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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. If I'm encountering trouble, I'll ask for help. I want to try on my own first. Thanks!
  2. I seriosuly hope we can get free DLC characters like IC, Wolf or Lucas, or even newcomers. With the current technology, it'd be a shame not to do such stuff.
  3. You can move my pin to Strasbourg, France. Moving there for at least 2 years.
  4. Heading home on Tuesday, should be able to make some music next week. Hopefully I'll finish the Pokémon one. Chris is making good progress on Machinedramon, I'm testing various drum sounds for the track. And Brandon will do the Sturm vocals whenever he can, then I'll mix the track. And it'll be good.
  5. This deadline looks realistic to me. "Dungeon" should be finished by that time.
  6. The starting roster appears to have been leaked: SPOILERS (or not) LINK ^Everyone (except Lucina) is here. But remember Snake and Sonic were announced and were secret characters to unlock. It looks realistic. ---- SPOILERS. Ganondorf is confirmed (he appears in a short Japanese video) -- when the video focuses on Pikachu, Ganondorf is off screen but a little arrow shows him.
  7. I want to become a legal advisor once I complete my law studies (if everything goes well, 2 years from now -- could have been 1, but I haven't accepted in second year of Master). I did civil/criminal law, and stating intellectual property. If possible, I'd love to compose for games/movies as a part-time job, or during my free time.
  8. Don't know Shulk, but looks like a nice character. Nice to see Ganondorf again. Dark Pit and Dr. Mario are disappointing, except if they're not "clones". Sad not to have Ice Climbers, even if I don't play them, and Snake. And yeah, DK and Metroid could have been more represented (King K. Rool, one MPH Hunter, etc. -- where are you??)
  9. Finally saw it and I wasn't disappointed. I laughed a lot. The film was a nice and fresh touch Marvel needed before Age of Ultron. (Minor) SPOILERS!! However, I noticed a mistake in the movie: Peter Quill mentions Jack Sparrow, but he never returned to Earth after being kidnapped in the 80's. Soooo....
  10. It looks very detailed, don't think it may be fake, considering the game's out in around 1 month on 3DS.
  11. Being in the process of moving, I won't be able to send updates before September. Just wanted to tell you.
  12. Oh man, this is so sad. I grew up with many of his films, and loved his work. May you find peace wherever you go, Mr. Williams. RIP.
  13. It's still not out in France, and I'll be in the process of moving out when it'll be released in a few days, ugh. Plus all my friends wanted to go see it too, I'll miss that.
  14. HBD José! Keep up the good work!
  15. Small bump. The track is now available on SoundCloud here: https://soundcloud.com/chernabogue/lost-castlevania-lords-of-shadow
  16. Thanks for the feedback. I see where the problems are, even if I won't come back to mix this track. I made it for fun, even if the voice is repetitive, etc. It'll be useful if I decide to make another electro track in the future.
  17. https://soundcloud.com/chernabogue/electro-robotspeech This is a very short thing I made with my brother (actually, the strange synth at the beginning is his voice through numerous effects!). And we were having fun with the synth voices!! At first, the robot voice was saying bad words, so I changed for something more funny (but trying to keep the groove). Almost everything is from basic FL Studio. I'm quite happy with it, since I used various things (EQ, master, effects, dubstep bass) I'm trying to master a little. Enjoy!
  18. For such an album, it's no surprise. If there's no update for a project in a while, there's no need to ask for one. The director or other people will eventually explain what is going on with the project sonner or later.
  19. I'd say one-two month(s), when I get really unispired or that I have too much other stuff to do.
  20. Projects usually don't update much. Except a possible thread update (with just "djp's track is done, hype") or the trailer being uploaded on the main page, don't expect too much for an update.
  21. Thanks for the interest in my guide. I'll send you a link as soon as it's completed. :)

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