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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Oh my gosh, the ultimate husky rig actually broke down. This computer.

    Apparently it overheated and then the water pump went out.

    Details at

    in the video.

    Anyone want to guess how much that computer cost? I'm serious, I don't know. Last time this question was proposed, prophetik asked "the hardware or the dressings?" And I never answered him. But I'm still curious, do does anyone know how much the individual components cost?

  2. They have been talking about a Halo movie, a Shadow of the Colossus movie, a God of War movie, an Uncharted movie......Why should this one be any different? The trailer was good and funny, but it's almost like they haven't started yet and it's going to be very easy for it to just fall off the production line.

  3. Oddly enough, after 6 straight days of losing 1.5 lbs per day, today, I stepped on the scale and I had gained 2 lbs since the day before. That was very disturbing. Granted I haven't had to use the restroom yet. (I'm actually only needing it every other day now. Looks like not today.)

    Only thing is, I need a little advice on what I did last night. Since I was so happy with my continued weight loss, I decided to indulge myself in eating sausage, something I have sworn against in the past because of it's fat content. This sausage doesn't have any carbs in it, but I did eat 3 servings yesterday. Just keep in mind that I still haven't any carbs yet. Would you guess that has something to do with it, or is it a simple thing like not relieving myself yet?

  4. Ok guys, update time.

    To Ectogemia. I really must apologize to you and to Atkins in general. For the last 2 years I've been pretty much doing my own thing which was watching my fat intake and heavy running. As you all know, I've been complaining about it not working and I came here looking for answers. I pretty much ignored it. Then last week when I saw the wellness coordinator at my work and she essentially said the same thing, I decided to finally do the low carb/high protein diet. I'm able to eat the same thing everyday so I'll be fine with this selection. So here it is:

    Breakfast is an Atkins protein shake. 1g carbs and 15g protein.

    Lunch: Salad in the cafeteria. I put on onions, peppers, tomatoes, pepperoni, grilled chicken, and my own dressing: Wallmart whipped dressing/pickle relish/horseradish sauce.

    Dinner: I bake 2 pieces of tilapia and either more salad or some rotisserie chicken.

    I tried the pre-packed egg whites to make myself healthy omelet, but that had 1g carbs per serving, and 10 servings per container. I ate it in 2 servings. That's 5g carbs each time.

    End result, I have just lost 9 pounds in 6 days. I've never heard of something working that fast, especially when it comes to my history in weight loss.

    So thank you so much. I'm finally losing weight and it's all thanks to you. I'm actually now in a race with my brother who is only 2 pounds heavier than me at the moment. He's been sick for the last 6 months so he's gained quite a bit. I'll let everyone know how it goes.

  5. I'd rather have a Shiva mount ifyouknowwhatisay hermf hermf hermf

    SMN should be able to mount their summons. I want to ride Bahamut. I want a lot of things.

    You want to ride bahamut? You do realize that Bahamut is Dalamud in FF14 lore right? You want to ride this? The thing that destroys the world and brings an end to the 6th astral era?



    Also, they are bringing in more cameos. The Crystal tower from FF3 is going to be in it. As well as the Gold Saucer from FF7. I'm really liking how much stuff is getting put into the rerelease. Getting more and more excited by the day.

  6. Problem with that though is that the last 2 years of my life has been strictly about not eating fat and not caring about carb intake. Suddenly changing so drastically isn't going to be so simple. Especially since you have been essentially advocating the atkins diet which requires pretty much no carbs at all in order to work. Essentially, I don't have the ability to micromanage every gram of sugar or carb out of what I eat. I'm definitely screwed when it comes to eating less than 20gram of carbs a week. That means I need to know what I can eat in large quantities and not have to worry about it. (Besides vegetables) So yea, red meat is kind of a problem. I'm not even sure if my stomach can handle it anymore. Besides, I think there's too much fat in red meat anyway. So besides that, what high protein dinners can you suggest for me?

    Oh and why no fish more than 2 times a week? Please don't tell me because of the mercury.

  7. I was actually pretty disappointed with the weight loss consultation. Basically, all she said was "Eat less starch, eat more protein." I was hoping for a customized plan, but after seeing her, it's pretty obvious that she wasn't exactly an expert. Nevertheless, I'm still going to follow it. What are some good protein dinners that you can suggest besides fish?

    Off topic, but the fact that protein isn't spelled "protien" is bugging me. The rule is "I before E except after C and when sounding like A as in neighbor and weigh."

  8. Just wanted to say thank you for putting spoiler warnings on Mass Effect. I've been on a total media blackout for ME3. The only thing I've heard is that it has a really bad ending. I also heard that they were writing another ending that would be patched in. If that's the case, I'm going to play it without updates and see the original ending first. I'm also on media blackouts for Uncharted 3, Darksiders 2, Hitman Absolution, and Journey as well. I'm starting my job tomorrow so I'll finally be able to clear out my backlog of games I still need to buy.

  9. I would change Big Boss' voice back to David Hayter or Richard Doyle for MGS5.

    I would raise the probability of finding chocographs in FF9.

    I would change Kitase's role to Janitor for all of the games he's worked on past FF7.

    I would take out the stupid flashback button during the cutscenes of MGS4.

    And generically:

    Dead bodies shouldn't disappear after a time.

    All weapons and equipment should be visible in every cutscene.

    All NPC's should be fully voiced with at least a decent acting performance.

  10. Got another letter from the producer.


    We'll also be adding testers to put more pressure on the servers, so if you're not a beta tester yet, you'll have a chance to join in the next phase.
    We've implemented measures to alleviate FATE-related performance issues, made adjustments to the frontend server, and addressed server load issues in the starting zones. Bear with us for another weekend of phase 1 testing
  11. So...... it looks like they are going for anther season of Ghost in the Shell.

    This time it's going to be a prequel. I don't know guys, GitS is one of my top 3 anime and this just looks way too old school for a show that was ahead of it's time in the first 2 seasons. Obviously, I can't make any judgement calls until I see it though and I'm still excited. Any thoughts?

  12. There is a guy I want to bring up. His name is Sambo (Youtube name = sambonz). This guy makes his let's play to teach about the game rather than to go through it for the story elements. He is absolutely the most likable person to listen to. He does MMO's and is really good at explaining the game mechanics for anyone who wants to become a better player. He will usually dedicate a whole 40 minute video just explaining the new updates from the latest patches. Take a look at the last video from his Final Fantasy XIV series.

    But he also does DC Universe online, TERA, WoW, Rift, Guild Wars 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and a bunch more. I was so impressed with him, I joined his Linkshell on his official site and when the game comes back up in a couple of months, I'll be adventuring along with the hundreds of his followers.

    Let me put it this way: he's terrible at the games, but people with multiple maxed out characters join him because he's just that likable of a guy. If you want, put in an application on the forum, and you can join in with us as well.

  13. I'm telling you guys, Husky is hilarious to watch. I've watched his playthroughs even though I don't even like some of the games he does. Let's see, I remember he has done Black Mesa, Half Life 2, Starcraft, Brood War, Starcraft 2 WoL, Pokemon Blue, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Warcraft 3. This is his second channel and it has 181k subscribers.


    Vash12349 has some pretty funny Metal Gear videos.


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