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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Pffft....people were spoiled by Symphony. The glory days were prior like Bloodlines and Rondo.
  2. Well considering there were how many areas you had to go through before you even reached the Castle, I thought it was a good length. In fact, the Castle was larger than I thought it would be, though I enjoyed how big they did make it.
  3. I always aim to get as close to 100% map completion before I ever worry about what I may have missed. Saves alot of trouble.
  4. So....you need to go back in time and stop the creation of the past 4-5 games. You now know your mission. Hop to!
  5. Woo...we've got our first submission! (besides my own) Comeon you douches! Submit so we can get this thing back on track!
  6. I will say for the record that I do like Sonic 2's music over S3&K. Not by much, but I can listen to Emerald Hill Zone for hours and still have a grin on my face.
  7. Explain to me how it was a terrible game(s) in your logic? The levels were well done and challenging; the music was gorgeous, and it had just enough new stuff to be unique but not overcrowded. It stuck with the same basic concept of the first two games with a few extras.
  8. Sonic 3 & Knuckles was the best compilation of the series.
  9. If there is still interest for this contest, I will step up this one time in Bleck's absence and take the reigns of finishing this rendition off. Everyone who sent your submissions to Bleck, if you could re-send them to me via PM by lets say the 8th (Thursday), I'll try to get them up by Friday so we can get voting done and everything wrapped up by the weekend. Sound good? Once I get everything, I'll have a mod post everything on the front page for me.
  10. Double ditto. Time-Progression Wins! FATALITY
  11. Nope, doesn't look like I'll be able to go. I have to work New Years Eve until around 11pm, and will have to work this weekend too. No way I could get off. This upsets me greatly. ;_;
  12. Ok, sooooo....Bleck got banned again? Who do we submit to now? (I'm a bit late, but still have it done)
  13. More and more girls are becoming gamers, so its possible. I would. Congrats!
  14. Just starting now! Huzzah! Edit on the 24th - Oh dear god, please give us til tomorrow. I'm too drunk to finish this piece, but I really wanna enter it! Damn you Xmas Eve parties for having good wine!! *shakes fist*
  15. Xmas Eve is the deadline? That mean voting starts on Xmas Day?
  16. "Bloodlines" from Rondo/Dracula X was actually a remix of "Beginning" from Dracula's Curse. It's one of the more popular tunes in Castlevania along with Vampire Killer and Bloody Tears and has a number of variations. I have this soundtrack and actually burned a copy so I can listen to it at work at my leisure. I agree the rendition of "Monster Dance" pales in comparison to the rest of the tracks, which are top-notch. My only regret is that they didn't make a second volume of this like they did with the Dracula Battle albums. While I am barely a novice at remixing and will be of little use to you, I wholeheartedly support this little project. If you need any original album art, let me know.
  17. You didn't see this coming? Castlevania was only the beginning.
  18. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Silent Hill 2 Alisia Dragoon
  19. Hmmm..... While I'm not by any means a Final Fantasy fan, I'm sure I can come up with something more than a sketch this time around.
  20. I honestly hope people vote for me because my art is good and not because I have tits. Seriously....my art is sometimes better than my tits.
  21. I really wished I'd had more time to work on my piece. Glad to know it wasn't the only CV one, though.
  22. Ugg...I rushed to make the midnight deadline and only got mine about 60% finished. Note to self - never go drinking when you have to finish a art piece in the same night. I get too sleepy to focus.
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