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Everything posted by justinj212
Happy Beatles Day and happy 10th anniversary Dreamcast! As usual there will be a new episode of Radio Free Gamer tonight at 7PM EST! If you can't catch it live, you can download it via podcast this weekend. Listen in at 8bitx.com! Also, another Radio Free Gamer review will be posted this weekend. The subject: The Beatles Rock Band! Possibly Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders as well.
World 1 Level 12 is available to download via podcast! I play music from some of the VGM communities and resources that you might not have heard of, but should! Also, I have posted a review of Batman: Arkham Asylum onto the forums at 8bitx.com. It is a first attempt to expand the Radio Free Gamer branding, I suppose. Constructive feedback would most certainly be appreciated. You can PM me here or, preferably, email me at radiofreegamer@gmail.com. Thanks!
This week on Radio Free Gamer we will feature an interview with rock artist Henrik Lidbjork (aka Mutherpluckin' about his latest Nintendo cover album and his plans for the future, including the band he recently formed! As usual, we will also feature great, free video game music, our win and fail of the week, and the latest scoops. Join us for Radio Free Gamer this Wednesday at 7PM EST, only at 8bitx.com. Also (if you didn't know), you can follow @justinj212 via Twitter for updates and send a tweet his way with your wins/fails of the week, you can join us on facebook at the Radio Free Gamer group, and send any requests or questions to radiofreegamer@gmail.com! Thanks for checking out our show!
Radio Free Gamer airs tonight at 7PM EST! Join us for another great episode featuring free VGM! Check the home page (http://8bitx.com) for the link to listen in, and to join the live chat during the show! If you can't listen live, check out the podcast link in my signature. Also, 8bitx would like to welcome two new shows on Thursday nights from 9PM-Midnight EST. Join us for Centrifugal Force and Remix Radio, both focusing on Top 40 mixes. Check out 8bitx.com for more info!
I'd like to invite everyone back to Radio Free Gamer tomorrow night at 7PM EST! For those of you who joined us last week, feel free to visit the chat room again. I have some great music for you guys, and some video game and VGM news to discuss. Check out my show and the other shows on the 8BitX network only at 8bitx.com! Also, if you want to download my old episodes please check out my podcast!
Fixed. Glad you enjoyed the Anosou ep. I have no idea what you said there >_>
The new episode of RFG is up on the podcast! You can check out what went down in the chatroom here. We had a ton of remixers from the FF4 project in the chat, so be sure to check it out!
Will update the podcast tonight or tomorrow night. While I'm doing that, I'll also publish a blog post on the RFG page which will contain links to everything I played. @Bahamut those were both by an artist (or group? I don't know, think the page was in Japanese) called Germania Monte Mario. Will post a link on the blog tonight or tomorrow. Also, if anyone wants to check out what went down in the chat room, there is a mostly complete transcription in the chatroom memories section of the forum. You don't have to register to see it, but feel free to register and leave a comment if you would like! Trying to get some pplz on the forums is kinda hard actually >_>
RFG starts in 10 minutes! Join us for a feature on the new FF4 project, where we will be joined by some of the remixers who worked on it! Listen live here from 7-9PM EST!
I always thought the music from SA 1 and 2 was underrated. Sure there's a lot of crap, but there are some songs that stand out (E102's theme, Tikal's theme, Twinkle Park remix to name a few). As for everything else, yeah you're right. But the point of Sonic was always speed, and I suppose it is a bit difficult to capture that speed in a 3D environment without the camera always crashing into things. I suppose it's worth revisiting to see whether my fondness is based of nostalgia, or if it actually was a decent game.
RIP Dan, who moved like a Street Fighter character. AAAAAAAAAAUUGGGGGGH!
I am officially jealous. We've had an empty cabinet in our garage ever since I can remember, so I might rig up something like that myself. Not too particular about the controls, in fact I wouldn't mind keeping the control pads there >_>
Thanks to everyone who went to Otakon! I met a ton of people who hopefully will become active members of the 8bitx community, and I had a great time at the panels, concerts, and every other bit of craziness that goes on at Otakon. I'll talk about that for a bit on the show. As for this week, we will feature the new Final Fantasy 4 remix project: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption! We've been waiting a while for this album, and it was certainly worth the wait! Check out the show Wednesday at 7PM EST, and join the chat via the link on the homepage (hopefully some of the artists who worked on the album will be joining us). Check it out, only at 8bitx.com!
The episode with the DKC2 project interview and exclusive preview tracks has been added to the podcast! Check it out now by clicking the link in my sig. Thanks again to Bahamut and Geoffrey Taucer for being on the show! Check back next week for another episode of Radio Free Gamer (special "Otakon devoured my entire weekend so I had to put this show together in two days" edition!).
Radio free gamer air in 20 minutes! Listen live here! The interview turned out great, so I hope you all can listen live or download the podcast later. Thanks!
This week on Radio Free Gamer, we have an exclusive preview of the OCRemix Donkey Kong Country 2 project! Joining us are project directors Bahamut and Geoffrey Taucer who will discuss this excellent follow up to the first ever OCRemix album, Kong in Concert! Not only that, but we have TWO EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW TRACKS that you can't get anywhere else! Tune in live on Wednesday at 7PM EST or download the podcast on Friday! The links are in my signature. Also, last week's episode is now available to download via the podcast. Check it out if you missed the live show!
