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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. So I click power off on the monitor, then shut down the computer right? To boot up, I boot the computer, then boot the monitors so they don't get that energy pop? Kind of like plugging a guitar into the amp, turn the amp off, plug in, turn it back on.
  2. Ok i am getting the rp-5 for christmas present. The guy at the store said if I am doing bass heavy things they will blow. What does that mean? Should I put a high pass filter in my mixer as the final channel? I thought I could play any music at a normal volume through them. edit: it says they are 53hz to 20khz +- 2db Does that mean that the bass falls off after 53 or that there is no bass at all below that point? I won't be listening to these monitors loud at all. Just normal listening levels. If there is normal listening energy around 53hz in the song, will the speakers blow? I didn't think so myself, but I don't know anything and the guy who sold them to me kept warning me about bass blows. 2ndedit: he also said to only connect them to a line level output. Never to a headphone output. I understand that because the headphone output has already been amped and the active monitors will amp it again. Technically though, if the volume was low enough, wouldn't the headphone output be fine? Or is amplitude not the only difference between line level jacks and headphone jacks?
  3. I know how to turn pattern clips into automation clips but how do I do the reverse. I looked all over the FL help and didn't see anything except for pattern to automation, not the other way around. please help THANKS!!!!
  4. ya exactly. Saying rules is easier than saying stylistic patterns. There are lots of broadly used words that vary in meaning depending on the context - language has evolved and continues to evolve. When people say rules in the context of music, they mean stylistic patterns.
  5. jesus can your computer run that in real time!?!?! My asio buffer is maxed out and the load is 95% and it's glitching like mad. What are your comp specs?
  6. it's intuitive yet wrong to think that learning the rules limits creativity.
  7. http://www.toontrack.com/ezplayer_free.asp If you are looking for some good rhythms. It's free. edit: I use it and it's great. For some reason I can't get the enable multiple outputs to work in FL studio which makes it impossible to process the drums "on the go". I have to process them as waves in edison then load them back into the sampler.
  8. Why is it priced so much? What does it do that is so great?
  9. It's supposed to be funny because garry kasparov is the highest rated player in the world.
  10. Submerged 7ths are hard to play. Usually end up ruining the instrument with all the water damage and what not.
  11. updated $10 kasparov quits and starts his own ocremix chess league.
  12. Yes chords are hard because the flavor of the chord masks the flavor of the notes. Here's a drill I do - play two notes (randomly black/white/close/wide) on the piano and then unlock them from bottom to top. This relaxes your ear and helps you hear multiple lines at once. once you can do that, do three notes, then four, then five. I have yet to make it past five, but the guy I got the drill from does this mad crazy drill. He has someone else pick 7 sequential chromatic notes and then play 6 of those 7. He tries to tell you which note you aren't playing. His ears are on steroids hehe.
  13. renoise and its vertical timeline,,, pfff lol just kidding it's a good daw
  14. well we don't really edit mp3's until the final step. We create them. Editing encompasses taking an already made waveform and doing something to it like making it louder, making it echo, mastering it, ect. To start off, we have to make the waveform before we can edit it. There are programs called sequencers that you can use to enter musical commands such as how loud the note is, when the note is played, how long it lasts, and much more. google the following and download/research A free sequencer is called cockos reaper. A free synth is called synth1 a free demo sequencer is called FL Studio another free demo sequencer is called Propellerheads Reason another free demo sequencer is called Cakewalk Sonar go to the guides and tutorial section of these forums and look at "how do I remix for free"
  15. sytrus sounds a lot lot better than 3osc. 3osc has 3 osc which is good but it only has 1 filter controlling all three and one lfo controlling all three. It also has vol, filter, and pitch envelopes. That's it
  16. Well i tried making a track without sytrus. Haha it sounded horrible. Seriously allow sytrus. It comes with the demo. Edit: here's my piece of crap. Made it in about 30 minutes because I ripped straight from the midi. It physically hurts to listen to it. Absolute crap. 3x osc can **** off. http://h1.ripway.com/max97230/76748-untitled.mp3
  17. No Sytrus, DX10, Wasp, Soundfont Player, etc. Is ect defined as toxic and 3x osc or what? ect defined as external plugins like synth1 too???? thanks ok I see no external plugins but what about morphine, toxic, 3x osc, beep map gen (lol), fruity vibrator (what the hell does this do anyways?), and all the other stuff?
  18. i use open aim built into the gmail applet
  19. I recommend the David Lucas Burge ear training package. I am still struggling through the perfect pitch course, but I am almost done with the relative pitch course and I can say it has helped a lot with hearing the theory. I don't know if the perfect pitch course actually works because there are so many rumors that it doesn't, but I definitely have noticed there are subtle differences between the 12 notes so I am guessing that is possible to learn perfect pitch, but it takes a lot of dedication and practice.
  20. I remember playing this a while ago. Decided I'd start it again. http://www.deathball.net/notpron up to level six and I am stuck rofl. I remember getting so far the last time I did this though. Just wondering if anyone else was working on the puzzle. ed: yay beat it YEA BABY LEVEL 8 WOOOOOOOOOO
  21. is this still open as a contest? I only have fl demo. Is reaper allowed? edit <---
  22. king's gambit ignored lol
  23. well what genre is it so I can listen to similiar music? Recommend me similiar artists?
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