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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. BTW, if anyone wants some orchestra or cool drums in their tracks, you can contact me.
  2. Thanks for the feedback, and kind words, guys! Here's a new version, with more polished production.
  3. I always have problems between volume and compression. Either it is too compressed, or else, the volume is too low. I think I indeed push the limiter too hard.
  4. Yes, I read that after posting, and it was the best part of their discussion. (WEURK DAT SEUCKEUR TWO DEAF, COMME ON NAO, WEURK ZAT SUCKEUR TWO DEEAAAF!!) Considering "Black Metal" was more of a "joke" track than anything, I really don't care what people think about it. In general, my tracks were not recieved that well, but that's what I was expecting from a "joke"/extreme remix (and considering not a lot of people appreciated extreme metal), and from the other one I made in 2 hours.
  5. I actually selected "Wing Fortress", so yeah, seeing "Bingo Highway" round 1 was really depressing. Thanks for the feedback. The percussion was the main issue with lots of people, so I'll try to get it right.
  6. That's okay, Joe. We know life can be busy at some points, and that's more important than remixing. Oddly enough, as you'll see on proboards, I sat down for a few hours on Saturday and did some substantial work on the WIP
  7. The most hilarious part is that I'm pretty sure none of them can do music half good as what OCR delivers every day.
  8. Now I'm out, please leave me some feeeeeeedback: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=46317
  9. Nah, it's every five years. 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025, and 2030 (for the 20th anniversary of volume 1).
  10. I wanted to join, but forgot it was Valentine's Day, and that I was busy that evening. At least, I cooked and it was awesome!
  11. Sources Wing Fortress (S2): Bingo Highway (Heroes): Remix V1 (from SZRC): http://www.mediafire.com/listen/2txcya2ix12wg6h/Chernabogue_-_High_Adventure_(Wing_Fortress_&_Bingo_Highway).wav V2 (Feb. 19): http://www.mediafire.com/listen/dbjlurgv7w8158u/SZRC-WingVsBingo.mp3
  12. You'll be able to listen to it TODAY! EDIT: Sent to Brandon!
  13. Thanks everyone for the good and constructive feedback. I'll try to improve this track and send it to the panel. See you in the WiP forum!
  14. Something that sounds "metal", but not like death/black metal. Aggressive vocals, medium/low piched. EDIT: It can be something like Lemmy, Andi Deris, James Hetfield, Ozzy Osborune (more aggressive though), etc.
  15. You'll have enough on your plate with the recordings and the "make it sounds actually good".
  16. Alright, forget what I said a few weeks earlier, I won't record the vocals for the Sturm track myself because my accent and my pronounciation are too f*cked up. Anyone interested in collabing?
  17. Already 1:40 inside my new "Dead Music" arrangement, and it's way better.
  18. The idea is super cool, but, to be honest, I think the Wiki impletation/format is bad. I am the admin of 2 Wikis on Wikia, and you should check other Wikis for examples of how to make good pages/articles.
  19. So, I need to finish my new version of the arrangement, and we're done? I'll try my best.
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