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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. if you can find a drum beat source tune to remix
  2. Ok, I guess I can kinda see where you're goin with the whole "I gotta make sure you're into it to get music that fits" thing, but wouldn't make a lot more sense to drop the test thing? Isn't that a bit extreme? First off, you'd get about 90% more support for your project. After that, you could sift through the songs you get and find ones that fit. Obviously, the people that have read the script will probably have the most fitting ones so what do you have to worry about? People who are interested will read the script. Almost all of those people won't want to bother with a 50 question test. Also, if this does get turned into an anime, I assume the composers will catch a cut of the profit from that as well?
  3. Ok, well I'M coming for sure. I'm fairly sure one of my friends is coming but one of them might be a lost cause. He's really short on money and his mom won't let him come unless there's "adult supervision" (her definition = a full-grown male adult to go there with us and back). How effing ghey is that? His 18th birthday is only a couple weeks after MAG. Anyway, I have a "full-grown male adult" friend who said he might be able to go with us AND give him some work to raise some extra money. Whatever the case, I'm coming either way. It may be lonely, though...Just in case I end up going by myself, anyone have room in their room?
  4. It's really not that hard to learn. From what you've already said, you have the composition already. All that's left is to learn how to use a program that can put it all together. It might take a bit, but it's so much more satisfying to be able to put your own music together the way you want it than ask other people to do it for you and get it only halfway how you want.
  5. Why can't you? It sounds like you have a whole song already in your head. What's holding you back?
  6. There is no + side if you're still not going also
  7. can you link me to the source tune? I remember liking it, but that's it.
  8. Yeah, Escariot's server was down for a bit but it should be back up again.
  9. Very nice. All those twos remind me of notcool2, which I still need a new version of. Finish this and I will show it to my children to have sex to. Also, I love the overwhelming presence of WiP CrU in here.
  10. birthday gifts? (that's what most of mine is)
  11. [CAPS]Ice caps! Yes! And then you can turn it Into an Olaf/ice Cap Remux![/CAPS]
  12. Not necessarily. It could be Sonic's up+B.
  13. Yeah, it did. Maybe they just recently decided to put Sonic in the game. They said the info was released at a Fall 07 Nintendo conference and that's about as inside as it gets. Also, this
  14. So, is there a possibility all the logos are uploaded to the site already? If so, I say we all try to force the link to #13.
  15. GODSHITMUTHERFGT! I...damnit... I forgot. also, V has a submission. I don't know if he got it in in time or not and it's just a mistake...but his song was pretty off tha hook.
  16. Ashley's song is great. She sounds like she's aged a bit though... The Japanese version of the song is more fitting because it sounds like a girl instead of a popular night club singer. also, Complete and utter win.
  17. Yeah, it sounds like a giraffe dying or something. Probably being sacrificed to some pagan gods. That's how much of a joke it is.
  18. ok. Gunbound TheRealToN(double wooden axe for now) Final Fantasy XI -Titan- Arcolyte (41 BLM/20 WHM/17 THF that's all I can remember off the top of my head.) I'm sure there's more so I'll be editing this post pretty soon...
  19. You can still do a big band arrangement for a smaller band, it just wouldn't sound as full.
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