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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. ok I downloaded all the freebies. I look forward to trying them out. Does anyone by chance know how to make the FL studio vst search more organized? Having a hundred plugins in alphabetical order mildly sucks
  2. wow that was so unbelievably helpful!!! You sir, win the internets. I just went and tried this stuff out on a solo kick drum track and now I have a way better idea of what is going on. Thanks so much. And I did it with the fruity compressor. The visual feedback was really helpful to cue me into what to listen for. I truly truly appreciate the work you did to help me out.
  3. I don't like FL's compressor very much. Are there any good free ones or priced ones (sub $100) that you could recommend? Thanks! edit: I found camelphatfree and it's cool, but I want more tweakability rather than one compression slider. http://www.kvraudio.com/get/537.html I still don't think I have a real handle on what I am doing with compression. It seems to always sound more dynamical and poppy without a compressor. I have tried fussing around with one on a solo kick drum track and I can't really hear what it is doing. Does anyone have a guide to compression with audio examples? I really don't want to read about "compressing for that tight sound" or something. I want to hear it. That would be so so helpful. Thanks again Just to clarify, I understand all the theory about the compressor, and I know how to use one to limit the dynamic range (minus attack/release/controls) for funk guitar so the ghost notes and fully hit notes are closer in volume. How do I use one to expand the dynamic range and get more oomph or click or pop or w/e? Can I use a slow attack time so it takes a second for the volume to cut down or do I need to get an expander? Like on a metal kick drum, is there some multiband compression high (8kish??) with slow attack that generates that clicking sound? 2nd edit: To clarify, I have a fairly good understanding and little experience with the techniques used on bass, vocals, clean guitar, sidechaining a bass/pad to a kick to pump it on the off beats, and limiting the track as a whole, but I have no idea how to compress a drum track, a single drum element or whole mix properly. I can hear it changing the sound of the drums and such a little bit, but how exactly do I use the compressor to make drums sound better? What are the standard artistic options available with compressors? for example, one thing I've always wondered how to do is make a techno style hi hat sound right. On the tracks I've listened to, there is an initial attack then the sound of the cymbal decaying is ramped way up in volume so you hear a TIK aaahhHAHHHH TIK aaahhAAHHHH And the final AAAAHHHs are the soft part of the cymbal turned up in volume. It has something to do a fast release time I think, but how do I possibly make it go back up to match the volume of the TIK when the volume of the TIK was what started the compressing in the first place? Or is this a clever sidechain trick? Sorry for the newb questions. Just trying to learn Thanks
  4. don't get a trem unless you already have a normal good guitar already. They are a pain in the ass and you use them once in a blue moon (although they are cooler then hell). all guitars rise in pitch f you press the strings too hard or rest your hand on the floating bridge too hard. Also make sure the 12th fret and the natural harmonic there are perfectly in tune.
  5. I had never bothered to replace my strings since I got my guitar, and my high E finally broke due to my overzealous 4th bend. I put on new strings, and now this thing shatters bones. I use line 6 DI which is essentially a POD ported to the computer CPU I think.
  6. yea I agree with oinkiness. The rhythm guitar on that is lacking some attack or something. The lead guitar sounds pretty good to me.
  7. I like to download mp3s of professional sounding songs on limewire and spice them up a bit to create my own remixes. Things like EQ and Reverb allow me to create new material.
  8. I am trying the sonar 8 x64 demo, and I am thrilled with it. The only thing I miss is FL's weird peak controller, but sonar has a different way of sidechaining. Oh and omg the interface in sonar is like a dream compared to FL. I am waiting to see how reaper's bit bridge (coming out soon I think?) will fare. I might upgrade to reaper instead.
  9. Well I am just loving the crap out of sonar's automatic bit bridge in sonar 8 x64. It seems to work seamlessly with all my 32 plugins. I think I will save up some cash and purchase sonar 8.
  10. I got the sonar demo and have been considering buying it for some time now. Does anyone know how to sidechain in it a la FL studio? Or can I only sidechain with plugins that have a sidechain input? In FL studio, you can link an internal controller to a midi controller just like in Sonar, however you can also link an internal controller to another internal controller. There is a plugin called fruity peak controller which converts a wav signal into a controller moving up and down with the wav. edit: Maybe I can load fruity peak controller into Sonar somehow?
  11. just uncheck the "auto disarm or auto free knob" whatever it is that pops up after you click link to controller.
  12. nice work man. thanks
  13. I recorded a vocal take across multiple time tempos and now when I play back, it only works if I play from start to finish. If I click in the middle of the track somewhere, it does some auto-restretch bullshit on the wave file to make it fit with the new bpm. Does anyone know any solution to this?
  14. line6 is having an amazing deal on tone port DI-bundled. You get the hardware + 3 months guitar online + some other stuff for $30. I remember there being a catch (like no vst) or something so be careful, but awesome deal otherwise!!
  15. check out this new talent's latest mix http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=251908 hehe
  16. mac only? ill keep my eyes open
  17. I pmed zircon and there is this thing called jbridge. Maybe once that gets the kinks out, it will work. edit: as of now, I do not want to run 64 bit DAW because all my plugs are 32 bit.
  18. How do I get more than 3 gigs for sample libraries? I have a 64 bit OS if that matters. Is there anyway to use all 6 of my gigs? Zircon, I know you said you were building an 8 gig machine a while back. How do you use all 8?
  19. They had this installed on the workstation I messed around with at guitar center. I can't comment as I don't have enough experience. Yes the workstation sounded better than my home workstation, but I can't say that it was due to the ARC (or anything for that matter).
  20. hat hat hat hat kick snare kick snare
  21. It's called a scooped tone, but don't take general advice in written form to heart. Use your ears and try to match the sound using the written advice only as a guideline or starting point.
  22. I thought yngwie played double coils stacked on top of each other? Maybe they are still classified as single coils with additional hum resistance or something. What genre uses more distortion than metal???
  23. tooting my horn a little bit - I can recognize all the intervals and transcribe a typical song by ear. I recommend the David Lucas Burge course as well as supplementing some self study (which he gives some guidelines for in the course)
  24. My rhythm guitar has -15dB at 600hz. I haven't listened to your song so I can't say what it is for you. edit: not that I don't want to hear it, but .mp3 downloads are throttled to 0 here sorry
  25. old news, but good news anyhow their physics course with video lectures is excellent. I tried their Chinese course and it was terrible. Their EE intro course is also excellent.
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