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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. As it is a compo, I thought people couldn't help each other. So, thanks, PM'd ya :)

  2. You're sure we can ask other people for feedback? I dunno if it's allowed.

  3. Almost finished mine! Just a few production tweaks and I'm done!
  4. Quoting Rozo for great justice and to make this more visible!
  5. Gravity Man is such a pain to remix, it's the opposite of the groovy Crash Man x)
  6. I wanted to make an orchestral arrangement for the GRMRB, but it seems you got the idea before me! Nice job! :P

  7. Entries are fantastic, I feel so n00b compared to you guys. Gotta vote tomorrow.
  8. Gravity Man has a complex theme. It'll be interesting to mix! Good luck to you too!
  9. Hey, good luck for the GRMRB! Give me your best shot! :wink:

  10. No a lot more to add to what Jakesnke17 said. It sounds pretty good so far. The only thing I could suggest is to up a bit the volume of the beat. Keep going on!
  11. Hey! Give me a link and I'll see what I do for you! ;)

  12. Thanks my good man! Glad you like it! The violins are indeed too much panned on the left and their velocity can be re-worked a lot. I need to see how to fix the low muddy frequencies. More feedback from other people will be appreciated too!
  13. Hey, I was wondering how the French translation is going on. I have plenty of time right on next days, so I can take a look at it. Which pages/articles are the most translation-needed? [/necrobump]
  14. Then I'd be completely schizophrenic. (Thanks to Google for the right spelling of the word schizophrenic.)
  15. Track sounds good so far. Maybe I'll take a listen to that when it'll be released. June 17th? Same day that new Rhapsody of Fire and one day after my birthday? Sounds good too.
  16. Wow, that's amazing. That makes Alice creepier than ever. Great job Will, it's definitively worth watching and listening!
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