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Everything posted by TehDonut
I seldom post on these forums, but for what its worth, I can tell you this game is absolutely worth the 1200 points it costs to get this game. My friend bought it because we were bored, and me, him, and another friend played until we beat it, which took around 8 hours. Haven't sat down and played a game that long since the ps2 came out. Not saying this game is the fucking God of all games, but it's extremely fun. The weapon system, pet system, leveling system, and the amount of characters that you can unlock/play are all great. Not the mention the music is fricken amazing.
Got another addict.... here's my four balls: http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=880639 and just finished down under: http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=880922 awash was a tough one: http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=882175
yeah considering he was in the water last, THEN caught up, THEN took the lead....yeah pretty impressive. He's got to be part fish.
Holy crap I got one vote.(wasn't mine) Someone loves me!
Valkyrie Profile is probably in the list of my top 5 favorite games, and I gotta say this remix is pretty solid. The piano part really draws you in as it plays, in my opinion, the best part of the track. I always loved when the song played as you hopped from stone to stone in valhalla to fight the final boss, which shall not be named for spoilers sake. This song really brings me back.
C'mon fellas, I know there are more people playing on East than just me and relyance. I plan on playing for a while...so if you ever get on I may be able to provide support in the form of grushes and free itemz gold runes
Yeah..account is *TehDonut on useast pm me if you are ever on, im on most of the time.
fosho. But yeah, even though there were always people complaining about something/anything, if you get on battle.net you would see that there were still like 50 to 100 K people playing on one server. Not as much as the whole WoW situation, but still an impressive number of people.
My best guess would probably be like a "fatality" type of script, like if your health is below a certain amount the monster is able to pick you up and decapitate you with its teeth. But honestly, like a lot of you had already stated, the graphics issue is probably not the biggest issue. We all know that whether the colors are all bright or if the colors are monotonous and gloomy, we are all going to buy the game and play it while the gameplay takes over our senses and we pretty much don't care about the color differences....at least that's what I'm going to do.
Well diablo II didn't have "The Butcher," but it still had its fair share of "dark" parts. Good god, when I opened the door to fight the butcher for the first time I almost crapped my pants.
Just one more thing about D2: The patch really did make things easier for those who got screwed with builds anyway. I mean, leveling got so much easier to the point where you could scrap your level 80+ char, move all your items to your new char and bring it back up to level 70+ within a day or two. I played on ladder, so I was used to this kind of thing what with the periodic ladder resets and all. But yeah, I like the new engine they are running D3 on. The bodies flying everywhere + blood gushing + walls crumbling = yes.
Well, sorcs gained a lot of synergies from the patch as well, like chain lightning/lightning could do upwards of 30k damage. They also a powerful fireball synergy which was mainly used for pvp. But I agree, barbs got destroyed by the patch. Only barbs I saw on bnet were MF barbs, simply because of the dual wield. Only duels you see now are smiting pallies and its kinda boring cause of the life tap build. Basically, you die if you let go of the mouse button first.
Everyone had at least one pally...I think it was the 1.1 patch where they came out with synergies and suddenly blessed hammer had the potential of doing 20 billion damage. I remember the good ole days when windforce actually did something to enemies, as it was the strongest bow in the game, and nova was a viable build for sorceresses.
They also said they had 5 classes, but didn't say which ones yet. Only 2 of which are Barbarian and Witch Doctor, so they may or may not bring back Amazon or Sorceress... And...if anyone really wants to play D2...(since I do too now.) maybe we can get something going like a community only "clan" where we can play amongst ourselves, since I really can't trust dupers/hackers these days on bnet.
I agree that the game can get boring after an hour or so, but I was just stating that the gameplay will be extremely simliar to that of Titan Quest. But yeah of course Diablo III is going to have a billion more features/stuff that will make it as addicting if not more so as the previous titles. Darkesword said he never played any of the Diablo games so I stated a suggestion is all.
Just finished watching the gameplay video. Gender choice for classes = win but Darkesword, try downloading the demo for Titan Quest or borrow it from a friend, and play it. That's basically the exact same type of game D3 ( and all the other Diablos) is.
Good god...this game looks eye orgasmic...but if anyone has ever played titan quest the graphics kind of look similiar to that...though I think D3's engine is probably more powerful than that.. seeing as how there are like 1000 more things happening in the environment (smashing walls down, blood splattering everywhere). Looking forward to this game.... "Stay a while and......aw no one ever listens.." <- lol
alright cool..thanks. Window of opportunity still stands for anyone else if he/she is interested.
Hey guys, if anyone was interested in playing in a small LAN tournament and lives around the area ( Georgia Tech)...pm me or post here. Entrance is $5. Probably gonna play games like DotA, WC3 (melee), Counter strike 1.6, Counter Strike: Source. Anyway maybe this year they might have TF2 or COD4 or some of the newer games. There will also be console games, like super smash bros...i dunno if it will be brawl or melee or both. So check out this website www.siggamegt.com/ they haven't posted any of the specifics yet, so just hang on and check a bit later. The reason i posted is cause we don't have a solid 5 for a team. It would be great if one or two of you could actually come..
=( I am sad. Morrowind was a great game for me...run around do whatever the hell you want, then when you're satisfied you can go ahead and go on with the main storyline...some people say it's better than oblivion, but I dunno...but i still thought it was at least decent. anyway for now, I only got one game.. the Witcher - I know, you might think I'm crazy or stupid for saying morrowind is good and the witcher is bad. Well i got the game expecting an rpg where it requires more than just a mouse to play. I didn't really like the leveling system either. Geralt does look kind of badass, and he does have sex with just about anyone with two legs, but I just didn't catch on to the whole idea.
If you screenshot it with your cursor highlighted over your name it shows you whether or not you did it on ironmode. check out the screenshot i made. It shows the bonuses and everything...but if I did it on ironmode it would put ironmode in with the other bonuses.
Take that flylighter! sry didnt know how to make a thumbnail if its too big =(
I logged in as "Donut123" just in case anyone (no one) was wondering....
Genius. (you are)