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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Listening to it right now, the first tracks really blew my mind. Awesome takes on the classic soundtrack. Nice job!
  2. I'd love too, especially since he was a Trophy in Brawl and we got that awesome GS medley in Norfair.
  3. So far, the number of characters is quite insane (I mean, if there's no spoiler/unlocked characters here). If Nintendo keeps revealing characters until October this way, man, we'll get 50+ characters! x)
  4. I posted a WiP some weeks ago. You can comment it, but I'll go back to it only once I'm done with other tracks.
  5. Rayman trophy! So maybe playable Rayman??
  6. The source wasn't very easy to arrange, but Tim did a really great job. I really like the very aggressive electro take, the synths sound really different from what I usually hear. The intro/breakdowns with the piano were a very interesting touch too. Very nice job to Tim, it's a well-deserved mix post.
  7. Not wanting to crash the party (no pun intended), but you seem a little too ambitious here. You already started a recruitment thread for another album the SMG one), you asked Tuberz to take the BoF project, and not two weeks later, you are willing to create another project? Plus all those projects seem quite ambitious too! I don't want to sound unpleasant, but I think you should take a step back and consider it. You're very new to OCR. Projects take a LOT of time, even if you plan a lot ahead. Maybe you need more experience before trying to run such projects (spending more time at OCR, knowing people, etc.) Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd strongly advise you to focus on one project for now. Please note I'm no OCR staff, but my experience in projects tells me you may be a little too eager here. Just take it as a friendly advise.
  8. I am very fond of the style Mak does. Mixing creepy synths and explosive metal can be quite hard, and even if the mix is very hot, I think it really works well on the (short) source. Always loved the breakdown/fill/solo section near the end!
  9. Eino suggested a Futebol Arte talkback this week. What do you think about it?
  10. Lyrics should be in the rar file with the instrumental version.

    As for melody, I liked what Furilas did, but I never wrote a specific melody for the vocals.

  11. I did the editing, and the trailer looks very awesome! The person who recorded a short story (no spoilers) did something really cool too!
  12. Awesome! Great job to Ivan and to the team! I'm happy I've been able to help!
  13. Sounds ultra cool. I hope they'll release an album out of it.
  14. I wouldn't say games, but tracks instead. I could remix stuff from Sonic 2, but not the over-done tracks like Casino Night or Chemical Plant. However, remixing an underappreciated track like Sky Fortress was a pure delight. I tend to try to remix tracks that aren't already too much covered, even if the game itself has been remixed to death.
  15. FFX. Each time I arrive at the final boss, I try to do the sidequests and get REALLY bored.
  16. I saw some comments hoping that the MSCF track is good. Such pression.
  17. I spent a day with friends, we had a lot of fun, and we ate Mexican food. Got the latest Gamma Ray album too.
  18. I am interested, as I already worked on several webseries (as a director and composer -- I'm part of a video association). For some examples of my music work on webseries/short films, please see my association's BandCamp account (especially the Wikinside album). For more recent examples of my original work, please see my SoundCloud tracks. And if you want to hear remixes by me, please see my .
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