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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. GarageBand can let you do pretty nice things. I used to work with GB, now using Logic Express 8. By the way, LE8 feels very much like GarageBand. The GB Jam Packs have got some nice samples, Pixietricks used several loops from World Music on her original album. I use the software instruments, and I like them. It's not EWQLSO, but it's not bad. For that price, they're awesome. Even so, using GB is by no means an auto-disqualify. If you've been through the apple loops, you might recognize the drums in this remix.
  2. Well that's a bit of a stretch, ain't it? I haven't looked into it myself because my interest in video game music is more recent than any Blizzard game I've spent time playing or listening to, so I can't say if it's remix-friendly material. Remixers have lives and preferences of their own, and they prefer remixing their own favourites. Sometimes, a ReQuest posted here can sparkle interest for a track they're not that familiar with, or didn't think of. Demanding a track to be remixed is more likely gonna get you rants in reply rather than a remix, so watch your tone. So kids, play nice. This isn't a free "get your favourite tracks remixed"-service, you're bound to get more results by finding a _few_ great tracks that appeal to remixers and posting them here than by demanding music from a particular game. There's a post about this forum, it's worth reading.
  3. For most parts - synths, NOT samples. Cutoff sweeps aren't the same as muffling EQ. It's when it goes from clear EQ to crappy EQ and then back again. Dunno what you've heard that made you consider the whole track more muffled, aside from the general levels fix (not EQ) to make it less shrill and have more punch. The whistle is now accompanied by other instruments. As for the whole thing being a bit protrific, yeah I know, that's what I kept hearing on #ocrwip. New WIP! (v3b2)
  4. Can't find the file. Mediafire.com, Sendspace.com, and Tindeck.com are good hosts, in case yours removes the files after some time, or if there's no activity. Remixes are resubmitted all the time, unfortunately, not as often as the judges would like. Don't worry about that, as long as you're not submitting anything for three weeks since your last submission. Fix it up with whatever help you're getting here, and then - submit again.
  5. Bass drum doesn't sound good on its own, either let it slowly come in via a cutoff sweep, let it be accompanied by a bass or the hihats, or just don't have it enter so early. You used a cutoff sweep later on, using it on the drums in the intro might be good. Try it. I'm hearing some more bass, so nice job on the EQ. I'm sure it can get better, butat least it's better than the last version. I'm looking for a key change, a change in chord structure, something that'll mix it up more. It gets kind'a repetitive, even tho you're having instruments enter and exit all the time. Play around with the source, see if you can play it over different chords. I'll repeat: "It's not submittable yet, but it sounds interesting enough to be at some point in the near future. Good work!"
  6. Nah man, your works are good, they're just not finished. Instead of submitting updated versions of the old ones, grab a new track that nobody's remixed before, and remix that. The devil's in the details, they say (I think), so work on the details 'til you get him out of there.
  7. Theme is the first thing heard, that's a good intro. Cutoff sweep is too slow. Drums sound better on decent headphones, but I'd still drop thehihat levels a bit. When the noisy synth comes in, it feels like a different song, so you need to blend them together better. For that matter, the synth in question is pretty silly when it's on its own, you might want to tweak it or just not make such a big soundscape change when it starts playing. Overall, it's promising, but not quite there yet. Consider using another theme for melody, it gets a little lonely for the source to have its moment alone and then be overshadowed by other parts. You could also adapt it to work as a lead somewhere. Cool sound, it'll be interesting to see how this turns out.
  8. There's a lot of noise in the first piano section, like you've run iZotope Vinyl on it. The effect is useful, but doesn't really work in this. I've got nothing else to add atm, but I'm looking forward to later WiPs.
  9. I don't think this is enough for a re-approval. It's really not much more than a sound upgrade, when it could be so much more. It's slower, and it has a few extra sections, but it's very repetitive and the main sections don't have much to add to source. Sorry man, I don't think it's a yes. Mostly, it's too empty and repetitive. Since 2002 the standards have risen more than this song has improved. Good luck tho!
  10. Well, this isn't gonna be useful, just encouraging. I don't have any production issues to rant about, and as for repetition, the lyrics will likely take care of all that. You've hit spot on my idea of disco. Source is used enough, and while a similar genre, there's enough new stuff (not to mention the lyrics soon to come) that go beyond. Rock on! I mean, disco forever! Or whatever's appropriate. I might spot something in how the lyrics mesh with the rest, but for now, I've got nothing to say. Great job on production, hilarious choice of genre, arrangement is great.
  11. Single-earphone quick feedback - I'll give you more when I'm at home and have my headphones. I'll also compare it to your previous version, and to source then. It's minimalistic, but melodic and groovy enough to just need some backing instruments, rhythmic ones, whatever the equivalent of a rhythm guitar is in this soundscape. An evolving pad or one with a set rhythm, maybe a strong tremolo might work. It's also kind'a repetitive, so you should make it different towards the end. Vary it more, either the melody, the rhythm, or the soundscape.
