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Status Updates posted by derako

  1. First of all thank you for your kind words. Second please go to www.soundclick.com/orenproductions to get the final version of the piece. It addresses the volume problem (mostly) It's still a little quiet but it has to be because of the wide range of dynamics. Also check out our demo of the 3rd movement (very beta) http://jeremyrobson.com/download.html Again thank you and thanks for listening

    -Derek Oren-

  2. Hello Kuolema,

    Thanks for your message. The 3rd one never made it to OCRemix because it was never really finished. I sampled it but there was a terrible storm here a couple of years ago that knocked out my entire DAW system I had in place. I wasn't able to recover the audio data so I abbandoned it. but this was what was done.

  3. Hello,

    I just wanted to thank you for your positive feedback on Elegy. It was a very difficult piece to produce and I really hoped people would appreciate the style and the orchestration.

    Thanks again,


  4. hello. What can I do for you?

  5. Hey Archangel,

    This is Derek Oren here, just wanted to give you a shout out about your piece "Dragon Wings". Very beautiful, I'm really impressed with your sequencing and arranging capabilities. Would love to work with you someday. Anyways Happy Holidays and take care.


  6. Hey thanks for the plug. I just happened to be logging in today for the first time in a while. Jeremy and I are still working together and we recently released the 3rd installment of the "Cantata For Dancing" series. We haven't submitted it to OCR yet but I think we're still planning to at some point. Anyways if you want to download it go to my website: http://www.soundclick.com/orenproductions

    Thanks again and take care,

    -Derek Oren-

  7. I accidentally opened a new thread for Cantata for Dancing III. Sorry about that.

  8. lol. ummm yeah.. I'm a REALLY bad painter so .. I think you'll want to reconsider that request ;)

  9. derako

    Thank you for your kind words about D&D. It was a very challenging piece to design audio wise so it's nice to get props for it. Take care and thank you for your support


  10. Thanks for your comment. We really appreciate the support.


  11. Thanks for your input. The song has already been accepted as is so we can't change the title now. But if we do another FF8 piece (which we may) then we'll consider those. Thanks again.


  12. The demo is up if you want to listen :) sorry for the delay.

  13. Ugh, sampling trumpets is the bane of my existence

  14. Wow what a compliment. All I can say is thank you and also thanks for listening. Check back for updates regarding the 3rd movement (in progress). BTW I've always wanted to visit Australia. Beautiful place from what I've seen. Again thank you for the support.


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