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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Nice first post Brandon!

    For me.. all the projects I had involvement in were released this year, I got to submit a track (I'm very happy about that alone), I got to participate in a couple of cool People's ReMixing Competition rounds.. Actually pretty nice for a year that I haven't really had the time to much anything music-wise (apart from singing to our baby, which is actually very good practice). Also, the huge amount of albums released have provided, alongside the usual postings, a lot to listen to. It's been a good year!


  2. A fantastic initiative (and very nice first post!) - I've been thinking about going back to my early gaming history and doing something with those DOS games especially, since they're underrepresented on OCR.. and here's this thread now.

    Here's a 'claim' for two tracks. I did a short version of the Death Track track for PRC208, which was a free round (I think I got the melody a bit wrong though). I've also started the TD2192 track already. I have loads of more ideas, but I think I'll only mention them here when I've actually done something. I also don't feel like posting these to the Workshop board quite yet, but any case, I'll be working on these when I can.

    Death Track intro/menu -

    - wip (PRC version)

    Traffic Department 2192 menu/mission 1 - source/gameplay - started working on


  3. I believe the most important thing is that OA was vanquished and OCR was saved. Now that great powers were gained, and a great evil that has threatened us all has been destroyed, we should be careful, in this delicate situation, not to push OCR back towards destruction!

    (Are there and JCRPGs, perhaps sequels, that after the big bad has been defeated, there's bitterness and infighting between the heroes that leads to another cataclysm? RPG heroes always end up ridiculously powerful in the end of the game.)


  4. For the longest time I thought the intentionally muddy sound quality stood in the way of a great arrangement. It's still a bit like digging through the mud for goodies, but the warbly soundscape does give the track a peculiar feel of its own. This track forces you to listen to it closely. It sounds broken and muffled.. and weirdly old and nostalgic. I get a mental image of adventuring through partially undersea ruins. While being viewed from the side, in eight bits.


  5. It's interesting that the sound is getting flak in this thread - I've thought that this style of Shnab-sound is at its best in this particular tune. Everything is clear and airy, there's a huge amount of playful detail that is so much fun to listen to.. Of course much of this is due to the superbly lush, complex arrangement.. this isn't just the rollercoaster ride, this is pretty much the whole theme park crammed into a bit over four and a half minutes.

    I've played Landstalker a bit, and seen it played a bit more. I think the spirit in this track does the fun and unique game a great justice.


  6. Hell yeah I've learned to appreciate this track even more. OA had good insight about the piece being free-spirited, roaming about with all the change-ups - and especially the tempo changes. It really flows. Listening to it is a bit like following a river along its path, with the scenery changing, mostly lush and green, but majestic in the end. Pretty impressionistic in that way.


  7. One of my absolute favourites from the album. I like the game's soundtrack a lot, and the moon pieces are among the gems in my opinion. This one does justice, and gives the things its own spin.

    DA's vocals are excellent on this one, and great for material like this. Chilly! Along with "My Child", I think this piece was a big step forwards for DragonAvenger. (Bits of the delivery actually remind me of Kate Bush, which is good.)

    The production is good. Solid and meaty, yet very spacey. A wonderful amount of detail too. The whispering is a neat effect. Appropriately creepy. My one gripe would be that the vocals around 2:13-02:30 (the "Tonight" bit) sound a little plain. Structurally they're positioned at a kind of a high point of the track.. they could've been sung more powerfully, or perhaps with additional harmony vocals, for additional highlight, or perhaps effected in a way that would've made them blend to make the whole more interesting texturally. Instead they're a bit of in the middle. This isn't a major gripe though, the track overall is just so good that a bit that's just decent (instead of great) kind of sticks out. :)

    Great work all around! I'll also mention that the piece also functions very well where it's situated on the album.


  8. Enjoyable piece, and a unique take on a great original. The time signature change is well done, it's recognizable but personalized, just works, really. I like the stop-start shenanigans quite a bit too. There's also plenty of subtle variance and development within the piece.

    The piece has a pretty chill and contained mood. I think it could have broken away from that more at some point. I kind of kept waiting for it to burst into something more aggressive (I somewhat expected the fastest part of the source come in like that). Tension-release sort of thing. However, Rexy has a good point about this mix being pretty minimalistic, so perhaps with subsequent listens I'll start to appreciate its chosen dynamics more. A good one in any case, and very importantly, a refreshingly different take on Kraid's theme.


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