  12. Really cool blend of solo piano and amped guitar, beat-driven badassness. It's a bit repetitive, and the piano could very well be replaced by something more aggressive (during the driven section), as thestyles don't mesh well when playing simultaneously. It's a bit early to give feedback on arrangement and direction on the whole, but production sounds good on a single earphone, so it should sound at least half-decent on headphones or studio monitors.
  13. This is what I can hear from using _one_ earphone. While some of it might not apply, it might be useful feedback anyway. Fix what you agree with. The cutoff sweep in the intro might be a bit too long. Drums should fade in rather than enter by being less and less cutoff, their appearance is now a bit too sudden for the fade-in-flavored intro. Hihats are too loud. Each section is a bit too repetitive on its own, even for a genre like this. It makes the whole remix feel much longer and less interesting. It is, however, a really cool style. With the right tweaks and enough material, this would be OCR material. I'll listen to source later, and comment on that then.
  14. Cool! I've got an old WiP of this same track somewhere around here, currently waiting for me to start cutting it shorter. It's been requested a few times on the ReQuests board. Anyway, this could turn out really good. The production isn't pro atm, but close. I know you know what you're doing. You can take a few more liberties with melody and key to give it more flow. For example, the key at 00:47 comes too sudden imo. The problem with this source track is that it's not very melodic, so there's no clear distinction between accompaniment and melody, there's no actual lead instrument. Still, there's is the slow melody you've used, sped up, and it's probably what's the most prominent int he source. Overall, this sounds very promising, if you're able to scavenge enough source from it to make it at least 3 minutes long. 55 seconds is obviously too short for OCR. Don't make it too long tho, it's a track that's kind'a heavy to listen to.
  15. Too lazy to look up source, but it sounds like Chrono Trigger, with obvious guitar awesomeness added. A little heavy on the mid highs, but I can hear past that. This is pretty cool. A bit work with the EQ to shove cymbals and guitars apart would be great. More stereo separation (or fixed when it doesnt quite work) for the guitars would be good. Great start! Finishing it and separating stuff with the EQ, cleaning up the mix, and fixing compression - and it'll be awesome. Seriously.
  16. It's a nice piece, but alltogether a little too simple. Synths are simple. Sequencing is simplistic. Arrangement is based around repetition. Mixing sounds raw. It could use some more complex synths (in most synths, you can control attributes via envelope or lfo without changing the sound compeltely). They work as they are, but they'd be better with more life. Working on meshing another rhythm with the one you've already got might get you somewhere. You're basically just playing everything on the same rhythm throughout. And while it's a good rhnythm, it gets repetitive. At least change the instrument somewhere. For most part, you should abandon the strategy of "add instrument, repeat", and focus on building transitions instead. While I can tolerate this kind of arrangement in electronica (which this is), I prefer more creative arrangments. Use breaks, use other means of moving the song forward. Often, you've got several instruments fighting ove the same frequency area. It's best to avoid this, or at least EQ them to different ends of the area they have in common. You also need more bass. It's not submittable yet, but it sounds interesting enough to be at some point in the near future. Good work!
  17. Boz, Rod, Audity, thanks. Hobo has gotten his share of thanks over msn. Your feedback has helped me with some of the mixing, tho with additional isntruments, the sound has changed a bit too much for the feedback to apply anymore. Changes in order of appearance: -Added a room reverb, fixed EQ, multiband compression, loads of master fixes -I've added a whistly pad thingy -I've tweaked the bell synth and made it play longer. -I've done some cutoff sweeps with the master EQ -Snare is more prominent, basslead is a synth, background "guitar" is more in the bg -Changed the time sig of a section -Added a synth playing the basslead melody a few octaves up, and some new material -Added an interlude -Added another lead isntrument Changes I know I'll have to make: -Ending -Some transitions -Making the whistly pad thingy less modulated and hard on the ears -Tweaking stuff So, without further ramblings, I give you: The NEW WIP
  18. You've got a really annoying noise pad thing at 0:3X and lasts about 20 seconds. When it's rhythmic after the 1:00 break, it's better. Drums sound great, tho the snare could use a little nudge more volume. The snare roll could start at a lower volume, and have a sharper peak before waning at 2:30. When it comes back, it's good, tho it's lost it's effect a bit. Piano (higher notes) and trance rhythm thing needs some more volume, they're drowning. Wait, is the piano EQ'd to lose their highest frequencies? Cool, but the high mids need to be louder then. Overall, this is ass-kicking stuff, seriously. It's awesome! A bit too much snare roll, and some tweaks lefgt to do, but I'd YES this after some minor fixes. Dunno if that means the J™'s will, but at least it means it's good.
