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Wina A. Kamlongera

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Everything posted by Wina A. Kamlongera

  1. Man, clearly It's been too long since I was last here lurking. How'd things get so personal? I'd like to reiterate that I'm cool with my mixes being monetized for the site. Thanks for the patience and responses, djp. Thanks for bringing it up on Facebook, Brandon. Although I do wish you had kept the even tone you presented the matter with on Facebook. We're all coming at this for the love of the craft so I guess tempers/emotions are bound to flare.
  2. This was kind of a depressing read (the fighting/bickering). As to the topic itself - I think @Chimpazilla's suggestions make the most sense to me. I do see where @Neblix is coming from (and can see myself agreeing on most points he makes), but at the same time, my thoughts still all end up to: if a mix of mine can help the site in any little way, I'm for it. (Maybe part of the negativity stems from a few bruised egos regarding seeing actual money being made from their music (that is not going their way).) The transparency aspect is one thing I have latched on mentally, but it's mostly because I found out about all this from @Brandon Strader's Facebook post (after, from what I have gleaned here - it running for two months?). I'm not sure how I feel about it or if I can put the thoughts together coherently. But, I do appreciate @djpretzel taking the time to make his posts (and for the other points made by everyone). Maybe the nagging sensation on my end comes from how the policy language was wide enough to draw out things people never quite expected to happen?
  3. Just added myself. Oh wow...
  4. Tekken mix! Man, I love this arrangement! I quite liked the dubstep parts, felt like a nice contrast to the section that came before it. It's pretty cool how you've used the various sources (especially when you bring in 'Night Falls'). Perhaps it's because of how you've structured your piece but like it was mentioned in the write-up: it's very easy to follow and more enjoyable for it. This is definitely going onto the playlist I do my writing to! Again, great arrangement, man!
  5. I love the imagery evoked by this track, and I have a feeling it could work in a number of varied contexts. In a way, I'm slightly torn: I really like how there's no percussion in the arrangement, but a part of me wonders (and wishes) there had been some light percussion to go with the switch up. But, that lack of percussion might be what makes the track for me, the guitars do a great bit of work driving the track forward while still keeping it laid-back. I think like a few others, I do get the feeling that this was feeling short but that might be because it almost feels like two songs tied together by one source (and an ending) to me. Sort of the same way a track plays along a scene in a movie and transitions with newly found resolve/motivation in the characters. Man, the harmonized arpeggio at the end is dope. This arrangement is dope. What's missing is the monochrome shot of a wasteland rolling while a gruff voice narrates how the men who worked there had it tough but did it because they had pride in their work. All in all, this is another great acoustic track, and despite my lack of familiarity with the source, a wonderful listen.
  6. Thanks, much appreciated! I just hope this draft I have is as decent.
  7. Hey! Can I make a claim on that intro track ("The Street of Rage")? 3 Weeks from today, right?
  8. Oh...my...this is awesome! Really love this track and how everything clicks. With a track like this, yeah, it's definitely a great time for Hip-Hop on the site!
  9. Oh man, I love this! Props, man, this is amazing!! (Now, this will sound so damn ignorant...but is it so wrong that I was thinking of Toy Story 2 when listening to this? )
  10. I wanted to echo this. Also, as mentioned before, "newcomer" and "compos" floods would be really good ideas to go with.
  11. I just want to say that this is an awesome arrangement.
  12. Damn, had completely slipped my mind. Done with exams and a couple papers so I can throw my attention this way again. (So, yeah, still interested).
  13. Is there a general feel you're aiming for? Cos I'd really love to play around with this new idea I have for 'Lava Reef', if it's still available and you would be willing to have me .
  14. Oh, thank you!! (For the birthday wish and the honour of being the first to leave a message on your page)

