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Everything posted by Smenelian

  1. Okay so GC called me today and informed me that they just got VI.ONE in stock. I picked it up, brought it home, and can't figure out where the Kontakt player is located. On disc 1 there is a Service Center setup file but that is the only installer on all three discs. What's the deal?
  2. Sent mine. I'll be gone for most of today so I hope it went through.
  3. I called THREE GCs within reasonable distance and none of them had VI.ONE. Two said they could special order it and one said they could not. Can anyone give me a heads up as to whether or not I can have it ordered?
  4. Do all GCs have all of the mentioned products or should I call and find out before visiting the store? The nearest one is about 45 minutes from my home so I don't want to waste a trip.
  5. When you install FL there is a folder called "cool stuff" which has project files you can check out.
  6. Anyone have any experience with it? I'm looking to get a midi keyboard controller with knobs and buttons and such and I'm wondering if the Nocturn offers something that a regular controller can't do.
  7. I wish they would combine the capabilities of the selection tool to the pencil tool for the ultimate sequencing tool. I switch between those two more often than any others and I think it would be easy enough to put them together.
  8. DirectWave in FL can open .nki files. Whether or not it works with Finale GPO I can't say for sure. There is a free soundfont player called sfz that you can download and it will load soundfonts in FL if that's what you want (not .nki files). FL has a somewhat okay sounding piano in the program if you can't get anything else to work.
  9. FL Chan bothers me. They need to add a Giant Monster Chan to come in and eat the annoying thing in mid-dance.
  10. Dragging the note data pretty much solves the problem. I wasn't aware that was even possible. I guess that's what I get for being born and raised in FL Studio.
  11. I'm new to Reason and I can't get any sound out of an imported MIDI file. I realize that the tracks are blank combinators but I can't figure out how to replace them with other instruments. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Yeah, this is basically the next best thing. Sometimes I have a bunch of midi outs though and there isn't any way to get them over to the mixer that I know of.
  13. So you want to control vst parameters using the bars underneath the piano roll, yes? Some synths have a way of linking parameters to velocity, which you could then control with the velocity bars. Other than that I don't know of anything else.
  14. Yes, this will work. The only problem is it's likely going to be faster to just export the regular way and edit it afterwards.
  15. My headphones pick up everything, but I can't hear much of the 15khz tone unless I turn the volume knob at about 2 o' clock. I can hear all the rest at significantly lower volumes. Maybe I'm going deaf.
  16. Bah. IL needs to do something about that. At the very least I'd like to see a mass export function.
  17. Is there a way to export a single channel's audio into a .wav file without exporting the whole song with it? For example, if I have a cello that takes up 5 different patterns on the master playlist, can I export it so that only that channel is being rendered? I can mute all the other channels, but the file size is still unwieldy. And on a related note, is there an easy way to mass export all the channels to separate .wav files?
  18. Lies. My computer will pwn your project file.
  19. Edit: damn you DDRKirby, beat me to it. And I think it's perfectly reasonable for a person who knows their way around the program and knows a little about arrangement to be able to crank out tracks like that in a couple hours.
  20. Is this true or is there some humor that's flying over my head?
  21. If everyone's throwing links around, here's mine: http://www.myspace.com/awesomelycoolstuff One of these days I will have to get myself some real webspace.
  22. I must have been too skilled at playing the game to hear that song. I proudly stand corrected. *cough* That's probably what I get for using boo bass as my main low end. Congrats to Rocketsniper.
  23. I'm aware of the value, but I'm trying to work within my own budget here. I would do it instantly at $300 but I can see where you're coming from with trying to get back some of the money you paid originally. $300 is actually pushing it for me, but if you can part with it for $350 I will take you up on that. There's no way I can do $400 though. With my luck soundsonline will knock it down to $200 sometime in the near future.
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