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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. What is this? A gift? And a wonderful letter! OH GOD FIRERY RAGE! Many thanks to Cash for the great gift & heartwarming letter!
  2. I've heard good things about that game!
  3. There's the OCR suite for $50/night! Message me if you're interested
  4. I snagged a 32 GB card afterwards - I didn't realize how pitifully small the 4 GB card was that the Vita came with was going to be. In fact, I wasn't expecting for that crap. But...I'm kinda amazed by the selection of titles on the PS Store. Sony really did a piss poor job marketing the handheld so far.
  5. Wait...someone excited about burning through the queue? But congrats to Chimpzilla, Flexstyle, and XPRTNovice!
  6. I failed pretty miserably at my past several goals, so this time I will go tamer - get in better shape. I need to cut down from 200 lbs...so my goal is to cut down to below 180 lbs.
  7. The Vita gave me some error about not having enough space and listed the amount. Right now I'm waiting for my 32 GB card to come in.
  8. It wouldn't let me install The Walking Dead, Sly Cooper, or Uncharted.
  9. I played a little Contrast and of course I love Resogun. Not sure what to think about Contrast, although I've heard it's short.
  10. So I snagged a Vita, only to not be able to play it due to all of the downloadable games being larger than 4 GB. How crappy Sony in forcing me to buy a proprietary card yet again.
  11. Just beat Killzone - what a strange game. Not terribly impressed by it, it got a bit more tedious towards the end. Story-wise, I don't think it immerses you enough. Graphics look stellar at points and meh at others. I think I can safely say that the launch lineup is full of duds so far. I highly recommend those interested in a PS4 to wait for games worth buying to come out, it's really not worth a purchase currently.
  12. Don't forget the Silmarillion whenever that gets made into a movie
  13. I have a gift that will be going out tomorrow morning!
  14. I saw this posted on Hacker News just now: http://www.polygon.com/features/2013/12/2/5143856/no-girls-allowed Thoughts?
  15. Initial thoughts on KillZone: Game seems to get the atmosphere alright, but the game itself seems to be a bit poor on the cues as to where you need to go & on getting you to figure out stuff like the alarms. The graphics look nice in some areas, and unpolished in others - looks like a rushjob. I don't think I can really recommend it to anyone at full price from what I've played so far.
  16. That's about right. Some people like to come in as early as possible, some on Wednesday night even, because it allows for some quality small group time.
  17. The OCR suite is open if you want in there! Lots of room too!
  18. Minor gripe - that is a hard to read site! Especially that dark green text coupled with that dark gray background.
  19. Definitely agreed, I'm a big advocate for communities based on mutual respect & civility.
  20. I don't see why it should. My TV's quality looks pretty damn good to me, I haven't had any complaints with it.
  21. This is my TV: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BCGRYY6/ref=oh_details_o09_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It is 3D, but you can toggle it on or off - I don't use the 3D portion at all.
  22. As an addendum, I'd like to add Fiorella to that list - just under the Rosa Mexicano, it is a great italian/pizza restaurant. Great service - I've been there twice with various OCRers, and it has been a good experience both times. They also are willing to accommodate large groups!
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