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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. What!? Whats the solution?!?! lol. I only got by him cuz I glitched his ass. I died at least 3 times prior. Oh, and not re-spawning at your last save is cool!
  2. I've heard of this happening, and so far as I know, there's nothing you can do but send it in. That's what the nintendo forums said, and that's what my friend had to do. If you call then and tell them the problem supposedly they'll send you everything you need to get it to them for free. Then its a 2 week wait or some shit. Tough luck man.
  3. Okay, that was actually brilliant. If I hadn't been playing MP3 non-stop, that would've been the highlight of my night.
  4. It could afford a higher difficulty, but from what I remember in the selection screen... it looked like there was room for another difficulty. Perhaps unlockable or an option after first playthrough on veteran? I dunno, check it out and lemme know what you think.
  5. Same thing happened to me.. I didn't know how to feel about it at first cuz... well I WAS gonna have my ass handed to me... but it saved my life. On the other hand I felt cheapened. It all worked out however cuz I completely forgot to get the scan and ended up resetting anyway. And I'm pretty happy with the difficulty of veteran...?
  6. I had a problem with my pilot being a fox. zomg a fat Wario.
  7. Just picked up my copy. See you all in a couple days. Oh and Prime 2 is possible in 1:03? Wtf? If that's for real I can't not watch it... because i don't believe it. I was pretty pleased with my 14 hour 100% completion. I can't even fathom what the hell you... no.. really.. wtf?
  8. ? I thought it said control stick tilt.
  9. phyckzed.
  10. That movie is SO freaking cool. Anyone who hasn't seen it go youtube it. It's absolutely amazing. Up until the ending that is...
  11. I'm not a huge fan of mewtwo... But I'd like to see him back in the game on the premise alone that he AND his moves looked BAD-ASS. Mewtwo flailing a beam-sword? How freaking cool was that. His upward through looks pretty sweet too.
  12. Yeah... but it's safe to assume that Metroid prime is a derivative of Super metroid. So it's implied that they're both part of the series. Oh and Echoes should have been Metroid double-prime. LAWL But seriously, why do stores advertise the God damned release date when thats not when THEY release it. Some lady had the nerve to get pissed at me when I called to see if it was at bestbuy. IT SAYS RELEASE AUGUST 27 ON THEIR WEBSITE!
  13. You PM to the host, OA, when you're done. And as long as I've been checking out this competition people have been showing WIPs in the thread, so that should be cool too. Once again, Yay more peoples.
  14. Ouch... that's rough. I'll send you a copy.
  15. I just called 3 of the chains around me... and thats pretty much EXACTLY what it is here. Pretty, freaking, pissed.
  16. ...? That's why on the second day, God made the Item Switch.
  17. I plan on checking back to this competition on a frequent basis now that I've spotted it. It would be a great way, and just what I need to get myself into mixing. I only just played though Paper Mario on the VC, and that's why I was drawn to the title. That game has a damned good sound track. Great pick Hylian.
  18. lol, and to think I was gonna try and make something, but I'm a noob and there was less than a day left. Now I'm still a noob, and theres still less than a day left.
  19. So, you're saying that DKC2 sucked? I can see how he might have interpreted it as: where DKC did something worthwile, DKC2 did not. Zomg he's so right! zomg. zomg.
  20. uh.... ..yeah
  21. hmm..... EDIT: But seriously... have you played Mario strikers on your console? If you haven't and know someone who has it, you should test it out (perform a super strike) and see if the most common glitch is there. I'm kinda glad I'm sending mine in though... better now than potentially after my warranty is up.
  22. I see what you did there
  23. Great mix chthonic, and congrats on eluding the judges panel. Keep 'em coming.
  24. What kind of paint/style would you use? I'd really like to see a painting. Though either would be nice, as there haven't been many. As for source material suggestions... I'm still researching the game.
  25. Yay more peoples.
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