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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. well, that just makes things more difficult I've tried all three and still nothing.
  2. I don't know if my settings have changed or anything ( I don't see it anywhere) but I'm not seeing people's post counts on their posts anymore.
  3. hooooollyyyyyyy shit... 103 tracks. dayum.
  4. Well, EBGames is saying that it ships 9 - 01- 07. This may have been said before, but I don't remember it. Yeah, that pretty much sucks if it's accurate...no summer brawl.
  5. So... How did this go, and is there a recorded version I could get from somewhere?
  6. would've been better if it showed some gameplay That shouldn't even be on youtube, it wasn't a video. It should be a ytmnd.
  7. Awright! New wip from Advance Wars: Dual Strike. It's a remix of the Green Earth theme. *broken link removed. Working link below* feedback/comment/suggestions...you know...
  8. ah ok. I just realized that I somehow ended up w/ another copy of DKC3 for snes so now I have two for some reason... *goes to play the game for ideas for a wip*
  9. haha, once again, this thread is really old too. Even older than the other one. That link probably doesn't exist anymore.
  10. lol, well for one thing, this thread is about 3 months old, so I wouldn't doubt it if he's changed his songs on myspace. btw, how's this mix going? Still doing it?
  12. haha, so since everyone's changing their avatars now, are they going to be changed on the grid? Ducktalez pwns
  13. um...yeah. Kickass. This definitely...kicks ass. the only thing I noticed wrong was some very very VERY minor pitch control problems in the vocals. Barely noticable so not a big deal :3 Did I mention this song kicks ass?
  14. ... my AIM still isn't on there... it's magic22man115
  15. You mean a remix project? yeah, that was Electric Concerto. It's not going to start for a while and it was originally going to be only SA but someone mentioned SA2 so I don't know what's going to happen with that.
  16. Haha, I'm pretty sure the PRO outwieghs the CON by at least 10 times.100 for him and 1 for Colbert EDIT: lol at #203
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