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Everything posted by EvilHorde

  1. Yeay. It seems like this project is not dead after all... We got action. Yee-haw.
  2. Holy shit! That´s awesome!
  3. Thanks! I gotta get back to you on the title cause I´m all out of ideas.
  4. WHAM BLAM. I updated my mix. Pumped up the volume and compressed the heck out of it. The overall sound is really something else now, really gave the song some energy there... AND I took off the boring ambient sounds from the intro, so it starts from silence now... http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=44682 Well, thats propably it. Too bad if its too much a cover song rather than a remix.
  5. Well... If it meets the standards of this project then its ok for me. Too bad there hasn´t been much feedback on the updated version, so I really don´t know what to think about it. I´m a bit concerned with the overall volume of the song. Is it too silent? Besides that I´m pleased with it and I´m ready to declare it as the final song... But I´m begging for feedback.
  6. Yo. I´m signing in. My mix is still @ http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=44682 Check it out.
  7. Kicking. The arrangement is just delicious. I´m really lovin´ the strings here. And the orchestral stuff is EXCELLENT in general. This is a great great mix. This is a very common theme and I´ve heard a million versions of it, but the orchestral deliciousness makes this truly a unique piece. And I just keep praising the orchestrals, while the electronix stuff is CRISPY as hell also. Excellent. And excellent variation with the main melody on the orchestral instruments.. GGREAT! Its like the melody is suited to work better with orchestral instruments. And hell IT WORKS better. My only grudge really are the main leadsynths.. (and its just a small, very very small grudge) Nothing wrong with them but they´re maybe just too... BASIC. Although there is some great variation in them, and they sound very good. For some reason still they don´t do the trick for me. But it doesn´t matter cause the emphasis is not on them anyway.. All I can say really is.. VERY VERY VERY GOOD STUFF! 4/5
  8. This is a good piece. At first I didn´t think much of it, but now I listened to it again and it works. I like it, but somehow I think that this remix has more to offer. There´s something missing, this needs more EDGE. I don´t know what I mean, but I feel like this just doesn´t build up to its potential. But then again this is a moody song and works fine the way it is, calm and simple and without any bigger tricks up its sleeves. Maybe this has just been heard too many times (Dr Wily theme AND the bombastic piano/strings/hiphopbeat-moody style). AND just to split hairs here, the piano needs more groove. Now it sounds like sequenced and maybe a bit lifeless. BUT thats not an issue really. But good work all in all. No one can deny that.
  9. Oh man! I love the game, I love the music, and I definetly love this remix! Intro is great, awesome build-up. And the legendary riff at 0:43 is SO AWESOME! You should´ve used it more in the song. But I´m not complaining cause this remix kicks so much ass. Excellent guitarwork, great sounds all around, and a great feeling. Very energetic. A great adrenaline rush. AWESOME! 5/5
  10. Excellent stuff! The chorus is just great. It really sticks on your head. A great song, and its nice to hear rap remixes here, which are quite rare. Everythings quite in order here, and its made well. Sounds like "real" RAP. If you´d be rappin "I´m a caucasian", everyone would think its great and funny. But now, when the word is "nigga" all of a sudden people get offended. Don´t get me wrong, of course I understand that but hey, isn´t getting offended by it getting a bit old? Okay, now I´m off topic, so its back to the review, or whats left of it: GOOD WORK!
  11. WOW! This is a perfect TITLE music. It would be a crime to make a megaman anime-movie and not put this as the title music.. The ambience is unbelieveable. A nice orginal tough to the energetic original. This is SUPERB. Beautiful. Definatly a top5 megaman remix. I would´ve never believed that a song that fast and pumped-up would work as a calm, ambient song, but this works just as good as the original, maybe better! The only bad thing about this remix is that you have to be on the right mood to listen to it.. But that´s just me. Oh man.. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. 5/5 no.. wait 6/5
  12. Ohh. this is COZY. I can´t get enough of this remix. So simple, so catchy.. this is excellent, and I´m addicted. Too bad I heard it now, and not in the year 2000 when it was posted. I would´ve been a lot happier these four years with a remix like this..
  13. I can easily picture this remix in the background of the next mario game. This is QUALITY work. An excellent tune. One thing bugs me a little though. The sounds are awesome, but in the back of my head there´s a voice saying these sound a bit "midish". I have a thing about soundfonts. I´d never use them myself, cause from what i´ve experienced they often sound like GM. Well, that´s just me maybe... BUT this is a kickass song and the sounds are great also. I love this. The sounds remind me of the sounds of the original mario bits, and maybe thats why this could be from an official mario game. And that of course is a good thing. Grreat... 5/5
  14. This is very good. I LIKE IT. The overall mood really serves the excellent melody well. With a melody like that, there´s always the risk to spoil it somehow. But this piece does justice to it. The sounds are great, and the calm mood is excellent. The "soundscenery" is very well built. Everything supports everything else. (That´s a nice way to put it ) The "C" part or transition or whatever starting at 1:43 is just B-E-A-T-I-F-U-L. Nice pizzicatos and everything. Great part. If a music video would be made for this song, the camera would go above the clouds in this part, or maybe through a beautiful valley.. Something ûber-romantic like that.. Gotta love it! Anyway, a great and an original version of a great, classic song. It´s gonna stay on my hard-drive. FOREVER... Muhahahahahahaaahhaahh.. (evil laughter) 4,5/5
  15. Incredible remix. Awesome ninja vibe. Unbelieveable tunes and sounds. This is SWEEEEET! A real C64 feeling with absolutely perfect arranging and melodies and everything. There´s not much to say about this remix because it´s so sweet! One of the best remixes on the site definetly. I spent last night just listening to this song over and over again.. and it keeps getting better! In the scale of one to ten this is eleven. So I´ll give it 5/5 NINJA!
