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Status Updates posted by Chernabogue

  1. Perfect, thanks for the lightspeed answer, haha. :) I sent a quick reminder, and just wanted an update on everyone's track(s).

  2. Ah that's a shame, I should've paid more attention when I moved stuff... There's no deadline hopefully, so you hae all the time you need.

  3. I started working on the BC trailer and I like it so far :D

  4. Thanks, Brandon! And yes, I am. What do you have in mind? :lol:

  5. Any news on this? Do you need to record again?

  6. Hey Cyril, I just wanted to link you to this, you may be the man of the situation: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=44031 ;)

  7. Aw yeah, thanks, buddy!

  8. Hey Furilas, I lost the bass file for the Sturm track by mistake while transfering data... Do you still have it on your PC or uploaded somewhere? You would save my life.

  9. Hey Tuberz, I lost the guitar files for the Sturm track by mistake while transfering data... Do you still have them on your PC or uploaded somewhere? You would save my life.

  10. I would be eternally grateful if you'd remix this track for BadAss 3:

  11. Thanks for the offer, I'll consider it! I just want to see if any new talent may want to join in the fun. :wink: (However, I'm all in for it, especially the mastering tips :P)

  12. How come we were not friends here already? :lol: Thanks for the invite!

  13. Hey, just saw you were quite busy with lots of projects and just wanted to let you know that if you want more time for VV2, there's no problem. :wink: As long as I have my finished track by August/September, that's okay!

  14. Hey, no problem for FF2, I'm quite busy atm, so if it must take more time, that's okay to me. And as for video skills, if I have free time, I may help! :)

  15. Yeah, can't wait to see it blasted on OCR :D Thanks.

  16. Yep, I have two songs on the panel, so I have this double feeling too.

  17. I promise I'll try to do my best with it! :)

  18. Orchestra, with an ominous feeling. Something like this or that, but with good/better samples. :)

  19. I sent a new orchestra track to the panel. We'll have the answer in 2 years. XD

  20. Once we're done with the three Game Over themes from FF1-3, we should release a collab EP with the three tracks and call it "You Just Fucking Died". :D

  21. Happy birthday! :) Hopefully the world did not end yesterday :lol:

  22. Congrats on getting "Wild Night" posted! :) Keep on doing great stuff, sir Frog!

  23. Joyeux anniversaire !

  24. And Fernito/Izkemia is aboard! :D Thanks again for linking me to his song.

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