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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Final Fantasy Versus XIII is now confirmed to be called Final Fantasy XV and it will be on PS4 along with Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XIV A realm reborn.


    And now look at the Versus XIII logo.


    Square Enix skipped a console generation for me. But it looks like it's back with some good games. All thanks to Nomura and new guy Yoshi-P

  2. My brother is going to buy a computer tomorrow. He sent me the link for it and I was hoping you could confirm or reject his choice. He doesn't want to spend more than $500, he doesn't want a refurbish, and he wants a laptop. Could I get your guy's take on it?


  3. Just like all DRM schemes, they are solely created to satisfy publishers and stockholders. The customer is never taken into account

    Its no secret that publishers hate used games and have wanted MS/Sony to stop them, and they've been coming up with ways to stop them themselves

    They've finally got what they want

    This is why EA is stopping Online Codes BTW. The PS4/XBO make it unnecessary as used games as we know them now will no longer exist.

    PS4 doesn't block used games.

    I was kind of disappointed with the whole conference too. But that's not fair seeing as I'm biased as a Sony fanboy. That being said, I won't be buying a PS4 unless I see Versus XIII or Last Guardian on it.

  4. Aw man. The volleyball people that come to my apartment complex haven't come in over a week. I just asked management about it and apparently since they weren't residents here people started complaining and they aren't allowed to come back. This makes me sad.

    Oh and I just found the scale in the gym and it says I'm 10 pounds lighter than I am. If only that were true.

  5. HAH! Holds up the game and it's a greatest hits version of FFVII. If you weren't there from the beginning you probably don't know.

    Review refuted through flawless reasoning.

    Actually your reasoning only states that it was great for it's time when it came out.

    And I was there from the beginning. One of the first few games I played and my first Final Fantasy. My first console was a ps1 when I was in 7th grade. My parents wouldn't let me get one earlier. But you know, I don't hate the game. The only FF games I actually hate are FF2(cause of the majo grinding), FF13(beat it and tried to play it again but I only got about 20 minutes in before I put it down.) and FF10-2. Also, despite starting my gaming journey at FF7, my favorite is actually FF12.

  6. Thanks ecto. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. You have nothing to worry about. Right now, I have no concern for health or fitness. Only weight loss. I'm very healthy and strong and I am getting all the nutrition I need. I've said before that right now, my whole diet consists of vegetables, salad, fish, and chicken. Also, I'm taking centrum for men every day. I'm loosing quite a bit of weight and I don't have any health concerns and I don't feel any different then before.

    Thanks for all of your help. I really appreciate it.

  7. Hmm, that can't be carb free because it uses 3 whole tomatoes in the mix. I mean, look at the nutrition info for tomatoes.


    I just went to a more speciality store and found this.


    It sure isn't sweet baby rays, but it's not horrible either. I'll try this one today. And I'm willing to check out pretty much anything else in the future too.

  8. Tell you the truth, I'm waiting to watch Fate Zero till it's finished dubbing. I saw

    and decided to give this series a go. Never approached it before but he speaks very highly of it.

    That being said I just finished watching Avatar: the last airbender a few moments ago (Hey, it's done in anime style) and I've got to say that they followed the perfect format. In my opinion, the best way to do a series is the way Avatar and FMA-B did which is: You go around the world and see everything it has to offer making friends along the way. Then have an epic showdown with the villainous entity where all of your friends you made along the way come to aid in the climactic conclusion.

    What about you? What template is the best way to tell a story in your opinion?

    EDIT: Oh, and the guy also wrote Evabridged. The only possible way to watch and enjoy Evangelion.

  9. get me a parts list and i'll get you the cost. i'm really tired now and not super into listening to that mouthbreather too much XD

    Motherboard: X79 from EVGA FTW edition

    evga geforce gtx 680 2gb. (3 of these)

    water cooling with UV blue tubing with monsoon gold colored fittings.

    2 Terrabyte hard drive (3 of them) With Crucial Adrenaline SSD cache

    "We're also just for giggles gonna throw in a 256 gig SSD also from Crucial.

    "32 gigs of Crucial ballistics mark tracer. Tactical tracer"

    Enermax cooling fans (What's the point of fans if you're doing water cooling?)

    1200 watt power supply with custom gold and blue cables (?)

    "This is a 45° fitting. You will be the first person to use these in your build on the planet" (Somehow I doubt that)

    "We also wanted to have some cutting edge lighting. ForcePC sent us the new monsoon helios LED spotlight. This allows us to shine a high powered spotlight to any particular component that we want." I'm guessing to make it all blue and pretty.

    Some sort of pure sliver plug (Couldn't make out the name. It's at 5:54 in the video)that will "prevent any corrosion or algae buildup in your system"

    I don't know what any of this stuff is really, so I hope this is enough information.

  10. K guys, I'm back. Still haven't lost any weight, but I've found some carbs that somehow sneaked into my diet. At work, I would put sliced almonds, cherry tomatoes and sunflower seeds on my salads. All three of which have 6 carbs per serving. At home I would put regular tomatoes and french fried onions on my salads. I knew about the 3 grams in the onions, but that was the only one I would indulge in.

    However, I know I said I could eat the same thing everyday but I guess I was wrong. I'm going to need to learn the whole bit about good carbs and bad carbs. The regiment I'm on has lost it's appeal. I'm sure this has already been talked about before, so can someone link me to the post?

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