  15. Dude, this is awesome (Pretty dope title too)! The way the track begins is so beautiful, and don't get me started on when the beat kicks in, lovely - reminds me a little of 'Until the End of Time' (Tupac). Man, I need to step my game up, wish I could arrange like this! RnB and Western, huh. Sounds awesome the way it's done here, nice work! Gonna have this on repeat for a long time, will give the game a look too!
  16. I was under the impression that the ReMixer spread is global. I mean, yes, skewed to an American majority, but we also have South American and European representatives here, right?
  17. Damn, that was amazing! The drum n' bass/dubstep combination works really really well! Nice work!!
  18. ...I can't find words to describe what's going through my head! Thank you all for the lovely feedback! Man, I'll probably just end up gushing and ranting on and on, so I'll just say, thank you!
  19. This...this is my favourite arrangement, hands down. The level of epic emotions contained within the 5 minutes of this piece create a sense of majesty that I believe is very hard to ignore. If memory serves, this was the first OCR track I had ever listened to, through a flash movie, and had to track it down. From the moment the piece begins, you feel as though you're preparing yourself for some monumental task or event. The build-up is a nice mix of tension and subtle releases, flowing into the 1 minute mark where the piece becomes MGS-centred (which I consider to be the meat of the arrangement). At that point, it does feel as though we're given another build-up. In some ways, the arrangement could have started at 1:03 mark really and no one would be the wiser; making the first minute seem in some ways like a paste on job. The instrument choices help cement the impression of power and awe within this, and create the Devil May Cry link that I could not quite pick out. In some ways, you can tell the age of the track due to the production values, but don't get me wrong, they are still pretty damn impressive. On that matter, I did find it hard to pick out the DMC elements, but I believe that's one of the draws of this piece. The two sources are combined so well that it's as though they had alawys belonged together. Kudos! I took me a long time to force my best friend to listen to this, but once he did, his impression was the same as mine -- who knew someone could take such a well loved theme and turn it into something like this? Whenever I want a dose of inspiration in my day-to-day activities or drift off and daydream about grandeur, this is the track I put on. One day, I hope to be able to do something like this, thank you!
  20. Outside of the VotL tracks, I believe this was the first Zircon mix I listened to. And needless to say, I was blown away! I always get friends to listen to this as it's something that always manages to get people's head bopping! I can definitely hear the Pendulum influence in this, and was drawn to find more of their music (and yours) through this track! Your production and arrangement levels are something to aspire to! The transitions feel natural and maintain the interest level throughout the piece. I love the pattern you have going when the drums kicks in and the flow into (what I feel are, quirky) surf riffs you have going is golden! Sixto's guitar work is...just as was said, brutal! They never take the attention away from what's happening around them, yet they are just as awesome! Great work!! Thinking about it now, this arrangement does feel like a cohesive whole on one level, and as though I'm gifted with 2/3 pieces all in the space of one. Anyway, too much ranting from me, this was a great introduction into your non-VotL tracks!
  21. I love how this piece flirts with the melodies from the source. It weaves in and out from the notes in the source and into your territory so beautifully. I feel teased whilst listening to this, you create a nice level of tension by sewing in the source and then not quite giving it to us. And it gets to an eventual point (3:07) where when you flow fully into the melody that I associate the Hidden Palace Zone with, it's a great catharsis! Job well done!! At first, I was thinking I would have expected the higher notes panned more to the right, but realised that the way things are set up, it's as though I'm standing opposite you playing the piano. Well, what am trying to say is, the set-up makes it seem like I am before a personal performance (when I have my eyes closed), adding something more powerful to the arrangement. This definitely holds a place on my playlist that I use to relax! Great listen!
  22. The unassuming way that this track starts off in is pretty cool. I'm not familiar with the source itself, but, the way this arrangement stands right now, it transcends a whole lot of levels. It could work as background music for one, as a medium to tell a story in another, and something to reflect on. And it works in all those senses very well. The rapping style takes a little getting used to, but once I locked in on the flow, I realised just how well crafted the verses are. "I'm a bad boy like Diddy", haha, that wasn't a line I expected and it was pretty neat! I would have liked the rapping brought out a little more to make it easier to listen to but it ain't a major complaint. The chorus is my favourite part of the song, and props to Hale-Bopp for the singing. His voice hooks you in from the moment you hear him. Besides the Rap-Rock elements that brings Linkin Park to mind, I truly believe the singing here is what really sells me the LP feel. Maybe I was predisposed to liking this track the moment I read it's in the vein of LP, but kudos to Geoffrey Taucer for an awesome arrangement! The percussive intro is very cool (and I'd like to try something similar one day) and transitions well into the main body of the song. There's small things within each verse to keep you interested as the track progresses, which is really cool! I do wish the track was a touch louder for it feels as though there's a great deal of energy being held back that could have been released. Like I said, I'm not too familiar with the source so I can't comment on many of the arrangement aspects, but because of this track, I'm gonna check out the rest of the DKC 2 album and the source material!! I guess the best way to end this review is by saying, I love this bloody song! Great work!!
  23. I really like the mellow feel to this - gets me to just drift off mentally and enjoy the piece on a whole other level. I'm not sure if it's due to the source or arrangement (most likely both) but I found myself humming little phrases from the melody and bassline as I was walking from class to class yesterday. Also, I just find the structure of the song helps with the flow of pictures in my head - in short, this would have a really touching music video if there was one. I found this after looking for Hip-Hop on the site and to find one of this quality is pretty damn cool and satisfying. The break/switch-up at about 2:38 came a touch too suddenly for me but once I got over that, it sounds beautiful and keeps things fresh. The lyrical content is inspirational, I find that whether it's relational or not is secondary to being able to provide the listener with a window into the rapper's world, which was done really well. Without rambling on for too long, this had me thinking about quite a lot of things - some superficial, others personal. Thanks. The ending with the distorted vocal clips just gets me every time I listen to this, just adds a nice aesthetic to it that I like.
  24. It was a great movie. I just read through the thread and the racism/Nigerian thugs comment caught my eye. I thought the fact that it was Nigerians who turned out to be the thugs was quite funny. It's probably something people would pick up on if you lived in an African country, but it's a prevalent stereotype here to associate Nigerians with crime (regardless of where I've been - South Africa, Malawi, Kenya, Ethiopia or Zimbabwe). So I feel it was more poking fun at the whole judgement fellow Africans hold of Nigeria (especially since the "Nigerians" in the movie weren't talking in any language from Nigeria but in Chichewa, go ask Madonna, lol).
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