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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. You and me both. This will not be anything other than a penciling from me this time. I didn't have time to work on it extensively.
  2. C. would have been my choice.....why else would you play a FPS?
  3. I'm ashamed to say I'm just starting this now. We'll see where I get, or if I make the deadline.
  4. It didn't seem so stiff that it took too much away from the CGI work. This is pretty. I will have to buy it. Yessss.....
  5. Hey, if you got a little left over pocket change from buying one of these fine albums....you can support this lil' non-remixer by commissioning artwork. =D *wink wink nudge nudge* Worth a shot.
  6. Ironically enough, it was the 20th birthday of the Sega Genesis just a few days ago.
  7. We got my great uncle's violin refurbished so I could eventually re-learn. I just haven't put forth the dedication quite yet.
  8. I too have been meaning to pick violin back up. I'll have to keep all this advice mentioned here in mind.
  9. Simply for the acapella Sega chime at the beginning. I'm liking the Robotnik medley.
  10. Jurassic Park was what got me into adult Sci-Fi reading at a rather young age. Fucking rocked. R.I.P.
  11. Hmmm...I have a couple of ideas. Yay for bosses with multiple forms.
  12. I still say a Castlevania Bloodlines project would kick ass. This is one of my new goals in life.
  13. I go away for a few days. and miss this. Listening to it right now, and so far nothing's bad.
  14. It's not Castlevania unless you broke something. School and work have been kicking my ass, so I'm only about halfway through the game thus far. This makes me sad.
  15. Ahh haa. No Luigi crap! Good showing guys. Sorry I missed out this month.
  16. Christ Bardic, never pegged you as one of us Castlevania faithful. =P
  17. I heard you get some special bonus if you beat a boss without taking any damage. This accurate?
  18. Gollgagh...already knew about that, but the bastard keeps bringing his one leg up and hitting me, and of course the damage it does it unbalanced. Either that or when I'm trashing him with both buttons, I'll accidentally hit the jump button while crouched and end up falling down right into him. I'll backtrack and do some level grinding by going after items I missed in the other levels. Hopefully that'll help.
  19. I laughed for a minute straight when I heard him talk. My friend thought I was crazy....er. And yes, I too am having trouble with that fucking Lighthouse Boss. When fans of the series said games were getting too easy, they certainly ramped it up for this game. I can't remember the last time it's taken me more than two lives to beat a boss. Gergoth might have taken me three. O.o
  20. Every last store in town did not have the game in like their websites say they're supposed to. God does not want me playing this game it seems. ;_;
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