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Everything posted by LuketheXjesse

  1. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I wish I was here for this; I've really really really been wanting to do something with the Final Zone, something epic and metal and awesome. LE SIGH. Ah well. Absolute best of luck, guys!
  2. so uh what's a song that's really upbeat and awesome and would make a good metal song because I'm not feeling it with any of the (available) boss themes, 'cept maybe mantle
  3. thank you all also good job melody
  4. This was made without any of the stuff above, and it sounds very professional.
  5. don't worry bra all the ideas are in my head they're just not you know recorded yet ^___________^; the bit i do have is a sweet ass drum intro though
  6. Okay Sonic 1 2 3 and Knuckles = good Sonic CD = good Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 = good Sonic Heroes = good, but i did not have the patience to do the whole damn chaos emeralds thing Everything else = suck EDIT: Also those new handheld ones are pretty sweet.
  7. You will like my song then ^____________^ I should make the Lufia deadline, but I am a bit worried about my Freshly Baked Remixer Challenge...
  8. Ninja Gaiden would probably make the best movie transition and suck anyway.
  9. So far, so good. Maybe I'll go back and give a more detailed synopsis of the album sometime. Metal bias makes me instantly like Kidd Cabbage's song >3 (although I will say his guitar tone sort of bothers me)
  10. Ahh, I'm glad I started listening to some of ocr's lesser known artists. This is a really nice, moody piece that's easy to get immersed in. Great work.
  11. I'm on vacation. Hooray Florida! No more anything until uh....early august
  12. For those of you mentioning Skies of Arcadia, I own the GCN port and it might be my favorite RPG ever. Due to this, I'll prolly get the DC version too since I'm a fanboy collecter whore :3 Thanks for the suggestions, yo.
  13. Will probably be my first purchase, followed by Soul Calibur. EDIT: oh wait i need controllers and a memory card first
  14. Bought me a Dreamcast in pristine condition for $10 yesterday. Needs Games. Fire away.
  15. Ain't seen ya on in awhile, bub. :(

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