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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Platinum trophy number 13. InFAMOUS 2!

    The last trophy to get was to finish the game as evil. Oh my God, that ending was gut wrenching! I can't believe what you had to do. I actually muted the game because I didn't want to hear what I chose to do!

    Next what I'm going to do is play the ending as good with an evil playthrough. I wonder if it's going to be different than the good ending with a good playthrough.

  2. I'm back everyone! It's been years, but I'm finally about as athletic as I was back at university. Back then, if I was to play any sport with a serious group I was better than about 70% of them. But not because of skill. My greatest weapon was my limitless energy. After doing nothing but running for 2 years, and then low carb dieting recently, I had absolutely no energy. After 15 minutes of Ultimate frisbee I would be redlining at 192 bpm. Now I just didd a 2 hour, 15 minute basketball game (well 4 games at least) and I had energy all throughout the entire night. Tore out my feet though, I'm going to have to buy different shoes.

    But I'm just so happy. I'm an athlete again! Hopefully the blisters on the bottom of my toes will heal by saturday because I am never giving this up again.

  3. I'm on Masamune. There is no way I'm moving from my group because we are that awesome. Come join us if you want. The Distant World Free Company is always open. I was going to wait until the "Let's Play" episode released but I can't hide it anymore. Everyone behold, my linkshell. I'll post the video when it's available.


    P.S. Our chat room was full at 50 so we raised the cap to 75 and maxed out. Raised it again to 90 and maxed out. Raised it again to 120 and it was still full for this event. Our website has now over 1,100 members strong. We only ask that you keep things friendly, help out others when they ask, and just basically be a nice guy. People come to us in droves because of the incredible community we have developed and I wouldn't change it for anything.

  4. Started a new character this morning and I got him to level 11 so far. Sambo is filming an episode of his "Let's Play" series tonight and I just wanted something decent to wear to the occasion. I'll be leveling up a lot slower from now on that's for sure. In the meantime, what does everyone think about the crafting system? There are a lot of recipes preloaded onto your class but does it include the end game high end gear? Or is there some sort of quest to get them?

  5. Well, I managed to get into Masamune right when the game launched this morning at 5am. I was able to meet with the Distant Worldd free company and join up with them on my new character. Within 20 minutes, we had 104 members online and most of them were there with us in the basement of the adventurers guild in Gridania. Unfortunately, my PS3 could only populate about 20 of them. Can't wait till PS4 launch so I don't have this issue anymore. We're going to have the first episode of the Let's Play series for ARR today at 9pm so I've got to get at least somewhat leveled before then so I'm not in my lvl 1 gear.

    EDIT: Here you go. Sambo (Leader) took a screen shot.


  6. Why do you say that? Is the conjurer not good or something? They summon pets right? That's kind of what I was thinking of doing...

    It's not bad, it's just I have never played a white mage in anything ever. I always go for the tough damage dealers. Heck, in the 5 times I've beaten FF1, I've never gone for a white mage before. Let's see if I can remember my combinations.

    fighter, thief, red mage, black mage

    fighter, fighter, fighter, black mage

    fighter, black belt, black belt, black mage

    Hmmm, I don't remember the other ones.

    And Modus, wouldn't it be hilarious if Krillin's head was the 6 star dragon ball?

  7. The workouts at the gym I do are all cardio. But I always put on my music. Like this one.

    And this one.

    But despite the most epic music imaginable, it doesn't actually make working out fun. Just more tolerable.

    And lifting weights is not going to make you lose weight. I'm strong enough already. The most physical thing I need to do during my day is lift patients from their stretcher onto my imaging camera.

    In the end, I have ultimate frisbee on Saturdays and Basketball on Mondays. Combine this with diet and I should have no trouble losing weight. Especially since we play hardcore the whole time. I can easily get 3 shirts drenched with sweat in one session.

  8. That's the thing though. I hate working out. I just got back from basketball.....hold on let me chart that. My biggest asset for doing sports was my limitless energy. Lately I've had none of that and I'm glad that it's coming back. Despite playing 5 games, I didn't hit that point where I needed to walk or risk passing out.

    Anyway like I was saying. Just working out at the gym is one of the most unrewarding things I can think of. You sit there alone (if there are people there, you don't talk to them) and move heavy objects around. At the end of the day, those heavy objects are in the exact same place they started at, you're tired and sweaty, you didn't have fun, and you feel absolutely no sense of accomplishment. In basketball tonight I had fun and I met new people and made new friends. Why would I trade that for a gym?

    So yea, I would diet over gym any day. But I seem stuck at 207 lbs for the last 3 weeks and can't lose anymore.

  9. So who here has taken that first jump off of a high point? I just went to a poorly made wooden platform made in the water of about 8 feet deep. There were 5ive levels to this thing. I jumped the first level at about 3 feet easily enough. The second level had a diving board about 20 feet off the water. The third had a zipline and a rope swing. And level 4 and 5 were just jumping platforms. I tell you it took more courage to jump off that 20 foot platform than I ever imagined. Then the zipline at 30 feet took just as long. And the swing at 30 feet also just as long. But once you do it once, it becomes much easier. I had an incredible time doing it. How about you? Ever did much jumping? I like to think of it as exercise due to the climbing and swimming aspect.

    Also, again: Anyone got ideas about adiponectin?

  10. Well guys, RWBY made it's debut last night. I was worried about the voice acting, but they really nailed. I don't know how they did it, but every aspect from the music, to the story, to the action is looking really good. The only thing that doesn't get me excited is the school setting. But I have a feeling we wont be spending that much time there. Check it out!

    Episode 1

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