've not had those issues while on Espernet for the most part in a year's use.
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