Radio Free Gamer airs in 20 minutes! Exuberance! Join us at 8bitx.com to listen in and check out the chat room (the link that has BETA next to it in big red letters). Thanks!
If you would like some examples: Berserk, Evangelion, FLCL, Count of Monte Cristo, Hajime no Ippo, Ghost in the Shell, Haruhi, and Speed Grapher to name a few. Not saying I dislike the series you mentioned, but I already know about them. As I said, I like pretty much everything. rest assured I will price check everything beforehand.
Otakon is coming up, and now that I have a steady source of income I am looking to buy some dvd's. I like most genres, and would appreciate some suggestions of stuff to pick up (preferrably stuff that hasn't been on Cartoon Network). I realize that a lot of you like Naruto and Bleach, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with those series, but that's not really what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance! And forum admins, I did look to see if such a post had been made recently and couldn't find one. Please let me know if there is one and we can save everyone some time. I also realize that this thread has the potential to turn into a flame fest (i.e. LOL [series name here] SUXX0RS ZOMG and the like) so I will keep an eye on it and let you know if it starts going in the wrong direction. I'd hope we'd be mature enough for that not to happen, but this is the internets.
Hey all, under the suggestion of OA I have decided to make one thread for all my posts related to Radio Free Gamer rather than make a new thread every week. Please mark this thread for weekly updates on Radio Free Gamer, your source for FREE video game music and interviews! This week on RFG, Jeriaska (writer for Nobuooo, Gamasutra, and GameSetWatch) joins us to discuss a roundtable he held with four independent game composers. This leads to an interesting conversation about music in independent games. Also discussed is his monthly series of video interviews with VGM artists. Also, a very special Win of the Week for all you Valve fans and a preview of Otakon 2009 (or in other words, I tell you how I plan to distribute the 2,000 business cards I just ordered!). Listen live Wednesday July 8th at 7PM EST only on 8bitx.com! The podcast will be updated Friday, or thereabouts. Links are in my sig. See you then!
Hey all, This week on Radio Free Gamer we will feature an interview with Andrew Luers (OA), project director for Final Fantasy IV "Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption." Not only will we have an exclusive interview, but we will also play two full-length preview tracks! The only place to get them (until the album releases) is on Radio Free Gamer at 8bitx.com! Listen live Wednesday at 7PM EST or download the podcast on Friday. Both links are in my signature. Radio Free Gamer is a weekly internet radio show bringing you the latest free video game music! Every week we spotlight a VGM artist with exclusive interviews, tracks, and announcements! The show airs live Wednesdays at 7PM EST and is available as a podcast (updated Fridays). Learn more at http://8bitx.com/. For those of you who have been paying attention: yes, this interview was also featured on my old radio show, 8-Bit Radio. But that was before I graduated from UMD and got kicked off the school radio station. This is a different show now. Good job spotting it though, you get a virtual pat on the back.
I have a podcast for exactly this type of thing! Radio Free Gamer is dedicated to showcasing the latest in free VGM. Every week I do an interview with a VGM artist and air (sometimes exclusive) tracks and announcements. It airs live on Wednesdays at 7PM EST, and is added to a podcast on Fridays. The links are in my signature! Thanks.
Raheem Jarbo (AKA Random AKA Mega Ran) will be featured on this week's episode of Radio Free Gamer. Tune in on Wednesday June 24th at 7PM EST to hear our discussion about his albums, his upcoming tour dates, and his work on an excellent upcoming project for Capcom! Listen live or subscribe to the podcast only at http://8bitx.com/. Radio Free Gamer is a weekly radio show and podcast on 8bitx.com. The show is aimed at spolighting VGM artists through exclusive interviews and (when I can get them) exclusive tracks and announcements. The show airs live Wednesdays at 7PM EST and is posted to the podcast on Fridays. Listen live or subscribe to the podcast at http://8bitx.com/. Please email radiofreegamer@gmail.com with any questions and follow @justinj212 on Twitter for updates. Thanks!
Hey all! This week's episode of Radio Free Gamer (your source for the latest video game music and news) will feature an interview with Larry Oji (Liontamer)! We discuss N00BFL00D and the efforts OCR has taken to introduce new remixers into the OCR community! We also discuss the OCR convention schedule and the big contests that will take place over the next few weeks. The show airs live on Wednesday at 7PM EST. You can listen to the show live here or download the episode later via podcast. If you have any questions, email them to me at radiofreegamer@gmail.com. You can also follow me via Twitter @justinj212 for updates! Upcoming guests include Andrew Luers (OA), Jeriaska of Nobuooo and Gamasutra, and Raheem Jarbo (Random, Mega Ran). If you like the show, subscribe to the podcast and tell your friends! Thanks.
Hey all, here's a link to subscribe to my new podcast, Radio Free Gamer: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/RadioFreeGamerPodcast The show will be THE source for free VGM! Every week I'll spotlight a VGM artist, airing exclusive interviews and (sometimes) exclusive tracks! Listen live Wednesdays at 7PM EST on http://8bitx.com/ or download later via the podcast link above! Please help spread it around, as I need all the help I can get publicizing! -Justin