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Status Updates posted by Chernabogue

  1. Wow, your last remix is very brütal! \m/ Loving the arrangement, guitars and drums. Keep making great stuff! :D

  2. Happy birthday! :) Hopefully the world did not end yesterday :lol:

  3. Thanks for the friend invitation, Stevo! Be sure to be at the viewing party of OCRMV 4, you may have a cool surprise! :wink:

  4. Oh you're right, I totally forgot about it. It'll be done later today. Thanks for the reminder! :)

  5. Hey man, how are you doing with Machinedramon? I can help now that I'm done with the Pokémon mix. :)

  6. Did you send it to evktalo too? We usually wait for feedback from 2 people before sending it to the artists. You still have time, don't worry.

  7. Thanks for the sig, I really like it! :) Also, I think we also seen each other on the FF Shrine and The Shizz forums! :D

  8. Not even close! Only HL has it now. :lol:

  9. That would be awesome! xD

  10. Bev, you need to clean your PM box XD

  11. Alright, I'll sent him my feedback, and whenever we're okay on the different points, we'll come back to you.

  12. Just wanted to ask you about the consent for VV1&2, and to remind your claim for VV3. You can find all info in the Recruit subforum. :3

  13. Workshop mod and then judge? That's your year, man! Congrats! :D (Now, empty that TBJ queue! :P)

  14. Hey Luke, wanna tackle a track from Vampire Variations 2?

  15. Hey man, Jake seems to be busy this week. It's a bit late but would you have the time to try to mix this week? I won't be around for like 2 days, so I really can't help.

  16. October 10 would be a latest for VV2 (with KNGI done for now, I prefer to give Kyle and I some time).

    And yeah, I totally forgot about "Dungeon" -- I'll see what I can do. When is next deadline?

  17. I do have one waiting, indeed. :)

  18. "Welcome to our Castle" it is.

  19. I finally posted a new version of my Paper Mario track! Go check it! ;)

  20. Well, thanks! ^^ Hope it'll get posted soon. :)

  21. Great. Looking forward the final result.

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