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Everything posted by Opterion
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
I for one have been a little busy on the far east cost as a Disney CP, building mah new comp after frying processors, and playing DSi (358/2=epic), not to mention school, hanging out, and free trips to the parks. Sure I've been on WoW, but not in forever on Illidan, and not nearly as much as I once was. Not to mention L4D2 is AMAZING XD Ya'll aren't completely off my radar, just sucks that it's been so long, and a now 3 hour time difference. -Opt -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Sorry I haven't been on much, it's been very busy irl, plus got like a half dozen other games at the same time (Mario tennis on the wii!) I'll be back, I swears it! -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
40 man raids impossible to pug, DKP, and 5 hour raids. Who even knows what happened to people who ditched on raid nights >.< Oh, but there was good shaman PvP then. WINDFURY CRITICAL!!! -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
My shaman UI I decided a little action-y shot of my sham would show a bit more about perl. It also has the option to color code debuffs on the borders of a target, including only if it's dispellable. You can also track who's targeting you (good for tanking), alerts to aggro (dpsing), and adapts health bars to healer based modes (healing ). Overall I think PitBull does have a LOT in customization available, but it's a lot easier to configure Perl, and it's almost as configurable. The biggest differences were the arrangable order of bars and buttons, as well as the incoming heals part. You can see in my pic, though, that you know who you target on an outgoing heal with Perl. Perl's option menu is also visually simplistic, and easier to understand what's going on. (For the record, that long line of buffs is CT_Buff, and I'll be changing that when I stop being lazy, it gets LONG in a raid ) Edit: You know, at least you'll be more prepared for dual speccing -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Well, I just tanked UK, the second time I've tanked EVER, and I don't even have any of the tanking talents. Fortunately Frost Presence and the cooldowns are all any death knight at this level needs, plus I've stockpiled a lot of the high +stam greens - 13.5k in FP Speaking of which, any pointers would be most acceptable This only happened after I looked at this UI mod PitBull. I fiddled with it for an hour and a half before I got the bars just the way I wanted them, but decided just before UK I prefer X-Perl. Is that the UI you're using, Val? If not it's similar, but I also wouldn't reccomend it (WAY too much time to set up). By the way, my UI's goes a little something like this. That's X-Perl, Bartender 4 + Button Facade, Magic Runes, though I've recently added ForteXorcist to the mix as well. The rest of my characters, though, have the standard player - target at the top setup. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Fine, I'll just post my comment in here since you refuse to respond in game You call THAT cluttered? I barely see the center of the screen in raids on my shaman. And does that bar swap automatically via mod or just keybinding? When dual-spec comes out I'll be able to manipulate between resto and elemental as to which is my main bar, but beyond that I just click when I feel like attacking anything. It's also good to know that you enjoy arguing about what's better for death knight talents, since you're great at the theorycrafting thing too. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
And some with several *cough* VILECAT *cough*, as well as several who are getting close. While I've been getting ever so much closer to 80 on my lock, I've been prioritizing my death knight, who is less than a fourth of a level away from Northrend. I've been seeing at LEAST five people online constantly, and it really is only a couple 80s short of a full 10-man raid when everyone's on. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Well, shoot, I'm having a blast with my 80 resto shammy and my 78 now destruction lock... I'll be trying to actually get back over there, though I dunno whether I'll get back on my Hunter or go dk (I've a 73 on Mug'Thol). Grats on the Sartharion run, though, since I can't say I've even downed the 3 drakes yet. I've had ONLY 1 good 10-man Naxx group that never wiped and I got 4 epics from it. From that point on people in general have been sucking horribly, myself excluded Example - I just got recount (great mod) and was in a Sarth group, the other healer being a pally and RL. The group gets 2 drakes down before the DK MT starts complaining about someone taunting mobs off him, and we wipe on the next trash group. At this point we start rezzing the group and I just barely hit the aggro threshold for the pat and the 3-4 up got owned, so I get kicked. It wasn't just because of that though. The pally decides my 600k total healing compared to his 1.1M healing wasn't enough. I'd agree, too, if it weren't for my 200k overhealed compared to his 900+ THOUSAND. So yeah... I've just been busy getting my lock up, so I could prolly switch over within the weekend. -
OCR01651 - EarthBound "Zombie Lounge"
Opterion replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Ah...one of Mazedude's now 45 remixes, each one as unique as the next. This one, in particular, is as distorted and disturbing as possible, although that's probably to do with the source tune . Great, as usual, but it doesn't really go anywhere after the last theme starts at 1:50. It sounds amazing, don't get me wrong, but I feel like I'm left hanging as the song just fades out on that last loop. -
OCR01079 - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker "Ancient Hero"
Opterion replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
That excellent harp hooks me from the beginning. The dynamics throughout are fantastic; all over the place in the best way possible. Great orchestral arrangement, like everyone here has already said. -
OCR00314 - Super Mario RPG "Geno's Woods"
Opterion replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Nice, bright woody mix. Really like the transition at 0:37. Great instrument arranging, from the Flute duet to the touch of harpsichord. I do agree, however, that the bassoon solo is drowned out around 1:07. Great work, keep it up! -
OCR01794 - Sonic & Knuckles "Sand in My Shoe"
Opterion replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Ah, classic sonic with classic hip-hop containing the classic desert theme. I'd say this is a classic example of how classic music can be stylized in many different classic genres and still have that classic feel. And I must say, Jose, that this tune for me is an instant classic, in case I hadn't gotten the point across. -
Well I suppose there's not much new to say here, 'cuz to me, and to so many other people that agree, this mix is definitely one of those that can be set on repeat for a week and I'd still not be tired of it. While I can't figure out exactly where each part is from (I've played it, it's familiar, but it's been awhile), that won't make me skip this track anytime soon.
