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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. By Zelda using her TP weapons, basically you're saying you want her to have light arrows, right? That's pretty much all she got in that game. She never even tried to use that sword... Just wondering because you guys are kinda making it sound like more than it is. (Unless I'm missing something...)
  2. Yeah sax is a bit better. I think it could use a little more(if there is any) reverb. Sounds a bit dry but it's very stylistic and un-square, which is good. I think that if you're going to use sax in that part though, put it throughout the song in places, especially near the end for a kind of recap/climax thing. Like make the end a kind of improvish sax thing on top of the rest to keep the variation. Hm...what else... Pretty much all of what Dafydd said... When the brass comes in w/ the bass for the chorus, that's all that's playing. Seems like it could use some extra background things. Sounds sorta emtpy. It's like that almost everytime the chorus comes in. Don't really notice much else at the moment. Keep it up dude, I really like this.
  3. nowai! nice observation...I never would've known, had there not been bright minds at work here.
  4. I have to say, I don't think you guys are going to do it, but if you do, I'll be the first to watch it and roffle. with you...not at you... well, maybe at you...
  5. Yeah, that would be great. You don't know how many times I went through classic mode just for the credits because I thought you could unlock something that way...I hate that stupid mini-game now...
  6. I was thinking something different...y'know, NOT space related...
  7. How about the credits? Think there will be a different little mini-game-esque thing while the credits are rolling like the shooting thingy in melee?
  8. But thanks for the nice tips. Appreciate it a ton. His new stuff should be coming in soon, so any day now...
  9. I can't say much, seeing as it's not my project, but from what I got out of the previous posts, the project won't start for a while. There's about a thousand projects happening right now and we're running out of remixers to join projects, seeing as they're all comitted to other projects, so I think EC's holding off for a bit. At least until Pokemon and Crecendo to Chaos are done (they are going to be done soon, right?). This thread is just to spark interest and see if there's enough to start the SA Project. In my opinion (which, again, this doesn't really matter because this is ECs stuff) I'd say the thread is doing alright. I want to be a part of this project or at least hear it when it's finished so even if you don't remix, let 'im know how much you want to hear this project completed (or at least started). EDIT: there's a lot of tracks (69 I think, and about 65 of them are pretty much full songs) on the SA ost so a SA/SA2 fusion would probably be a little too ambitious.
  10. I was just kidding dude, I knew what you meant
  11. I'm still pretty new as a remixer but I like to look at the requests forums. If there's a song from a game I like, I'll attempt it for about 15-30 minutes (if I have the time and some idea of what I want) and see if it sounds alright. However, I'd say the easiest way to get a request remixed is to remix it yourself.
  12. Not very nice to call my music shit But yeah, lol, it's there. Direct link: http://ton.escariot.net/Wiitastic.mp3
  13. Meh, yeah, I'm mixing the games up...I'm just thinking of the early FF as a whole (even though I said FFI...) I've been playing FFIII lately so that's where I got the aero as a white magic idea. And yeah, HARM kicked ass It's up there. Read again.I mentioned the thief for a sentence. Ninja is basically an advanced thief so it wouldn't be much different. Only cooler and it would have the ability to kill pirates.
  14. Isn't that the same as Monk pretty much?
  15. FFVII characters are impossible to be in the game because it was a PS2 exclusive, but what about some of the original Final Fantasy games. like FFI-FFVI. All of those were on Nintendo, right? Especially from FFI. No real specific characters, but It would be cool to see a Red Mage in there. None of the others really seem like they'd be very original except for Black Mage and White Mage. Warrior would be too much like Marth and Roy (nothing really but sword attacks). Thief would be about the same but with weaker attacks and more speed. Monk would be like a Street Fighter character. What else...am I forgetting any jobs from FFI? Black Mage could seriously kick ass with Fire, Lightning, Blizzard and such with some dagger attacks for melee combat. White Mage would be pretty unreasonable though. Moderate hammer attacks with possibly Aero or whatever was white magic offensive back then. The only thing I can think of other than that, though, is healing magic, which would make him/her almost impossible to kill. Now Red Mage would kick some serious ass. Dual wielding swords while casting low level fire, lightning, and blizzard. Just...throwing more ideas out there.
  16. Mr. Game and Watch. A lot of people didn't know he existed until Melee came out and those who did probably would've never thought he would fit into a game like Smash Bros. Of course, he still sucks, but still. Also, the Ice Climbers. More widely known than Mr. Game and Watch, but before Melee, less probable to hold their own up against, say, Link. There are ways to make anything kick ass. No suggestions are silly. We're not talking about who we think will be in the game. We're talking about who we want to see in the game. Whether it would work or not, it would still be pretty cool to see Mr. Resseti using a rant attack(similar to Jigglypuff's singing) and smashing everyone with his lethal pickaxe or the Postman from Majora's Mask speeding across the stage and throwing razor-sharp letters, making his opponents suffer from excruciating papercuts. There are ways to make any character fight, whether it's legitimately kicking ass or comically causing pain and suffering. Basically like w/ Pichu. It's incredibly hard, at first, to win a match with Pichu, but once you get good w/ him/her, it's easy. Same could go for any other character we think up. What I'm trying to say is, there's no such thing as a silly idea/suggestion.
  17. Galka mage is hell. No near enough MP. I'm an elvaan BLM and even that's hell to pt with because of lack of MP. Galka is even worse. You're going to need a backup mage for most of your pt's if you try this.
  18. *puts a vote in for a meetup in liek...Arkansas* >.> I can dream...
  19. There were three Bomberman games for 64: Bomberman 64, Bomberman Hero, and Bomberman 64: The Second Attack. which one is the Bomberman64 2 you're refering to? Some people consider Hero to be #2 and some consider B64:SA to be #2.
  20. omfg that's another Bomber64: Second Attack. One of those games I rented and haven't seen since. It was incredibly addicting. Once again, it was a while ago though, so I don't remember most of the music, but I DO remember humming along with it becuase my sister told me stop and I forced her to watch me eat sheep as a dog and she cried. ah...good times, good times.
  21. gawd, I can't wait for this game...is there a release date yet? or release date FOR the release date? T.T
  22. Aiai from Super Monkey Ball would be interesting. (I think that's his name...) Lizzie, George, or Ralph from Rampage. Would Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark be qualified? Another idea I had that probably wouldn't work but would be very interesting: Slime from the Dragon Warrior series. I dunno even know if that would be qualifiable but seeing as DW started out on Nintendo I figured it would be worth mentioning.
  23. Awright, so I didn't get much love in my last wip thread (which is more or less dead now) so here's an updated version. Keep in mind, I still need to record some sax into it (hence the emptiness and repetitiveness). Dad's been having trouble with his recording equipment so it may be a while. But comments/feedback/constructive critisism is appreciated. Still a noob when it comes to EQing, so tips on that would be very helpful as well. http://ton.escariot.net/DontBeSad.mp3
  24. Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh, that's not gonna work. Try posting a link instead.
  25. Middle Eastern-flavored electronica/dance...wow. It works. some of that guitar/sitar/whatever that stringy thing is around 1:45 sounds a bit strange in places, but this mix is sweet. Oh yeah btw, don't quit your day job!
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