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Everything posted by TehDonut

  1. sorry no blazblue separately =(

  2. Selling EVERYTHING in this pic. Reflow'd PS3, 60GB Fully Backwards compatible, first gen Asking for around 400 + shipping for the whole package.
  3. Hey its someone I actually talk to sometimes on irc. Happy Birthday!
  4. scratch that. im actually quitting. Every time i get on, its the same old thing, until I just sit there in chat and stare for like an hour before i realize this game is eating my soul(inether).
  5. Yeah, it'd be a lot easier if you posted your account, so we can just add you and msg you in game whenever you log on. also, SO BUSY THIS WEEK/WEEKEND. Barely any time to play =( gonna try to get enigma by next weekend though so i can finally make a effing hammerdin
  6. well at this point, im strong enough to rush people through hell so yea....
  7. firewall, not really, hydras are back though, they hurt. Apparently the issue has been fixed. i just ran like 5 runs and no drops.
  8. yeah its been discovered, that these drops occur when people intentionally crash the server to rollback, in order to re roll their runewords to make perfect runewords. so everyone in a game with the same address as that server crashes and gets "tagged" you can't make a game when you're tagged and you get untagged after 15 or so minutes. gg im taking a break until they fix this.
  9. haters be hatin. anyway yeah im on spring break so i have loads of free time on my hands. also rely, i got your jade talon
  10. lol ok well, my sorc is in hell level 69. but i guess ill play my necro with you guys
  11. The patch is live. get on!!!!!
  12. well since we are playing ladder, and cause of the reset, there won't be rushing until at least 2-3 days or so
  13. yeah maybe you should put our account names on there too gario, mines *TehDonut
  14. anyone pick up resonance of fate/end of eternity? is it good/does it follow the tri ace frame for the battle system?
  15. ahahah yea. quick someone register #ocrd2
  16. blizz sorc. actually, ill go summon necro if you dont want to gario
  17. one year almost...anyone still on board with the whole lets play together and climb the ladder plan?
  18. You don't REALLY want them to port NA, undying, kunkka, storm, (insert homo hero here), do you? heheheh, new sig =D
  19. I'm playing again...wanna see this 1.13 patch...also im fricken bored. hit me up on the new realm if you wanna play (TehDonut is my account)
  20. sang il chuk ha Tensei You're my favorite black dutch princess
  21. Yeah and my PSR is like 1670 or so, but I suck. =( yeah but seriously, dont stress over PSR it means nothing. Especially if we're only playing within the community. Sometimes pubs have like ONLY PSR >1500 ALLOWED IN GAME but really....it means nothing. You can't put an INDIVIDUAL RATING on a TEAM GAME
  22. hahah this is awesome. now do Down by jay sean!!!! =D
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