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Status Updates posted by Chernabogue

  1. If you're willing to start a KH album project after the Cid one, mark me as interested to claim a track! :)

  2. Is everything okay for the FA album? Feel free to ask me if you still need something! :)

  3. Is it me or did you just got posted THREE times in one month?? That's crazy, man, keep spamming OCR! :D

  4. Is it okay if I switch from "Dungeon" to "Boss Battle" for FF3? I have a concept in mind and I'd need to find time to write it down.

  5. It is final if you want it to be final. :) If you want to change something, feel free to tell me.

  6. It's already Sept 28th in France, so here's a happy frenchy birthday! :D Have a good one!

  7. Joyeux anniversaire !

  8. Just a little message to let you know that I registered at the KNGI's forums and sent you a PM as you asked me =)

  9. Just letting you know my track may be finished in two weeks or so. I'll keep you informed.

  10. Just letting you know that I may give you a hand with your Wily mix if needed.

  11. Just letting you know that if you need a co-director for BA3, I'd be happy to help you. :)

  12. Just wanted to ask you about the consent for VV1&2, and to remind your claim for VV3. You can find all info in the Recruit subforum. :3

  13. Lyrics should be in the rar file with the instrumental version.

    As for melody, I liked what Furilas did, but I never wrote a specific melody for the vocals.

  14. Man, are you dead? ^^ I hope you got my PM's and that everything is okay for you! =)

  15. Merci pour l'invitation ! :wink:

  16. New version uploaded on the forums!

  17. Nice! It's always cool to see more people loving VV! Thankies. :)

  18. No news on the tracklist and the title of the album? My attempt to make the cover is taking shape.

  19. No prob, Brandon! Good night! :)

  20. No problem, dude! That's ok!

  21. No problem, I'll handle everything!

  22. No problem! For now, I'll try to have the full song's basic arrangement/structure and then I'll see how I can make it closer to the source!

  23. Nope I haven't, sorry. I don't know how to integrate it in the song.

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