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Everything posted by EvilHorde

  1. Count me in too. I´ve always really liked Industrial Strenght, all the way from the distant WIP. That and Demon Con Gusto are my favorite tracks on the album. Awesome stuff.
  2. Just listened to the whole thing yesterday. Larsec´s piece kicks ASS!! I´m also impressed on how the DooMMooD is present through the whole project. On other news : Check out the new supercool promotional DSOPsig I made! Y´ALL! And stuff! (I know it should contain the link to the site but my html skills are SO rusty!)
  3. Sweeeeeeeet. The CD´s look REALLY cool! And I didn´t even know that we call Disc1 "Phobos" and Disc2 "Deimos". That is SUCH A COOL IDEA. On other news; just listening to the project now for the first time and DAMN! I really gets me on DooMMooD. I wasn´t sure about some tracks on the WIP-stage when I heard them ages ago, but now that I hear the complete tracks I´m just digging them! WE.ARE.GOOD. YOU.ARE.BORG.
  4. Shit. I just had a great idea for a bio pic. Is it possible to change my picture in the Artists section? I can provide the new pic like tomorrow. If its a problem then don´t sweat it, but if its possible then... YAY! Anyone? MN, GT? Damn me for getting these great ideas TOO LATE.
  5. Quoted for great justice. I´m in.
  6. Haha. Great fun. The vocals really make this remix, it wouldn´t be quite so good without them, but now that they´re there.. YEE-HAW! Vocoders ROCK! Definitely not my style of music, but still this is just awesome. I´m in a good mood after hearing it. The vocoder is just fantastic and the lyrics are super. Awesome vibe. Many great new remixes on OCR in the past few weeks or so..
  7. Yeah, definitely liked it, even if it reminds me of Slipknot in some way.
  8. This is awesome. I really like the original tune and this compliments it very nicely. The overall ambience is great, and I love how the song develops and really lets go in the end. Superb.
  9. YAY! Can´t wait. AND: Nice work. I think it would be cooler though if we got to 1666 posts. We still have almost a day to go! So keep those posts coming. Hmm...
  10. Consider yourself signed up. By all means, give it a go. YAY! I´ll get to work ASAP.
  11. Are you serious that there is no one remixing the all-star stage? I definitely wanna give it a go if you qualify me to this grand and noble project.
  12. Gee, thanks!
  13. So great. The use of the original riffs is awesome. Its really cool to spot the originals from the midst of this metal mayhem. And the use of the synth bass with the original songs´ guitar riffs is really inventice and sounds awesome. A great tribute to great tracks. Me likey... It seems OC Remix is really going Doom-crazy these days. (wink wink, nudge nudge again..)
  14. Yes we do need you =) We need remixers.. We are fanatics and we wanna go berserk on SDB's ASS.. hmm or something Is it noticable that I'm bored and have absolutely nothing to do at my work ?? Yay. I´m not familiar with the soundtrack so I´ll check it out and see if I´m with Y'ALL.
  15. I don´t want to sound rude or anything, but in the name of love, PLEASE drop the flare (or star or explosion or whatever)!? On the back cover its ok because the text is on it, but in the cover it looks.. well.. silly. Otherwise, nice work.
  16. You know, to me Doom has always been about THE CHAINSAW and THE SHOTGUN and blasting the heck out of the ugly monsters instead of all this Mars-space-survival-horror-thingie. The sweet aroma of gunpowder and the calming noise of the idling chainsaw.. OH HELL YEAH. Interesting that most people seem to have this weird sci-fi image on their heads about Doom. Even the whole theme of this project is based on that. I´d rather see bloody chainsaws and shotgun barrels as the theme of the project instead of.. well.. planets. Not that I´m complaining or anything, this is gonna kick ass and I like the layout... It´s just interesting. It seems that the general DOOM-image today is based thoroughly on Doom 3. Doom 3 is cool as hell with its Alien-kinda sci-fi movie business, but what happened to the sweet DEMON-MAYHEM of the first ones? To me, Doom3 was a bit of a disappointment (not a huge though, I like that game) cause it was all about sneaking and SURVIVING. It´s just few monsters at a time, and you can´t BLAST them cause the shotgun is useless and the sound of it is a wimpy "click" instead of the colossal BLAM from Doom 1. SHIT. I want to wave my shotgun to hundreds of demons and blast them all back to hell. And I want my shotgun to go CLICK only when I´m outta ammo. THERE! We have some time until the project is released, and we have a fully functional thread here! I USED IT! I discussed about DOOM in reference to the project! YEE-HAW! Feel free to participate!
  17. What do you need? A remixer maybe? If so, I might be interested.
  18. I might know what it is but I WON´T TELL! YYAY!
  19. YEEEEEE-HAW brothers! It´s almost out! YAY! And hell yeah the sig-idea is great. Yippee. I thought I´d participate and make a suggestion for a sig but I guess I´m just too lazy... I´ll get back to y´all if I find the energy to produce something creative. Yeah right... BUT YAY!
  20. Guys, seriously, DAMN!!! I know I posted here before, praising this but SHIT, I´ve been listening to this all week and it just gets better and better! I really admire your skills dudes. You sure play damn well and the sounds and mixing are awesome. The drums are supertight, and make me particularly jealous. Definately one of my favorite remixes ever. This is so catchy. Oh yes. Now I´m gonna give it yet another go... YAY!
  21. Those look quite good Firecracker. My only complaint is the "Dark side of the Phobos" text. The font makes the picture look kinda "cute", and you might want to check the typography. It looks like the letters in "THE" are really crammed next to each other, when again in "DARKSIDE" or "DARK SIDE" (can´t tell which is it) it almost looks as it says D ARKSIDE because the D is so far away.. Just little nitpicking but something worth taking a look at. Its a great picture.
  22. I REALLY dig this! Good ol´ HERO-heavy metal.. Ahh.. awesome. The guitars rock soundwise and ANYWISE. And so do the drums... I just love this.. I´m always after retrovibes and they are very well present in this piece. You can hear the Nintendo stuff in there but also the 80´s heavy metal stuff.. This is a definite classic in my books. Great melodies and THE DRIVE is devastating and the low frequencies rule. When I pump this up, my table quakes. THATS THE WAY BOYS! The only bitching I have is about the intro. I don´t like it. But I don´t care. The song is great and the intro is kinda separate from the rest, so YAY! Thanks dudes.. this is awesome. I like this almost as much as I like Snappleman´s sig.
  23. Whoa. The 666-thing was so cool AND IMPORTANT, too bad it didn´t work out. And too bad that we had some negative vibes in here at the very end. But I´m glad they got sorted out. Everyone´s doing their part and YAY - we get an awesome Doom Remix Project. Hooray! Well, anyway, are we next in line after Kirby? Can´t wait to finally get this project out. We can´t go wrong, everyone seems to really believe in this.. YAY! And hey, we were playing Doom3 coop the other day with few of my friends and we had such a good time with the cute monsterguys. So I thought I´d take a picture. I think it would make a great cover for the CD : I think it really displays the cute essence of our project in a great way. GEE - we had such fun!
  24. This is what the new Prodigy should´ve sounded like! DAMN this is TIGHT! A definite classic.
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