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Everything posted by Jewbei

  1. ah man i really like this man yeah post the full version! so i can add it to my mp3 player! and how you been man its been ages since we last spoke
  2. yep i jus sent mines as well im also looking forward to it as well
  3. hey sup everyone i rarely do this but eh what the hell i have a few songs im willing to share. lemme know what you think and enjoy Aqualight: I this was suppose to be a remix to sonic 2's aquatic ruin zone but it didnt mesh well so i made it into a original song. (Trance) Guided Love: This was my first attempt at blending trance with hip hop elements this song is rather old i did finished it i have the full version around somewhere i wrote this for my girlfriend. I think im on to something who knows maybe i will create a whole new genre of music (Hip hop and Trance) Arigato: I made this for a close friend/fan of mines she really enjoyed it but i think i got a lil carried away though. (Trance)
  4. hey avaris here is the sylenth demo ima work on it more tonight at work.... so tomorrow it should be ready to go http://www.tindeck.com/listen/vlsf

  5. hmmm..this isnt bad at all...its jus that it everything feels so dry to me especially the opening the bells or whatever that is needs some reverb and some delay...and the low end needs some boost i cant feel the bass nor the kick and i would love to see a breakdown part and also the transitions feels weak with a lil more work about the stuff ive mention this track can really shine also make it longer i dunno if this was a preview or if your planning on subbing this song ..try to expand it too 5mins i think the source is limited but you can stretch it out trust me.
  6. by like the 21st of this month i can donate between $50-$100. This site helped me a lot it seems rather selfish if i stand by and do nothing to return the favor
  7. well FL isnt compatible with mac and to my understanding i dont think you can even upgrade a mac once you get it thats all you get if you want more freedom id say jus stick to pc..mac's are over hyped both the pc and the mac are jus as powerful and can do the same thing.
  8. also it seems that tindeck went down or something so here is a different link Green Hill Zone Club update.mp3 - 2.66MB
  9. hmm hollow eh? can you be more specific like where or when does it sounds hollow at? if you mean the main lead im going to change it.
  10. well do what i do i listen o alot of trance music to get ideas and then jus translate it inot your own style
  11. thanks man dont worry next update within a few days or so, so keep on the look out
  12. ok here's is a lil semi update. added a high bass layer and a arp to help out the melody its still a tad short by the next update it will be longer. ight lemme know what you think pplz
  13. this isnt bad hell you sounded way better than me when i first started using FL but yeah lets see the kick needs to be more punchier add a compressor with a short attack and about a 2:1 ratio erm well if you really need some help hit me up on aim.
  14. holy shit im really feeling this remix the intro caught me by surprise yeah i agree this should pass man i wish you luck let me know how it turns out
  15. oh ight thanks im going leave the intro as it is
  16. thanks for your insight i will definitely create a breakdown part. oh and do you think the intro is a lil long?
  17. hey wassup guys? its been a while im working on my next sub to ocr which is a green hill zone mix ..well another version, my old version got destroyed the flp file got corrupted. but yeah im giving it another go but i really need some feeback on this i have the right ideas going at the moment but i dont really know how to implement them any crit is welcome is rather short for now but i will keep uploading new versions as i work on it more. thanks for your time. UPDATE 9/7/09: whew ive been working hard on this to get it where i want it to be so enjoy its a lil longer than the older versions. will update by the end of the week.
  18. hmm this track isnt bad..but something about it feels a lil empty ..some of the synths sounds a lil too thin but it could be me i will listen to it more to see what more feedback i can give.
  19. congrats ive always knew you would be posted here i used to listen to your music on your myspace page for hours...you have mad skills nicole keep at it and i wanna hear more music MOOOAR lol.
  20. ha! yeah this definitely really damn good reminds me of white skies but x20,000! i really like the intro and the side chained choir's plus with the chopped up vox sample jus tops it all. Avaris is right your starting to sound more and more like Oceanlab in a good way! My favorite part is at 3:19-4:44 im jus a sucker for trance arps i cant help it. Your style is evovling and im trying to keep up lol. Its funny i havent been able to wirte any music for a long while but when I heard you new stuff man it gave me back my mojo thanks man i owe you one. On a side note im still mad that i couldnt come to mag to meet you and Jade but dont worry we all gonna bump into each other well man keep at it hope to hear from you soon! i have something new in the works when its complete i will pass it on to you and Jade. Peace brutha!
  21. well well well its been a long time man ..funny i got posted last month and now i look up and your back...better than ever! im glad to see that you've improved a lot man keep at it. hey we gotta collab one day!
  22. wow abg you came out of nowhere! we have alot of catching up to do. and thanks for the kind words man.
  23. wow spacepony its been AGES. how the hell are you man?? and thanks man!
  24. haha thanks for the kind words bLiNd after all you are one of my main inspirations for my music . id never thought i would become an ocremixer this is like winning an oscar but yeah a big thanks to the judges for realizing my strengths and weaknesses it really helped me out alot. yeah its true i have came a oong way worked hard (im stil working hard) and im mad happy i finally got a track on this site. so yeah expect to hear more from me!
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