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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. I played off and on for a while and even stopped for about 6 months because I couldn't afford it. I never once had to buy another copy except when I transferred from PS2 to PC because my PS2 got stolen. Why do you need a new copy to make a new account?
  2. I'll take it! I've been wanting it for a while, but seeing as I don't own a credit card (or hardly any money), that makes it very difficult for me to obtain most of these things that I want. They just happened to be selling the FFX OST at comic-con, so I managed to pick up a copy of that, which was nice. But back to the situation at hand, PLEASE send that my way. I would love you long time.
  3. Well...I really want to finish this, but my creative juices are failing me http://ton.escariot.net/songs/remixes/Sparkster.mp3 I haven't given up yet though!
  4. lol. Also, Pokemon is pretty far along, isn't it? Been waiting for that one for a while.
  5. WHAT?! NO MONSTRO TOWN?! I didn't request it, but I was seriously looking forward to hearing it As for my track, I have a close to :50 wip.
  6. Anso room with me (was all caps, but got changed)
  7. http://www.square-enix.com/eu/en/jobs/ This is where it was. Don't know if it's still there, but they also had "game tester" positions with FFXI experience required that started at the beginning of June.
  8. Surprised this topic hasn't gotten more attention and even more surprised that THIS hasn't been mentioned yet, but some hints recently on Squeenix's job listings page can only make one assume that beta will start shortly after "mid-September". There are GM positions in England open that start then.
  9. Haha, you and me both. I've subscribed to the Eorzeapedia RSS feed and already made accounts on both of those as well.
  10. If anyone finds any information on how to get into this beta, let me know. GOD, I want to beta test this so bad.
  11. I used to play on Titan for about three years. Unforunately, I always played on my hueg PS2 and it got stolen by a mexican working on my house during renovation. My dad replaced it with one of the "new" slimlines so I couldn't play FFXI on it anymore. I got it for PC a while later and still have it...but I never got used to the controls on PC and I don't own a credit card OR have a steady income :/ I really want to play again. I miss it
  12. Heh, you didn't clarify that the second paragraph applied to GU rather than "the first games".
  13. Wait, seriously? I must be retarded or something. I think just the opposite. I couldn't find the third and fourth PS2 games, but I never even finished the second one because I got bored of it. I thought G.U. was just INCREDIBLE. I beat the second one before the third came out and got pissed. The battles were so much better for one thing. You could use rapid attacks instead of one slice over and over again. The fields were much more interesting, rather than just a huge open area. The towns were much more developed imo. I dunno, the whole thing just seemed to be designed a whole lot better. As for the anime, I saw SIGN and loved it. Have all 6 DVDs. Didn't finish ROOTS. Can't remember why. But it helped fill in some things from G.U.
  14. The king of Arkansas sends his best regards. Huzzah for the prophet!
  15. Oh my god. I don't even know what that is, but I want some Viking Death Ska.
  16. Wow. They really gave that game a crappy review. Luckily, one of the few positive things that was mentioned was the soundtrack.
  17. I love how the logo in the top right kinda looks like the crest
  18. lol...I didn't have access to IRC so I posted it here
  19. It was a lot louder than most club background music too and not muffled at all. Sounded almost like it was in the foreground and no quality lost
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