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Everything posted by Moomba

  1. In the case of games like Oblivion, it's not so much as not letting you do obscure things that will only appeal to small numbers of gamers, but the fact that they removed things that didn't really need removing. Sure I can see some of the logic behind removing things such as levitation (flying is fun!) since they made the cities and towns separate zones to the rest of the world, but on the other hand, they took away some of the freedom the older Elder Scrolls gave you (not all of it, but some). I'm interested to see whether or not Skyrim will give the storyline freedom that Morrowind did. Additionally, with today's market and so many sandbox games, it's inevitable that some people will be disgruntled when a game doesn't let them do ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.
  2. I'm curious, is Archer auto-attack still melee? @.@ I actually kinda liked the original no-auto-attack model since it meant ranged jobs were able to regularly use ranged attacks rather than meleeing with the occasional shot. It also meant that melee jobs couldn't just afk half the time while mages have to keep a constant eye on everything in parties To me, it makes very little sense that they introduced Archer auto-attack as melee, especially given the fact that they made such a point out of effective ranges and the "sweet spot" for Archer. Now I assume all parties will expect them to be within melee range at all time for maximum DPS D: (unless they've fixed it and given Archer a ranged auto-attack)
  3. I can't really decide whether it's a good thing or not, but those undying NPCs made certain quests really easy - if you were in a bind, you could just run around and wait for them to revive and tear into stuff again. On the other hand, if they didn't revive and they were essential game-breaking-if-killed NPCs, protecting them would probably be a complete nightmare (I'm looking at you Kvatch)
  4. I'm not sure Notch has ever outright said where the inspiration for Endermen came from, but the name is definitely derived from Slenderman. I still find them kind of disappointing - once you kill your first, you realise they aren't actually particularly dangerous. Heck, I still find Skeleton archers far more threatening since they hit freaking hard!
  5. Odd though it might sound, I much preferred CoM in 2D to the 3D port. I always felt like there weren't enough buttons to do everything with the addition of the 3D camera. It totally killed the three card Cloud combo too D:!
  6. Adler's book on orchestration is a book on traditional orchestration. There's no mention of MIDI orchestration.
  7. BBS had a disappointing lack of Final Fantasy characters But I guess most of them would've been hard to include with the whole timegap and everything. No reason they couldn't have included other new FF characters in addition to Zack though!
  8. While this is very true, the WRPG originally derived from tabletop games like D&D which are heavily stat-based, so however you look at it, some people will look unfavourably on the decline of stats in games. As it happens, I'm happy to let genres evolve with the passage of time, but personally I never thought there was much wrong with the stat system in Morrowind unless you started hacking it and altering your stats to absurd levels. The point about godly spells or items breaking many RPGs is also very true, but it applies to a lot of modern non-RPG games too; take the tranq gun in MGS4 for example with its unlimited ammo and capacity to take down pretty much anything with ease (except Geckos @.@). Or the line-cutter in Dead Space. I think there's a Cracked article on this subject out there somewhere. But I agree - balance is a major point in gameplay, though stats are part of the freedom we were given in RPGs - the ability to shape our character how we want so I don't want to see them gone entirely. (Not that I'm suggesting this is what Skyrim has done, only that it could be the first step on the road in that direction)
  9. We had a lot of problems deciding what to do about worlds when 1.8 came around - our 1.7 world was already littered with masses of constructions but we really wanted the 1.8 features. In the end we decided on creating a new map for 1.8 and linking the old one with multiverse so we can still teleport back to our old stuff. It was either that or mcedit the majority of our 1.7 map into an ocean on the new map (that might actually work, some of those oceans are freaking big!) I hear Jeb is working to get older maps to generate 1.8 structures though.
  10. True, but I'm sure one day Nomura will decide to include non-Disney, non-original worlds.
  11. Nice stuff! I haven't heard enough great tenors recently. Voted! Hope you stay in the top 20!
  12. I think one of the major problems is that in trying to appeal to a wider audience, more and more of the elements that are most often considered RPG elements are taken out either to simplify the game or because they're deemed unnecessary. Take Skyrim for example and how most of the stat system from the earlier Elder Scrolls games has been discarded - rather than the newer "WRPG"s actually being RPGs, they're closer to other genres but with some minor RPG elements added into the mix. Perhaps it could be considered the genre evolving, but to me, an FPS with RPG elements is still an FPS with RPG elements, not an actual RPG. Another factor to consider is how many larger companies are trying to appeal more to casual gamers with their single player storylines, whereas multiplayer is thrown in on top to "appease" the hardcore gamers. Apparently us hardcore gamers just want to grind or something? (citation needed) As a result, we end up with shorter storylines and a stronger focus on flashy gameplay elements. Of course, that's not to say there aren't still gems being produced, but this is just part of my take on the whole thing.
  13. I love the new terrain generation, everywhere feels so much more expansive with the larger biomes. On my server, we found a great biome and are in the process of converting it into an enormous town, just because the biome itself was screaming for it :3
  14. I will laugh if Neku means a new Tokyo world. That would be both hilarious and awesome.
  15. Hey Guys! I haven't exactly been active during the last two years I've been a "member" here. Actually, I appear to only have one post before this one D: Anyway, it was great to meet many of you guys at GDC! I'll have to start remixing now to give myself an excuse to be more active and hang in the chat! Joe
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