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Everything posted by Jewbei

  1. but how did he cheat..isnt that impossible? because i remember Daniel Palmer telling me that ourstage tracks everyone IP addresses to see if they made any duplicate accounts to cheat.
  2. hey everyone im sorta new here..well ive been lurking around OCR for a very long time mainly ive been active in VGMix. So being that i really want to get on OCR im going to start utilizing these forums better and start being more active here. What i have here is a House (with trance elements) Of Green HIll Zone from sonic 1. I appreciate any feedback i recive good or bad. So enjoy! and share your thoughts. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/nclo/Jewbei--Dance-With-Me-Again-Sonic-BETA P.S. this wip is kinda old i jus stopped working on it because i ran out of ideas
  3. yeah i wish everyone the best of luck. dont worry zircon im not giving up im going to be a OCRemixer. im so close i can feel it.
  4. yeah after listening to it like 30 times ive picked up on the clipping unfortunately its too late for me to pick apart the mix to fix it. However im going to clean it up and sub it like in 2 months or so.
  5. hmm well being that i have some free time on my hands im going to give this a shot. I need more experience workin with vocals so what the hell why not?
  6. well im done it took me 6hrs a day i had started on tuesday. so im pretty happy in what i got so far. lemme know what yuo guys think.
  7. im like 50% done with mines. should be done by friday
  8. hey Drakesword im down for it i dont care if i spend like 8hrs a day on it. i will show my appreciation for his music.
  9. The last time ive spoken to bLiNd was like last month to let him know about how well i was doing in ourstage. I showed him my Tales Of Destiny remix and he really liked it. I discovered him in 05 and every since then he has been my main influence for my music he's a really cool guy and has help me alot in the past and even giving me pointers in how to improve my trance. I hope you pull through man you will be in my prayers.
  10. Yeah man I agree, I remember when i found this site way back in 2000 and man oh man everyone has come a LONG way. Even though im mainly very active in VGMix something always draws me back to this site. I know this is a lil off topic but A long time ago i was going to submit a Trance mix (i cant remember what it was) I was told not to submit it because "OCR hates trance, Trance remixes never makes it onto OCR" then i look at bLiNd (my main influence for my music I really look up to him) im like wtf is this nigga is saying if he can make it then so can I. I'm going to be real honest here. Even though i honed my skills over at VGMix, it was OCR that always brings the best out of me and forces me to push harder. When I first submitted La CLub La Emeraldz Larry and the others all pointed of my weaknesses and no one has been able to do that and I really thank them it was in a sense a wake up call and every since that NO ive gotten ive been busting my ass stuying new music and learning new skills. So getting a song on OCR is like winning the oscars for me lol. P.S. Sorry for the long ass post
  11. wow...maybe i need to hang out here more often i like the controversy ...very delicious
  12. wow..uh....did i miss something? this thread got mad "violent" out of nowhere.
  13. yeah im very proud fo sho...i dunno now im kind of hype to start focusing more on making more original pieces Frankly speaking Aqualight is my best track ever i cant even get my remixes to sound close to that. I strongly feel that I spend a lil more time writing more original tunes that it will help me more on my arrangement skills.
  14. Hey man thanks im glad you liked it. but yeah i really had fun and realized my talents i cant wait to see what is in store for next month.
  15. Welp it looks like i wont be going to the finals but im very proud that i made it to the semi finals i was #3 i didnt think that so many people would like Aqualight. Mad people are hitting me up saying how good the track is and it gave me a bigger fan base. We shall see how things are next month. ^^
  16. well im still in 2nd place lori is still in the lead. shes a real cool gal i got to chat with her.
  17. i must say that i really like Drum & Bossa very relaxing and i like the soft beats. kinda feels like elevator music lol
  18. wow i honestly didn't think i would get the chance and make it this far. Even though I rarely show up around these neck of the woods. But i must say the feedback i get here is jus simply amazing and it has helped me a lot as a musician. Im not going to give up till i impress the judges somehow. Im sure that one of my remixes will bound to pay off one day. Wish me luck guys..
  19. I really enjoyed this mix Siam...good shit its always good hearing fresh music from you. congrats and keep at it!
  20. hey i have a WIP over at the other forums be sure to check it out...i know im said 2 weeks but im eager to show ppl what im working on...^^
  21. so avaris can i post the WIP's in here..as a mp3 and the final i send you you guys in wav. format...hmm wow thats gonna be pretty big..is there another way besides .wav cuz i was jus gonna send you as a mp3 due to its small size.
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