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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. Like Cubase, Sonar, Logic, Ableton Live, FL studio, Reason, Reaper, etc. edit: they provide a place to make the music. Sort of like a virtual 8 track player on steroids.
  2. Do you already have a DAW to make the music in?
  4. I would like some tips on pre production like composing the song. All I do know is use existing songs as templates then write my own chorus, verse, etc and "paste" them in. Nothing I have ever created has been original sounding. Maybe a drum tutorial would be good. I would like to know how to keep the drums from getting boring.
  5. I also was thinking about getting a setup like this. The Line6 Toneport UX2. Right now, I am just plugging the guitar straight into the sound card, and it doesn't sound terrible at all. On second thought, I think I am going to wait on the toneport and make my next big purchase a new computer or a new guitar. Hopefully in the next year or so.
  6. ah thanks for the sinergy link. I never knew about that... I hate pandora sometimes. It has never once given me a sinergy song. Great stuff.
  7. You know the drill, guitars raging, vocals blasting along. Now transitioning into a slower part of the song. On most songs like this, the vocalist's last few words are delayed about 5 times fading into the slower part of the song. However these delays were not going on during the main singing. What's the most effective workflow method to do this? Right now I automate the delay with an envelope, but it just feels so clunky and work-aroundish to do it that way. Is there a better or easier way to do this? Maybe selecting the desired part in a waveform editor and somehow delaying it over and over?
  8. WOWW!!! Absolutely amazing movie. Just got back from it
  9. The same way people fill a 100gb mp3 player. I think there's enough people doing it that it is fairly unlikely to get punished for it as a hobbyist -- does not make it any less illegal. However, studio producers have been caught using illegal vsts and what not. Do what you want, but if you are making commercial music, you damn well better be buying everything legally. If you are just twitsing around with a guitar library you have no idea how to use, I don't see the harm in having obtained it illegally other than that it is illegal by definition. However it is still illegal so I wouldn't suggest doing something like that. There is plenty of free and budget stuff to learn with.
  10. haha. Yes it is probably cracked samples or something. So why not use cracked guitar rig 3 or whatever the best guitar sim is? Or maybe he was, and just didn't say.
  11. haha no kidding edit: Then why isn't he using guitar rig 3 or some good guitar processor then?
  12. Wineasio + cockos reaper maybe. I saw a youtube video about it.
  13. holy shit that is a piercing noise. Is this an acoustical library you are feeding through the distortion? Hmm I looked at the prominy website and it looks like they also are using these clean samples through guitar rig. I don't know what to say. I really have no idea. Is this library like a DI signal from a guitar pre-effects? If so, I would say find a better guitar chain than wagner sharp and the impulse you are using. Try some mesa boogie 2x12 impulses maybe. Sorry i am not much help. Maybe you have the distortion turned up too high? Can you send an mp3 of it without wagner preamp?
  14. These pitch bends on the leads sound really natural. Were you controlling them or did you mouse them in? Nice work - what DAW do you use? and do you use a keyboard? I am curious. Thanks
  15. Good reference on the groove thing. Thanks
  16. Don't put a stigma in your mind. You might want to try it someday.
  17. I just noticed a guitar sitting in the background edit: he's wearing headphones so probably he mixed the sound with the video later.
  18. I like listening to these demos. I really like the symphonic choir demos at soundsonline. Also notice it says demo made with symphobia, truestrike 1 & 2. So if you want the drum sounds too you will have to buy the truestrike package.
  19. I've also found that a groove or swing track in FL somewhat tricky. It helps to make a 4/4 measure of a manual swing that you like and save as a groove preset. Then apply that preset quantization to the other tracks or piano rolls. Like I have "Max's swing 16th.fsc and Max's swing 8th.fsc" or whatever they are for this one track I am doing. Sort of a lazy triplet feel.
  20. Maybe try alt + R on selected notes. Select them with CTRL click.
  21. whoa!! How did you make the pedal play a note mapped to the bass note!!? That was cool. Is that a Logic 8 thing or do you have some midi mapping software before the midi hits the DAW?
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