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Everything posted by EvilHorde

  1. HELL YEAH. My favorite NES soundtrack ever. And this version is just so absolutely FREAKING fabulous! Definetly one of my favorites in OCR ever. For years I´ve been planning to remix tunes from this game, but now, like a shuriken to my eye, BrainCells makes all my material look so embarassing. Everything here is just top notch. The sounds are excellent, and the synths are truly heavenly. This really pays tribute to the original and sounds very much alike. And to me thats only a good thing. The guitar sounds and the synths are so freaking Nintendo (and I mean this in a good..., no, in THE BEST way). I couldn´t ask for more. BEAUUUTIFUL. This is just.. WHOAAAaaa... Its about time OCR got this game covered.. AMAZING.
  2. Oh man. NOW its open! 01 would´ve definetly been my choice if it hasn´t been taken already. If no one wants that track (duh, like that´ll happen) I´m more than happy to remix it. That is of course if you accept two remixes from the same remixer. The thing is, I´ve already started the Dave D. Taylor Blues remix and its progressing quite nicely so I think I´ll stick to that... But tell me what you think.
  3. Oh yay we have a thread. Been waiting for some info on this project. I see I have nothing to say, so I guess I´ll just check in. Hi. Can´t wait to see until we get this baby rolling. Merry Christmas everyone. See you Jan 1st.
  4. Hehehe! Nice touch! Don´t know if its new. The first time I saw it anyway..
  5. YAY! We. Good. So how´s everybody doing? Anything new?
  6. Doesn´t work. Just shows a search bar and says "Welcome to dodgeball.herograw blah blah blah" and has all the usual bullshit of the webspace provider.
  7. YAY! More hiphop in OCR. I´m not really a big rap consumer (because most of the rap you hear today.. well.. SUCKS! Ok ok, enough whining.) but the hiphopstuff at OCR seems to have a real sense to style. I like old school(ish) rap, not the moronic stuff you hear today. AND YAY once again we have a fresh groovy raptune in OCR, this time with a bit darker tone. I don´t like this as much as I like Myth´s "Smooth Delivery" but this is great stuff anyway. And definitely different. Kick it one time boiii!
  8. Yo. Sorry I haven´t been very informative lately on my progress. Its mainly because there hasn´t been any. I had real difficulties of getting the track started so I kinda gave up on it. Just recently I got back to it and got the sound I wanted, and I think things are gonna get rolling right about now. Hopefully. I´m definitely optimistic.
  9. AWW HELL YEAH! Myth kickin´ it old skool style. Y´ALL! Love it! The beats are fresh, the tunes are catchy and the rapping is OUT THERE. A great old skool-homage to a great old skool merchandise. I want to Powerglove smack my bitch up.
  10. RULES. Its incredible how well the original is used here. So much material from such a short and simple YET AWESOME 8-bit loop. I love the heavy metal guitar and the way it keeps the listener waiting. It kicks in in the middle of the song, not right away. Awesome. I also love how the guitar doesn't really increase the energy of the song, but really pumps up the badass meter to the MAX. GREAT GREAT stuff.
  11. I like this remix, its just awesome. But for some reason I think it has more to offer. Maybe its the mixing or the structure.. I don´t know. It needs a bit more energy for sure. The intro is so awesome and big. Then somewhere along the way the song seems to kinda lose its grip. The solo in the end helps the situation though. Maybe this just doesn´t grab the listener by the balls like this kind of songs should. I´m not a big fan of the organ either, but I really like the overall sounds and the vibe, this is definitely a great remix. The guitars sound awesome. And yes, the solo at the end DOES ROCK. Needs MEAT. STILL a great remix. Thank you.
  12. Sorry to disappoint Y´ALL but I just couldn´t get anything decent done. My school just started and its keeping me somewhat busy. I´ve started the project and I have the ideas but it might take a while until I get anything worth listening done. Sorry.
  13. Wow. A really fun and an interesting remix. The guitar is THE THING to me here. Its so awesome. I really enjoy this mix but I gotta say that the drums are quite awful. They sound lifeless and not at all like real drums. And they could´ve used some more groove. Now they´re just "The attack of the monotonic hi-hat metronome from outerspace". But they don´t bother me enough to ruin it all for me. I like this. It has a unique vibe to it and YES, the guitar, OH YES.
  14. I can´t believe I haven´t reviewed this yet. One of my all time favorites definitely. Downloaded this YEARS and YEARS ago and still like it. Dang. It rules. PIMP.
  15. Whatthehell. That sounds... well, SUPERGREEN! Just awesome. And hell yeah I´m saying YES.
  16. Yee-Haw! Guess who´s gonna have nothing done by the deadline! YEP! ME! Okay, seriously, I´ve started to mess around with the song but to be honest I´m not gonna have lots of stuff done by monday. Of course I´ll try to have something, and you never know. But the original kicks ass so I´m really excited to get it rollin´.
  17. I instantly fell in love with this piece when I first heard it as a WIP. This is just my kinda stuff. The ambience is the key here. The overall sound canvas is just so capturing. To me, this is a moviesong. And to me, that is a very good thing indeed. If we´d made a trailer for DSOP (as they did in Chrono Symphonic - such a cool idea) this would be the song in the beginning. (Then at its climax, when the action starts, it would off course burst into violent dose of Hangarmageddon. ) Anyways I really love this. It brings visual images in my mind and really takes the listener to its world. I would love to see a movie that has this playing on the background of its opening credits. Take me to the desert baby! I wanna get nasty!
  18. True. SO TRUE. Excellent job there Omega Man-dude. Thanks.
  19. Disagreed, I have no knowledge of notes or any of such yet I still make music, MIDI's are my saving grace until I learn all them notes and can start doing VG ReMixes by ear I´ve been into music for almost 10 years now. I don´t know anything about notes or music theory or stuff like that. I do everything by ear. Thats how its always been. Sheet music or tabulatures etc. just confuse me. I like to hear the music, not read it. Plus learning stuff without aid makes it all a bit more interesting.
  20. Oh man, a trailer for a project like this is such a great idea! Too bad we didn´t come up with it / rip it off in the DSOP-project. Would´ve been so cool. Well, anyway, best of luck to you with the project. If its anything similar to the material in the trailer this is gonna be a bomb.
  21. Hotdamn.. I noticed just now that we have exactly 999 replies in the DSOP-History thread. Grreat!
  22. Awesome! He went a bit too far mentioning Fruityloops though. But anyway : AWESOME! In other news : Thanks to everyone for the great feedback. I´m surprised how popular my remixes turned out to be. Really means a lot to me, THANKS! I love you *huggle* we should work on something to rock peoples socks off sometime. Anytime brother, ANYTIME...
  23. Using MIDIs is like giving up.
  24. Awesome! He went a bit too far mentioning Fruityloops though. But anyway : AWESOME! In other news : Thanks to everyone for the great feedback. I´m surprised how popular my remixes turned out to be. Really means a lot to me, THANKS!
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