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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. VGmix is still around? Thought it faded into obscurity after everyone suddenly had lives and couldn't finish it.
  2. Yeah....mine's looking pretty kick-ass, but won't be finished until tonight close to the deadline. I just had to play that game of Starcraft the other night. >.<
  3. I may actually get this done on time without skimping.
  4. Well, my inking is done. It's alot later than I would have liked, but I'm making it as detailed as possible. (with a simple background too!) Onto color.
  5. Don't worry...got a long ways til then. I only just started sketching.
  6. We're serious whores of Snapple's time. Seriously.
  7. I wasn't saying it for my benefit...just because someone else asked about it, and I told them it wasn't really something that talked about remixing, so it's ok he missed out on it since it didn't have much to do with actual remixing.
  8. Don't worry. They basically had everything pre-recorded and set up, so it was all drag-n-drop into place. There wasn't really much to learn about remixing other than what sounds better to you.
  9. Shut yer mouth. It'll get done and be awesome.
  10. I knew I should have gone up there and thrown their punk asses out of their chairs and done the rest of the panel myself. I had a bad feeling about things when the loudmouth girl dressed like a pink witch went from directing people to sitting down at the head table. And come on...no footage of the games whatsoever? No music? The hell's wrong with you wenches?? Damn giggly fangirls needing to feel all self-important.
  11. I know...it was my friend standing next to me who asked about the music in a vain attempt to steer the topic conversation back to something actually about the games and not just the characters. We left after that. Anything else of interest happen, or was that the gist of the rest of the panel?
  12. Less talking, more music. I guess by that time in the convention I was just really hoping to sit down and listen to a bunch of good remixed pieces and get into a fit of nostolgia. I got really pissed off at the idiot girls running the Sonic panel who did nothing but talk the whole damn time, and wouldn't go into anything about the music or gameplay of the series. (but talked in excess about how gay they were for Rouge) Guess I'm a "actions speak louder than words" person when it comes to these things. That's me though.
  13. I didn't wanna make it too easy for you guys.
  14. Heh, yeah sorry. I was participating in the Art Show rather than having an actual table this year. Tables get mad expensive at Otakon, and I'm not up to that caliber yet. Perhaps next year. Sorry for the confusion. On a happy note, my Sonic Reflection poster piece went for higher than I thought, and someone bought my Wesker print for $30. I was pleased.
  15. I was surprised to see you there rather than Larry, José. Welcomed surprise, of course.
  16. See you losers at the con. Buy my art in the art show!
  17. I want you really bad. Uh...THERE. I want you THERE really bad. Whew. Awkward!
  18. I own you all, and now the fate of the next contest is in my hands. Mwahaha. I mean.....thanks guys!
  19. Hey, if it gets the word out...particularly to those people who live between Baltimore and Alexandria, then I say it's a tolerable annoyance at worst. Hey Ram, where'd you get those printed?
  20. Hmmm....now I just have to find a printing service that makes decent quality prints and posters at an affordable price. Someplace not OfficeMax or Kinkos.
  21. I'd totally be up for playing the triangle. (until my violin skills improve) *nod* Soooo.....who wants to get a Dealer's table with me and sell some shit?
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