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Status Updates posted by Emunator

  1. Hehe, likewise :3 I love not only your project, but the crazy amount of progress you've made on it! Keep it up!

  2. Sorry to hear that man :-( Make haste on the road to recovery! Don't worry about my stuff, that can wait until you're feeling up to it :-) Thanks for letting me know though!

  3. ProtoDumb would be much cooler if he got on MSN one of these days =__= I want to let you in on a cool secret but you won't have it, apparently! :tomatoface:

  4. There was a girl and she look in teh mirror and sed "Imma hav a gud day" and thn the mirror broke and thn her bf left her and thn she had a bad day and thn she died

    if u dnt send this to all of ur frends (or neblix, because there is nothing he won't enjoy) thn u will hav teh wosrt luk evar n lose all teh wimenz n die.

  5. Haha, you've got what, 7 tracks now? That's the number I keep hearing :-P

    And yeah, that's pretty righteous, I'm looking forward to that! I've got something else in the works, hit me up on MSN or something and I'll let you in on it ;-)

  6. You get to kill people at will, but I really hope you utilize your newfound powers to do more Pokémon tracks instead ;-)

  7. Holy crap dude, your work on Will's sig... you are a God :-P

  8. Hey, hop on AIM, I wanted to give you feedback on your song but you don't seem to be online anymore.

  9. Hey, did you ever get my PM? I sent it off a while ago and didn't know if you got it and wasn't interested, or if there was some sort of issue along the way :-) Lemme know either way, thanks!

  10. Will... is...


  11. LOL, posting from school :

    Also, check out your post in the judges decision thread if you haven't already. It's funny :-P

  12. Hey man, I'm glad to hear I've left an impact on you, even if that impact comes in the same form as, say, an annoying television ad that's always on no matter what channel you're watching :tomatoface:

    But seriously, I appreciate the congratulations. I had loads of fun doing it and I became a lot more familiar with some of the other people partaking in the festivities that I wouldn't even recognize otherwise (yourself included!)

    As for the track I've requested from OA, I'm keeping it a secret for reasons that will hopefully become apparent within the next month, if all goes as planned ;-) Stay tuned!

  13. Hey yourself! :-D Thanks for the heartfelt support from you and Jordan, that's a great thing to have!

  14. Your birthday is so cool dude, I wish mine was awesome enough to be on December 15th :-(

  15. Yo, what's the status on your Ecco the Dolphin mix? Are you planning on working on that one anymore? It's real good :-)

  16. That's very impressive, you're quite the Renaissance Man :-) I'm enjoying Ivory Chapel a lot though, I hope you submit some of this kind of music to OCR or use it for projects at some point!

  17. Hey, I just downloaded Rainwound's album, and I'm curious... is that really just a one-man band project? I'm really impressed with the album :-)

  18. Dude, your new single "Bamboo Bungalow" is excellent! You've got a wonderful voice :-)

  19. Depressed? You've got no reason to be, I think you've got the most unique song on the project. Sure, you've got room to improve your sound and production, just like everyone else, but I think your creative bases are fully-loaded, so to speak! :-D

  20. Dude, your Xenogears mix is AMAZING! I'm trying to spread out my listens among other songs on the album, but I keep coming back to yours. The lyrics are fun and the chorus is awesome... I'm so glad you came onto the project when you did!

  21. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=602719#post602719

    Here's that Astral Observatory mix I was talking about. It's been updated today :-)

  22. Hey, I recognize you. You're Kong-fu from DKC Atlas! :)

  23. I sent you a WIP via PM on DK Atlas. Let me know if that's up to your minimum standards so I can get on the project forums and get some proper feedback :-)

  24. Oh yeah, I actually know what post you're referring to. You're right, it was just talking about remixes of existing ReMixes :-)

    And yeah, I'll have a WIP to you probably tomorrow. At least, a rough sketch. I'll probably just sit down on the piano for about an hour, and take the best 3 or 4 minutes of improv. to give you an idea of where I'm going with the track. Then, I can actually finalize it once I get my hands on a MIDI keyboard. Keep an eye out for it!

  25. Really? I've never heard of that "rule" before. I wouldn't worry too much about it if you plan on resubmitting; if your mix can stand on its own merits I don't think there's much else that matters.

    And yeah, I've been keeping up on the DKC Atlas remix project, I'm definitely anticipating that one, and I might even consider participating myself once I can learn a bit more about FL Studios and music in general :P

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