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Everything posted by Scaredsim

  1. Indeed that's freaking good! Keep up the good work =)
  2. w00t I can't believe this may be finished someday.
  3. Nice guitar/piano sound and playing! But seriously, I can't recognize at all the theme...
  4. I'm a bit disappointed because the track is clearly too muc compressed. I still have the WIP Sixto posted like 1 year ago which I really prefer. But otherwise, this is Sixto's great stuff that we are used to hear and it would be an error to miss it. Nice rendition of the themes.
  5. Oooh I love this source, kudos for arranging it. I'm not a big fan of electronic sounds but I enjoy this remix. Nice job.
  6. Joyeux anniversaire, amigo!
  7. Yeaaa this is an awesome version, the best I've heard from you too. Keep it up!
  8. About time! This is freaking great, another way to really enjoy the Dr Wily theme : )
  9. This is awesome! Congrats to you both : )
  10. This track is great, I love it since the first Wips. Really melodic track, this is clearly some strong OA stuff.
  11. I LOVE THIS GUY, hurray!!
  12. Have a nice birthday you guy : )
  13. That's really really sad : (
  14. Hahaha ! FRENCHIE ! Thanks all ! OA : Sorry I prefer Roland Garros
  15. I enjoyed this a lot ! Good work.
  16. The concept is pretty funny yeah, now I can't really enjoy to listen it...
  17. Ho great this mix is there. I particulary love the synths, the stick bass rocks and well, all the rest too. Definately a must.
  18. Maaaan this is so great ! I feel like dreaming everytime I listen to this.
  19. Keychange !! This is really going great. I love the chorus.
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