OCR01800 - Super Metroid "Jade Catacombs"
Opterion replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I can't tell if the phrase was intentional or not Glad to hear bLiNd's feeling good enough to contribute to his own get-better-soon album. Very upbeat, long, and excellent, definitely can agree that it's the perfect exclamation point to the album. -
OCR01242 - Donkey Kong Country "Beneath the Surface"
Opterion replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Another day, another jazz piece to sanctify. Very mellow, calm feel to it. Articulations are very dynamic and fit with the style. Solo bits from the instruments were each unique and well performed, especially the saxophone one -
OCR00970 - Super Mario Bros. 3 "Battle Rocks"
Opterion replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Jazz is one of my favorite genres. Period. To see it this well done for one of the best games on the NES that I've played, Especially the sax work (it's what I play), is just what I should expect from someone like AmIEviL. -
OCR00614 - Mega Man 2 "Wily's Mosh Pit"
Opterion replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Great job, I really like this one. Only part I can't agree with is the guitar part feels a bit repetitive in the middle, maybe could have had different pedals/more freedom with the melody sooner. -
OCR01799 - Super Mario RPG "Flubber Mountain"
Opterion replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I love it, from the moment the first timpani hit. Very quirky, kept me chuckling throughout with all the different bells and whistles. One of the most upbeat pieces I've heard, this'll be a favorite any day of the week (especially Monday). -
OCR00323 - Super Mario Bros. 3 "La Samba de Agua"
Opterion replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Love this track, And great job to Mustin with his instrumental capabilities. Everything sounds great in this, from guitar to the harmonica solo. The only downside is that the track's a little quiet overall, but hey, that's nothing to be picky about, it just gives me a reason to kick up the volume -
OCR00123 - EarthBound "Sound Stone (C Major)"
Opterion replied to Jivemaster's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Unfortunately I have to say this mix could use quite a bit of work. Dynamics are not much more than soft and loud; there's not much gray area. Great intro, the flowing melody sticks out here. The transition to next section feels a little choppy, but otherwise just need more dynamics as aforementioned. Choir is a good touch, sound mixing does need improvement, but the dropout to the bass was great. When the choir joins back in, the melody should have less an accent at the beginning of the notes. The melody itself was great, but sound mixing needs improvement. -
I really like this mix, great job with the genre, LOVE the intro, reminds me kinda of "And Nothing Else Matters". Unfortunately there are a couple bits that I didn't quite like. First and foremost: Tempo. Past the intro everything feels slow. Playing it at just 1.1x speed faster makes a HUGE difference in the feel to the song. The other part I didn't like was the drum work. The constant high hat (mostly noticeable because of the speed) and the transitions felt amateurish. This is supposed to be the start of reviews that I start to make, at least one a day. My intent is to actually get into the community a bit more, and eventually find the time and resources to make my own remixes. Unfortunately it'll take a couple years to do all the reviews of tunes I have if I leave it at that minimum once daily
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
...actually there are two That's besides the point though. I've hated arena from the start, it's TOO limiting. The whole concept is wasted upon the fact that a few types of groups dominate, and the rest are stuck by the wayside. Also note the number of pallies up at the top... The new gear they listed in the forums for S5 all had only to do with arena ratings. There seems to be little said about the rest of the battleground people and the honor they rack up (SotA gear, anyone?).The thing is, though, AFK people in BGs don't deserve better gear...that should be high priority for PvP work. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Lol. With the complete lack of healers anywhere I go, a priest would be a popular group choice, at least if you like healing Meanwhile I want this patch out! Major ele sham buffs galore! From fire totems to revamping a ton of talents, I see nothing but good so far. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
From what I can see it looks like in 3.0.8 they will let you make a dk anywhere once you have a single 55. (Patch notes are out, and they are AWESOME) -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Opterion replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
That depends. 63-70? That's FAST. 1-7? Well...let's just say there's room for improvement there