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Everything posted by Jewbei

  1. ahh masta phil you always amaze me with your music man! well i only have minor gripes about this the intro is very good but i think you shouldnt introduce the melody too early like let the bass play first then build up the melody cuz it starts too sudden for me. Also I argee about the drums it just need some variation and some fills. and yeah thats it keep me posted!
  2. ambient do you have any suggestions?
  3. silly me..thanks for clearing that up..that track is hot though
  4. so cut the mid on the bass bout 800 and the mid of the hats and boost some of the high end...gotcha. expect a update by the end of this week.
  5. ehh not my cup of tea but its repetitive and a tad boring try adding some of your own melodies to it
  6. yep avaris ..here's the update. dont mind the breakdown and build up im still working on that area'. but here ya go guys ...and gals??
  7. I use FL Studio sometimes I rewire it with Reason. But usually FL is all I use
  8. Avaris i will def check out that song
  9. ' Ambient i totally agree the lead doesnt gel well but i choose it because i felt it would bring out the track more, ive ran through all of my sounds ...couldnt find anything maybe i can see if i can get avaris to make a few sounds.
  10. thanks abg im always looking to always surpass my last track
  11. hey man thanks for the kind words. as for the sounds let me give you a lil run down, the bass is actually layered 2 instances Oddity plus 1 instance of Zebra. im only using one instance of sytrus which is the plucked chords everything eles is Zebra...pads and that lead synth all zebra. and the clean sound....is all about mastering EQ'ing properly and compression
  12. Hey everyone its been awhile i know i know another wip i couldnt finish my last one but i will when i get the idea's flowing again for that mix. This is a remix to sakura's theme from Street fighter alpha 2 (and i guess SF 4 being that the arranged version is in it) but yeah it has some of bLiNds influence pratically white skies club mix. now my main thing is im thinking about making this a club mix being that how i have it arranged. Well enjoy i will be updating this reguarly being that i really want to sub this. Any feeback will be appreciated ...Peace! Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHzbjJGuHMk Remix UPDATE: .
  13. i dunno why when i hear this ...it feels like that it can be on mami vice the TV series. its definitely different from your usual stuff but i can get used to it you have my vote! btw global trance you crack me up i swear man...lol
  14. i remember when you first showed this to me last month...i had it on loop for like 4hrs i wanna hear moar!
  15. yeah i agree its very polished...but the breakdown/ buildup needs a lil more work. but otherwise this is shaping up really good
  16. wow its funny this is my next remix i was gonna work on this doesnt sound bad at all jus try to make the intro more entertaining my close friend abg jus finished this remix if you need some inspiration check out his remix on his myspace page "through space and time" http://www.myspace.com/abgremix but yeah this isnt bad jus need to work on the tranisitions better
  17. OMFG i cant wait this is like my favorite game out of the whole series... i stopped playing after gold and sliver
  18. yeah as soon as i get gladiator ima team up with abg. but yeah buy our sounds lol
  19. i really like the production and the synth choices it gives it a nice 80's feel in which we dont hear that type of music now days thats that good ass "techno" right there but this also have a very house ish feel to it. i enjoyed this keep up the good work man!
  20. ah HA thats what im talking about man, i remember you showing this to me like a year ago and was amazed im glad this got posted keep at it!
  21. ahh thank you kindly sir
  22. ahh bLiNd hope you finish this i had this as my ringtone for a while lol but yeah cynic try to start off original but base it off around the melody and the bass...then add a epic breakdown keep at it
  23. yeah i have to agree Gareth Emery really did stole the show had my head bopping like crazy
  24. thie track is very unique sounds like something i would hear on A State Of Trance
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