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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. I listened to the third wip already, but haven't had time to write my thoughts. I thought the final part was a great basis, but didn't quite yet have enough meat - I felt it lacked a lead or some other really ear-catching "center", and was rougher than the previous sections, but I supposed it was meant to be a 'wip' :) I liked the way it was different from the source, very fitting to the rest of the remix so far! Also, I'm *very* happy that my previous feedback was useful!

    I'll try to listen to the fourth wip tomorrow and reply. Great to see such quick progress!


  2. Well, it's not going to be done. It's not an album project, we're just making ReMixes for PC here, cheering and helping out each other. What's great about it is that you don't have to wait for a full album to be done; mixes from this initiative are going to hit the front page sooner or later. Well, considering the time it takes to go through the panel and then to-be-posted queue, it's going to be later. But they'll be there!


  3. I agree 100%. In fact, I'm working on something now that I think is very similar to "From Within" as far as feeling and emotion.

    I think it's important to listen to your old work, even if it may make you cringe, just so that you can see how far you've come. To me, seeing how much I've improved over the last ~10 years motivates me to continue improving and pushing myself further and harder to reach the next level.

    These are absolutely great points and I've noticed something similar too. But also, I get inspiration and motivation when I notice that in the old terrible songs, there are good ideas (that I should totally recycle now), and I can tell that I had fun making them.


  4. I'll be following the source's structure, but I think the added instrumentation will be enough for this to pass the panel.

    I notice the piano is mostly original additional writing, and also your pacing of the music is quite different from the original.

    The second part, the new part in your WIP 2, sounds good.. but I also felt it got a bit "backgroundy" - good for the film score feel you were going for, but listening, I was feeling I would have liked the added melody be emphasized, brought forwards a little more. I tended to lose focus a bit when listening.

    I'm very much looking forward to your version of the final part, the source for it is good, and it'll be exciting to hear how you treat it.


  5. SMS Castle of Illusion! I actually have a Clockwork Tower mix in the works with Pleiade currently. And Faxanadu! I'm just floored by the source choices. I'll just have to take part this round, and I'll try to get Pleiade to participate as well.

    Oh wow. I couldn't agree more with DjMokram's sentiment about the Castle of Illusion soundtrack deserving more appreciation. I was really looking forward what the source choices would be and this just hit home, couldn't have been better.


  6. Another cheer to Jason, and Rexy as well, for their outlook in this. I for one see no problem with getting two projectfuls of FF6 ReMixes. (:

    (I also see the point Level99 made about the differences in running public and private projects. It's really up to the directors how they want to roll. From the listeners point of view.. 25YEARLEGEND was a total surprise for me, and it was great fun to be surprised. But following projects publicly from beginning to end is just as fun.)


  7. Hey Draconiator, do put PCReMix on the thread title!

    I thought the source was pretty cool, even though it was basically nothing but basslines. It had a nice atmosphere.. the structure was quite meandering (not necessarily all bad, especially for BGM), and the second part (starting at 00:43) was quite messy. But that's enough about the source!

    Really nice expansion, with the leads. Good sound, I really like the atmosphere starting with the beginning.. I get this chill-out, feelgood vibe. I really like those quite, tuned percussion -like synths in the background.

    It might be good to use more source more explicitly, such as the bass fill at 0:17-0:19 (in the source). You could use that in the lead for instance.

    I didn't hear the previous version, but I like the combination of sounds in this one. The drums are a bit bland. There's room for some subtle, cool percussion to spice them up. The bass + bass drum sounds kind of compressed and a bit loud at the start. Later on it seems fine, although it'd perhaps be nice if the other instruments were brought up a bit in comparison. It seems dominated by the bass, although considering the source, that may well be appropriate. (Plus I'm on cheap headphones).

    I'm echoing KM*'s sentiment here.. Structure-wise, the piece seems like it wanders a bit towards the end. Up to 1:20 it feels great! The next few measures have a nice jamming variation on the lead, but then the gated synth comes in around 1:29 and, it sounds good, but structurally it's a strange spot to introduce it in my opinion. I'd suggest, at 1:20 just repeating the lead figure (there's enough change with the beat coming in), with perhaps some subtle variation. Then bring in the gated synth and start "improv" on the lead. Just an idea of course.

    Overall, I liked the piece, it had a great atmosphere, I liked the overall sound. It was really refreshing, so laid-back and relaxed. It'd be good to bring the source in more and more explicitly, and work on the structure and pacing a bit. And of course, continue the piece! Great start in my opinion!


  8. Go PCReMix go! I have played EOB2 (I actually finished it, but I cheated..) but unfortunately, I didn't have a soundcard in my PC at the time, and I can't remember if there was music in the intro on the beeper. (:

    Your mix is really deep and dark.. ominous, foreboding. I pretty much agree with Kuolema word to word. Great start! The new music would fit really well to the visuals of the intro!


  9. Awesome, BlackRazgriz, that's really great to hear!

    Thanks for the feedback in the votes, everyone. I hope to return to the track one day, I started without inspiration but ended up with an idea how to go on (and got more from the feedback!). For me this is the great benefit of competitions and deadlines - you can force yourself to work and end up with things that you wouldn't have started otherwise.


  10. Archangel, you really ought to consider making this initiative into a proper project imho.

    Cause there is amazing potential here that deserves proper support, coverage and recognition.

    I think we can do something different here. Each of us would slap "PCReMix" to WIP board topic headers and submissions posts. Other people would see PCReMixers helping each other out on the WIP forum - what we should do is when we see a WIP thread with "PCReMix" in it, is to pile on it and give lots of constructive feedback. This way people take notice of this fantastic initiative and join in.

    There's so many projects around these days, that each of them doesn't get the same level of attention as they used to, from what I can tell. Usually the projects also are worked on mostly out of sight, whereas it'd be interesting and different to try to have this thing happen in plain view.

    However, some sort of an album would be cool. For instance, when we have a bunch of posted ReMixes, I wonder if djp and site staff would be open to doing a "compilation album", perhaps with new bonus tracks (which could comprise the mixflood).


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