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Everything posted by Jewbei

  1. huge update its on the first page enjoy guys i know everyone wants me to get this done.
  2. yeah ProtoDome your right about that im STILL learning new things with this program everyday. currently im running on FL 8.5 ....FL 9 is about to come out id say between this month or the next. so which each new versions they are new features to learn.
  3. dont worry man you will learn fast FL is fairly easy to learn. it took me about a year to learn everything
  4. FL Studio ^^ been using it for 8yrs now
  5. yeah man i know the feeling lol in my case i had to upgrade my sound library and im still not done buying the sounds i need. but i have enough now to implement the ideas i originally had in mind. also im working on a phoenix wright trance mix as well. i will most likely upload that one soon as well. ive been working on that one for like 3 months.
  6. yeah me to man ive been working on it like crazy off and on for a very long time. since February of this year.
  7. new update coming at the end of next week.
  8. ahh masta phil youve done it again man im always blasting your music on my zune and this one will be on loop for a long while....it reminds me of daft punk lol
  9. Thank you for the feedback yeah i was thinking about extending the intro a lil longer i will definitely take that into consideration when i start working on it again. The reason why i havent worked on this in a long while because i need to upgrade my sound library im planning on buying my access virus ti desktop around November so once I get that i will finish this mix and sub it. I Also have another WIP in the works its from phoenix wright: trails and tribulations. so keep on the look out for that one as well. and yeah im planning on adding the bridge
  10. hey guys i havent worked on it in a while got stuck i took a break to see if any ideas will pop out....and they didnt lol but do keep on a lookout though
  11. wow strike im proud of you man youve came a long way. when this game hits XBL let me know i can buy it to support you/ its the least i can do we go waaaaaay back since our days on vgmix 2 and 2.5 lol
  12. congrats an shit....now go make a baby so powerful when that child presses a single key on zirc's midi keyboard the world will explode due to the inheritance of its parents musical abilities!
  13. i started out on a dusty ass psx with mtv music generator that was back in 99 ...i remixed green hill zone and called it green sad zone but then when i moved to FL 4 like in 02 this was my first mix: first mix: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/rkzh this is how i sound now http://www.tindeck.com/listen/nprn
  14. thats preposterous i only heard 3 electronic songs on that album ....4 if you count hy bound
  15. yeah i agree we need more electronic projects we dont get enough love man!
  16. this track is mad hot man i like how bLiNd is able to like add so many elements from electro to make a fantastic ass remix you keep evolving man and the side chaining is amazing as hell i must say that the intro scared the shit outta me and its a good feeling because he captured the mood right and its very hard to do that with music at times. keep at it man i cant wait to hear whats in store in the future
  17. yeah we're gonna re do this it had so much potential
  18. well this will be my first magfest im pretty sure im going to be the only person there with a nyc accent ...and im not talking about the fake sounding Italian voiceovers that sound like theyve been dubbed by those For Kids Tv niggas EDIT: Level 99....me and you son 3 o' clock after school!
  19. "Pretty damn not what I'm looking for. xD You would use that in trance, not here." HEY BUDDY i have my eye on you stop dissing trance i am a trance remixer ya know lol.
  20. nooooo damn you halc! finish this i wanna hear moar!!
  21. its about time this got posted! man halc and cth you've done it again this time fusing both of y'all unique styles to create a epic ass mix. i find myself listening to your music alot halc and cth the same goes to you man keep at it i want to hear moar! ps...damn halc we never got to finish our collab?? do you still have the project files? hit me up on aim when you can!
  22. i agree with Rozo, yes you are definitely getting better but the production does needs a lil more work. and to me the some of your sounds...kinda sound midi ish ..what i mean by that they sound fake like the choir in the intro it sounds fake meaning try to find a better quality sample to replace it or master it with some good FX's to make it shine also i cant really feel nor hear your bass boost some of the low end but dont make it too much you dont want to over power your mix. that plucked sound that plays in the intro with the chior and thats layered with your piano ...sounds good layered (im assuming its a sitar or some sorth of indian instrument) but i wouldnt play it by its sefl not like that because that instrument sounds a tad fake also. but over this is better than your last wip jus keep at it eventually you'll get it.
  23. hey ambient yeah im def gonna get rid of that lead and yeah man im glad you wrote the arp it really helped me to progress with the mix and yes we shall do a proper collab youre the arp master lol
  24. ahh thanks bLiNd i didnt expect to see you round these neck of the woods. yeah about that lead im still trying to figure out what ima change it to im buying some more soundbanks for my vst's soon hopefullly that'll give me some more options. And yeah thanks man i try i do a lot of studying trance wise to pick up on new techniques and the advice you gave me years ago is finally starting to pay off
  25. actually it is hidden you see for example the chords in the intro of the original source track which starts at :02 is in the mix the plucked chords you hear it come in at :42 and i didnt add the rest of the source yet
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