  19. I'm kind'a caught between impressions here. From the first notes 'til the 0:41 amp-up, it has both a very newb sound and a more pro sound. Dunno how that's possible, but I guess some of the synths must be a bit newby, whereas some arrangement things must be more pro. Once it breaks into the main body of the remix, I've got no complaints. I find the hihat a bit annoying sometimes (like the sections ending at 2:25). The ending is cool, tho I'd like to hear more piano action earlier. It's 3 mins long, and 2:05 is main body. 35 seconds ending with a repetitive piano, 40 seconds newb-pro-hybrid sound. Killing the newbness and making the piano part a bit more elaborate (most pianists have two hands) would do wonders for this track. Someone with more experience mixing electric guitar and other recorded instruments could probably help you out with mixing advice, I thought it could use some more processing. But whatever, this rocks! What else can I say? notes: pro here means good. not everything professional is pro. newb here means new beginner. newb is not n00b.
  20. Shinny, shinny, shinny... Nobody commented on this for days? Strings are a bit too pad-like. More reverb might work. Pizzicato sounds nice. I like the clean sound this has, tho around 1:40, you've got some mixing issues, the instruments are competing for exposure. Work on the mix there a bit, it's muddy. I'd drop the right-panned bell a few dB, it's bright enough to be heard anyway. Use a shorter fade-out, and end the file earlier. Anyway, it's got a nice progression, no doubt there's source enough in this, it might be too close (but I'll leave that to someone else to figure out). Instrument choices are cool, arrangement pretty. It's nice, and I think this is one of the prettiest wips I've heard in a while. Nice job!
  21. Okay, it sounds crappy out of laptop speakers. Clipping, bad mixing, stuff like that. Usually, stuff sounds decent (tho bass-less) on my laptop speakers, so. I told you before to use a limiter on the master channel, as well as drop the master volume a bit. Okay, now with headphones: You need more bass, lower bass. With more attack, the cutoff envelope bass (plays like this: __*___*_) is way too slow. The other bass (_*_*_*_*) needs more bass frequencies, drop it an octave. Try boosting some low frequencies in the EQ. Subtly. Not many dB. Lead sounds pretty neat, but it's drowning in the rest of the instruments, plus there's some noise. I'd use another cutoff filter and tweak the cutoff level to get richness without noise, tho if you don't know what that means, just raise volume for now, fix the rest later. There's a really sharp background pad that you could have loads of fun with - if you can automate cutoff. If not, just drop its cutoff level to make it less sharp. I already told you some of this over msn, but here it is for others to agree or disagree with. I'm looking forward to hearing a cleaner and fixed version. edit: Good visual aid, Knives.
  22. I've gotten loads of feedback from friends on msn messenger, and on #ocrwip, but most of the time, ppl seem to have a hard time understanding it. Either it's the constant time sig changes, or the minimalist style, or just confusion as to what I want it to sound like. The mixing was really raw, which was the most useful feedback I got. The bass/lead was a sample (hence the blatant looping on higher notes), I've replaced it with a synth. Several of the drums have also been replaced. I've EQ'd parts so they're a bit more separated. When I'm less sick and have re-arranged some of the sections, I'll post the next one. Same WiP.
  23. The piano sounds very sequenced, I don't know what you should do about that, but some reverb might help. Slower attack on the strings might also help kill the newby sound this wip has. This actually reminds me a bit of the Wingless' Super Metroid remixes, check those out. You might learn something of how to work with fast piano and get inspired to work on this. The feeling of wanting to scrap something can come at any time, so it's not an indicator of how much the remix sucks. But for now, work with quick fixes (adding effects, tweaking settings), and work on where you want the remix to go. It's a nice start, methinks, but you need to take a direction and start jheading that way. It's best to have an idea of the ending early on. This could be intetresting, promising, inspiring... Good luck!
  24. Welcome to OCR! Sorry, it's not. Arrangement is pretty nice, tho the drums probably need some more work. Samples and synths need an upgrade. You might also want to use some textures (pads and such) for some of the parts. As far as mixing is concerned, this sounds really raw and unprocessed. The leads are drowning in the other sounds, the bass needs more bass (and a more complex waveform), the drums need more weight (I also suggest using another snare drum), they're all kind'a fighting over the same frequencies and space. But it's not bad, certainly not for someone who's only used FL for a couple of weeks. Hang around here and see what you can learn from other people's works. Listen to similar tracks already on OCR, and keep working. OCR needs more lemmings.
  25. Okay, been sick with a fever the past few days, so I wasn't feeling like writing something long about my own remix. A little late, but here goes: It's a weird style. The mixing isn't far progressed. I haven't worked out the direction/progression yet, nor the ending - it's end-less! In-depth details are appreciated, but I think I'd prefer some general feedback now, mostly on arrangement and style, but anything goes.
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