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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. Late night lift session! This was actually really fun, i had to race the clock and crunched my sets of each down from three to two, cause i didn't have time but i enjoyed it a lot. Hell I didn't even get to do leg press, abs or incline bench. I started at 9:20, and the gym closed at 10 >'< Starting to ramp up for my official training next week.

    Curls, 8 X 40s, 40s

    Roman Chair w/ added weight, 8 X 60, 70

    French Curls (triceps) 8 X 70, 75

    Leg Curls, 8 X 200, 210

    Leg Extension, 8 X 200, 220

    Going off to do some abs now.

  2. I'm sorry this is so short but I have absolutely no time right now, so here's the short. I've been keeping in shape with lifting and good cardio (rowing with my hs team) and next week, my scheduled lifting starts. I might just post the lifts if anyone wants to tag along, its a straight brute strength regimen, which will gain you a good amount of muscle mass if done correctly and consistently. If anyone's interested let me know! I could use a partner, even if its only in spirit.

  3. Weekly checkin:

    I had practice all this week as i had, and between yesterday and today, my novice crew and i raced our way to a 2nd place finish in the ACRA national championship. Should've won but that's neither here nor there. This coming week is the beginning of my scheduled training so i'll be letting you guys know all about that in more detail then.

  4. Check in week 2:

    I havent been going to the gym much mainly because of the crazy schedule I had at work last week, I only went twice.

    Hopefully I'll get a better schedule this week.... which I doubt because the new kid just got himself fired yesterday, so I'll have to cover many days that he worked.

    I really want to loose weight though, so I'll keep going.

    Did you ever decide to go row with a club or not? not to push you either way but i was curious if you followed through.

  5. Hey, I'm back for my checkin.

    I can't be as specific with my workouts as most of you, because at the time I'm not planning them myself, but I can say I've been having two two hour practices per day up until today this week. I learned much to my surprise they burn rediculous amounts of calories, to the point where I'm considering eating even more than I do now (which is significant). It's going great though, I'm going to post a picture soon of where I am now, and its a bit fudging on before and after, but its something at least :<.

    I've also been doing static L holds every day. They're slowly improving, I'm doing sets of 3 for about 15 seconds each at the time. When I get home I'm getting those rings too, can't wait to start on that.

  6. Overall very nice! Well done.

    Thoughts. Some of the swirly synths aren't mixed into the piece as well as the rest of it. 1:10 has an example of this, where the thing kinda just decays. Some people may like it, I personally don't think it helps too much. That one's an opinion call.

    The same goes for the rising and falling whiny saw, that starts at :07 and goes throughout the piece. Its very cool at first, but it doesn't really seem to go much of anywhere. If its just filler then that's cool but I think with a little bit of creativity it could mesh better than it does now. For instance, at 1:17 when the breakdown comes, it could sound really cool with a little gating effect.

    In general, the piece is nicely put together in that it's decidedly subdued, with nothing really taking over. Its got a good sense of purpose if you will. All in all, keep up the good work! I wish I had more for you but its not particularly long, so long comments are hard to come by.

  7. Is there any way to find a pair of less expensive rings? I'd love to own some of my own but $80 is a lot for me.

    On a side note, my team all moved into a house for the last part of the season, and there's a sweet bar setup on the staircase that I've been using for L static holds to complement planchework.

  8. 1) How long have you been playing smash?

    Since the n64 version came out. I was a scrub at that (might have had something to do with being 12) but i always enjoyed it a lot. With melee, I began playing competitively three years ago.

    2) I went to a couple of the ESTICLE tourneys, along with more small time stuff. I almost went to one of the tourneys you were advertising on smashboards once, but wasn't able to attend.

    3) Not gonna lie, i loved it at first just due to the idea of nintendo characters in a fighting game. With melee however, I found the game really had so much depth. Each move a fighter has can be used for multiple things: for instance, gannys upair: it's a fast aerial for sweeping above of course, but it could also be used backwards, hitting with the end of the toe on the cooldown to semispike captain falcons everywhere to their graves.

    4) In general, the single player takes not that much effort or skill, so it becomes old.

    5) I like the new characters, as well as some of the new properties of the game, such as lucario's dair and ivy's uair. some of the stages are creative as well: I love delfino for instance, it moves but as far as i can tell, not in an unfair or unbalanced way.

    6) Tripping, and the inability to play fast and l-cancel. It's too slow to be able to outsmart people anymore, everything's seen coming.

    7) Originally my friends, and then watching videos online made me say "i wish i could do that." Also the community of high level players is awesome, they all do it for the right reasons (m2k aside)

    8) aka 8 ) To gain a certain level of respect and recognition from the community. Not likely to happen but i'll try.

    9) Not heavily, I enjoy halo and would like to play at a high level, but I don't own an xbox thus its impossible. Also, I'm attempting to become a competitive guild wars player, though not for professional, just be a force to be reckoned with.

    10) I don't have enough experience to say.

    11) I miss melee but I love brawl too.

  9. Checkin Time!

    So this week, I had finals. Our practice schedule kinda got shuffled around due to that, but we still got in a good 2-3 hours a day. I've also been doing work on the planche, and started the hanging L static hold (which to my pleasant surprise was not a heavily challenging hold). It works perfect on a boat rack :) Dad Vails, the biggest regatta in the country, is this weekend, and I'm in semis tomorrow, so wish me luck! We're going for medals by the end of the day.

    Next week I'll be in full swing buildup mode, and then I'll have a big list for you.

  10. Well, about 8 years ago, I joined a rowing back in my country. And I even made the team, but my parents didn't want me to join because they wanted me to focus on my studies. :(

    I loved the sport, but in this country is a lot more expensive.

    I just checked prices and is $60/month, I think I can afford it. How is it over there where you live?

    Its a little less, I happen to be lucky that in my town all the people who row are rediculously rich and donate money so the flat rate isn't as high. Probably around 40/month for me, it changes depending. But yeah, if you've rowed before you know as well as me, it can be awesome, and awesome exercise. Let me know what you decide.

  11. PS: Anyone knows any way I can practice rowing in a cheaper way. I have checked prices here in South FL and the are VERY expensive :(

    Now don't go crazy on me, but have you considered joining an actual rowing club? I'm a rower myself and while rowing on a machine gets you fit, there's nothing like doing the real thing, and you may be surprised at some of the prices you'll find when joining a club. I don't know about Florida of course, but not only will you get the workout, but you'll learn the proper technique and really be able to get something out of it.

    Edit: sorry for doublepost!

  12. Steben, what you could do if you wanted is make a specific thread for weekly checkins, and have this be the general chat thread, for if someone wanted to share their story from a certain day or whatever. Its just a thought but it might make your life easier!

  13. Over the past week, I've had 3ish hours of practice per day, with different workouts each one. One day was 3 X 8 minute pieces, rowing 100% for 45 seconds, off for 15. This gets harder than you'd think, cause even when you get the time off, picking the boat back up to speed with the other 7 guys is a challenge. Also did 4 minute pieces, which is about 2/3rds of a race. I know it sounds short but due to the intensity of the sport, it kicks your ass really fast. Still grindin'.. at the beginning of next week I'll be starting my weight training and static holds, i'm excited!

  14. After my run this morning, I've discovered how much harder I worked. It's been a while since I've been out running last (at least a year) and today I've just felt so energized and happy, it's crazy. If this is how working out really feels, I'm gonna try to run every day just to feel like this, 'cause it makes me feel wonderful.

    This truly warms my heart. I'll be pulling for you this summer!

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