  16. Well, this is very "loungy", so it suites the title quite well. I love the sounds. Very good. Ang good piano work also. Great job with the Castlevania 2 song in the beginning. The power the tune has is well transformed into piano version. Great choice, instead of going Digimatics way and making it super bombastic.(God I love that mix though. The best) Well anyway back to this mix. The idea of using many songs in one is excellent and serves the purpose perfectly. The bouncing from one song to another really brings to it more lounge-feeling, and the feeling that it´s performed and played for real. I can imagine a big-band playing. All in all a splendid remix. Very well made and everything is used well. You got some tight drumfills here and there! This songs power comes from somewhere else than throbbing bassdrums or hard squeeky synths. The power lies in the balance and good playing.(I don´t know, sounds kinda played, but is it sequenced? If it is, great sequencing!) No complaints. I like the fresh idea and the great wai it´s put together. And the sounds are good too. This is not maybe my every-day music that I tend to listen, but it will stay on my hard-drive, and I´m sure I´ll get back to it many times. This is the kinda song that needs a certain athmosphere and feeling... Thanks for a great remix! 5/5
  17. Ahh.. Just listened to this remix after a while. It sounds so damn good! It´s one of the best (if not THE best) remixes on this site. Too bad I have never heard the original or even played Castlevania2, but you can really picture what the original sounds like when listening to this. Cool breaks and fills and effects all around and an excellent, athmospheric lead line. Oh man. This is GOOD. I have to listen to it again... and again... and again... 5/5
  18. I´m VERY pleased that people seem to like this remix. I would´ve never believed that it would be this "popular". Thanks guys. Well, propably not, because I´m very satisfied with the song altough it has some flaws. And I guess DJP wouldn´t be too happy if I sent him the same song again. But you never know... It´s my favorite megaman song, and I just might get back to it later. Maybe I could send it to the message boards.. Don´t get your hopes up though..
  19. Hey thanks everyone for the feedback! It´s very nice to get it (even if its bad). The thing with the sound quality is that I sample almost everything. This particular song features lots and lots of samples from indian instruments. Even the chorus lead-sound, that seems to be titled as a "synth" here, is really an indian-sounding guitar, that´s sampled from a source that had quite a bad quality. Plus its looped like hell. Maybe someone who is better at mastering would´ve managed to make the sound quality better, but I´m still learning in that particular area. And I think that this kind of breakbeat (or whatever) music has a tendency to bad quality. Usually its ok ´cause the track is well mastered but in this case.. well... you be the judge. I myself am quite fond of Lo-Fi stuff.. And yes, maybe the track could use some more layers on the background but I´m still working on that area too.. Its quite dull to just add a string chord on the background and leave it that way... I NEED SAMPLES, SAMPLES, SAMPLES and SAMPLES! And yes, the vocal sample says : "Turn the flame higher.."
  20. I´ve never been good with orchestral elements. Russel seems to have that area covered pretty damn well. This remix has great sounds and athmosphere. Just beautiful. It sounds like a real orchestra and would go great with an athmospheric title screen from some movie. Just great. Too bad I haven´t heard the original.
  21. This is a great remix! It had a huge impact on me and now I listen to this all the time. Gux has really managed to keep the feeling from the original NES song. The sounds are perfect as is the arrangement too. And the way the instruments are used is just perfect. The accordion has an incredible flow to it and the guitars couldn´t sound any better. This is SO SWEEEET! The original is an incredible song, but this is 100000000000000000 times better. One of my favourite remixes ever. And I´m sure it´ll always be just that. I want more...
  22. Sigh.... This is just SO GOOOOOD! AE is incredible. This is... agh.. I give up. There are no words. For a long time I had the honour to be only one who had remixed the Quickman theme. Now I´m crying. If I had known that it could be remixed THIS well, I would´ve made a better remix... or maybe I would´ve given up. No, seriously. This is something extremely good. Just pick one instrument from any AE´s song, and concentrate on listening to it. AE just can´t leave the poor audio or synthtrack alone. He (or who knows maybe she... AE is mysterious) has to twiddle it, and won´t leave it in its silent loneliness. Usually this would mess up the whole song but when AE is at it, you simply get the greatest music ever made. And as a bonus, its extremely original... I´m going now.. going home to CRY! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?! Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggggggh.....
  23. Goddam this is a good remix! The sounds are unbelieveable! DiscoDan surely knows what he is doing. How did he manage to make such a long remix without being repetitive or boring? The sounds fit the parts of the song perfectly. The flutes and guitars (or at least they sound like flutes and guitars ) are used just the way they should be. DiscoDan, you´re the man! With the masterplan! And you know what? I´m a fan. Aargh. maybe I´ll stop rhyming just about know. First DiscoDan makes me yealous because his Heatman remix is way better than mine, and then he kicks ass with one of my favorite megaman tunes. I´ll stop writing now and go fetch some more DiscoDan remixes! Superb work indeed..
  24. Okey dokey! This is something very good! It has a great action-feeling to it, and though I cannot remember the original (the last time i played RCR was years ago) this version fits the game perfectly. If they ever make a movie of River City Ransom, this would be in the teaser.
  25. Just played KQF earlier today and it rocks! But this remix rocks more! The original song , though its excellent, lacks content, but you have really packed some action in this version. Where is that string sounds from? Its almost identical to the one used by The Prodigy (Liam Howlett) in "Music for the jilted generation" album. Its a fantastic string sound. But it sure isn´t the only fantastic thing in this song. Its excellent throughout. You managed to maintain the basic feeling of the game. A very good remix indeed.
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