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Posts posted by Nohbody

  1. I don't think acting differently online compared to real life indicates a split personality. I think how you act online can possibly show a lot about you because you get to hide behind a computer when you speak up. I know a lot of people who will act like a dick online but wouldn't DARE act like a dick in real life because boohoo they will get looked down upon. On the Internet nobody really knows where you live or how you look like (unless you post a picture obviously) and with the ability to hide behind that monitor of yours, you get the opportunity to be who you really are without any fear of consequences.

    so is the lack of inhibition a good thing or bad? sort of makes you realize what a funny thing inhibition is.

  2. sorry to interrupt pwnige with noob question, but is there a way to get a brawl battle recording from my sandisk into a playable video format on my computer. prolly no because the file is binary, but if anyone has advice, thx.

    guess i have to record on my camera phone like everyone else

  3. Not Boron. Adamantium Adamantium was an indestuctible metal from the comic X-Men. Wolverine's skeleton and claws were made out of it.

    EDIT: Actually I lied. To be more accurate, Wolverine's skeleton and claws were replaced with it.

    I thought his skeleton was reinforced with it.

    because in one comic magneto removed the metal. it was pretty nasty

    and yes, you will get several thaousand votes if stephen colbert gets wind of this

  4. luigi said knock you out

    i wanna see ghettoflame in action

    lets see what this "master" knows

    im going to be honest, i thought i was good too, but that was before i realized that there was an online community of people who break down and master every aspect of the game. and then came youtube videos of people pwning away in ways i didnt think imaginable. I am learning all the advanced techniques and crap, but really my time is limited to about once a week. and a lot of it is fucking hard

    my friend has the wii, and i have a sandisk *gasp* and a sandisk slot on my computer *gasp* so I will send you expert cool people a video of me and my friend doing our pathetic best. and you guys can give constructive criticism maybe?

  5. Seriously? I've played all the Final Fantasy games from the NES through the PSX, so unless FFX, XI, or XII have such a weapon, I'm pretty sure it hasn't been done yet. Are you referring to the sprite effects of earlier games? Because looking like an explosion on impact and actually being an explosion on impact are two completely different things.


    The Mighty Foot (blatant copyright infringement)

    A giant metal foot is launched up into the sky (like a mortar) and down onto the helpless victims. *Squish!*

    FF8. Quistis.

  6. I agree. That is why I love 300, it went back to the stand-still/panning action sequences. I hate the Bourne trilogy because the "intense action" gives me "intense nausea".

    Oh my god shaky cam was such a colossal fail. Once I noticed in the Bourne Ultimatum that the camera never stopped moving, it consumed my attention the entire movie. It wobbled slightly during even the dialogue. Not to mention they could have slipped in a massive orgy in the background of one of the intense action scenes and it would have went unnoticed, thanks to the camera man being drunk and masturbating while tripping on ecstasy.

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